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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Ah Okamiden, it was nice Okami got a followup game, but being a diminutive game on a much weaker system, it cannot truly match up at all with the real deal (and I disliked the use time travel in this one). Not to say it's bad, but Okami 2, if Takamagahara ever permit it come into being, will blow it out of the water. Maybe they could do two separate storylines for O2, a lighthearted heartwarming one with Chibi and friends to resolve the unresolved at 'miden's end, while Ammy and Waka handle the dark and the serious stuff. Oh, the music! Sorry, I just wanted to get that out of my system. Don't recall this too much, but this is from the magnetism dungeon right? Not bad, but nothing spectacular, it's relaxed and nothing grating, which is what you want for a dungeon, and the tune suit it being underground. 6/10 I was actually thinking of doing an Okami track eariler, I'll just go with a better known one. Shinshu Field from Okami
  2. I'll concede not really taking HM into account, playing it is a bit of a chore due to that stupid disabling of enemy range toggling, so I normally stick with Normal since enemy stats aren't that much lower. On NM, I guess Aran is about equal to Edward, with an Aran tilt outside of 4-Final. And on Hard, Edward is roughly equal to Aran, with a possible lean towards Edward on average. Leonardo has the problem of being a backline unit on a team that wants more frontline units. Well okay, you don't really need that many, you'll never need more than like 5 for Part 3 and Sothe, Zihark, and Volug already provide 3, and Tauroneo adds a fourth outside of 3-6. Perhaps it's more just a problem of Bows not really being particularly outstanding in RD since they lack 1-2 range outside of stagnant crossbows, and other physical units have solid 1-2 (not to mention few enemy fliers that are vulnerable to bows). As for the competition, while Rolf has Str, and Shinon has Def and ease of use, what does Leonardo have? Skl, Lck, Res- he couldn't have chosen a worse trio of stats to specialize in. Lughnasadh is very cool since +5 Spd and 16 might fixes his problematic Str and Spd, though Beastfoe + Bowgun would be better for 2/3s of DB P3. His Gaelic-God-in-a-bow does free him from the Double Bow competition if you opt to bring him to 4-Final, sure he won't be able counterattack with it, but it might outdo the Brave Bow vs. Auras and possibly the Red Dragons due to their high Defense (I need to run the numbers)?
  3. I fall into the "he's not bad really, but I'd rather just use Zihark" camp. If there is a non-Nolan/Jill/Micaiah unpromoted DB I'm going to train, it's Aran. Sure Edward will in the long term have a higher payoff in the Tower and dodgetanking in Part 4 overall perhaps, but I'd rather have Aran's concrete bulkiness over Edwards doubly-ness. It's not like I turn to the DB for Tower units all that often really, they just need to survive P1, their P3, and if I'm lucky, they'll help out in P4. So Aran's long-term losses aren't so meaningful for me. For the Tower, if I want a second SS sword user, I'm guaranteed one- you might recognize him as the thing the Vague Katti comes with. By that point BEXP should be plentiful, and you've got 4 fights to get him the 3 Spd he needs for Aura doubling, which won't be hard with a 60% Spd growth. As for Wrath sniping, being able to double frequently does work in Edward's favor for using it (as does the fact he naturally has it), but except Laura all DBers can run it. Edward really isn't bad, and you'll have to use him for the first few fights at least. I've used him on a few playthroughs where I wanted to deviate from my standard unit usages, but at the end of the day, on a "normal" run, I'd rather devote my time and EXP elsewhere. Yet if you like him, use him. Personal Experience Means Personal Preference/Opinion/Meaning/Enjoyment. Personality/Character-wise I rate them: Zihark>Stefan>Lucia>Edward>Mia.
  4. If she's a witch, then I guess she'd be Green so we can burn her alive? Not that her design is bad or anything. I'd rather Henry in the form of some Lovecraftian horror- he'd love to be an eldritch abomination. I think Gangrel in all his crassness wouldn't mind playing an incubus, or maybe Krampus. Having just trashed Geist yesterday in Bravely Second- to see somebody in his bloodied costume would be most delightful. Particularly if they didn't mind roleplaying his personality (he is like Valter, but a little more sadistic due to his powers to rewind time endlessly so his victims are forced to experience their pain and the sight of their mutilation over and over again).
  5. Not a terrible final battle theme, but at the same time I don't think it's great. Not having experienced said game (I would have bought it though had it gone international), it lacks the emotional drama and buildup which it would have if I had actually played it. 7.5/10, I'm being a tad merciful. Now I'm in the SRW mood, I'll pick a classic which you WILL listen to like it or not. Why? Because it overrides everything. Trombe!
  6. She's more useful here than in Fates My Castle Battles. Would you rather Xander smack his foes with a cold and freshly caught Nohrian Cod? As for the damage it inflicts- well let me just warn you Nohr doesn't have the strictest consumer protections on the books, and the plastics used in said floatie contain a number of chemicals capable of irritating one's skin and potentially causing various health problems in the long term. Hoshidan authorities believe that some of these chemicals are carcinogens and have hence banned the floaties entirely.
  7. Fluorspar isn't a last name- it's her title. Unlike the other Gemstone Generals of Grado, for some reason her name flows well into her title, without the need of "the" as in "Valter the Clefairy Moonstone". Not sure why exactly. Gaiden's remake might be it, but it could be they just wanted to add a unit from a game which has been rather underrepresented so far. But then the question becomes "why not Jugdral?- we need Banners and GHBs for both FE4 gens and FE5" or "why not RD?". I'm just happy they're filling in the gaps in the series and giving the older games attention, even as they cater to the giant 13-14 crowd via swimsuits and gauntlets. I don't think IS hates SS, but the playable cast is a little on the small side and it lacks anything of a sequel, so the world overall is quite small, though bigger than Gaiden/SoV at least. The game itself never got that much attention from the developers, the decision to make SS was rather sudden apparently. Even worse, it was being developed alongside Path of Radiance, which being on a console and needing all new assets and featuring much more gameplay innovation, took the lion's share of IS's resources. Resources that IS brought back and refined for PoR's intended-from-the-get-go sequel RD. SS was also released at the end of the GBA's lifespan, which didn't do well for the game's sales. I'll agree with @Book Bro that since Awakening, Gaiden has been fading from black to grey, and that it's more Jugdral, and Thracia 776 in particular, which is becoming the black sheep. Not to say Gaiden/SoV is totally "white" now, it has very unique mechanics still in terms of promotions and inventory management, but Thracia's own gameplay twists may be in total more unique now. SS is just a less radical Gaiden/SoV, and since Awakening it is hardly black at all.
  8. A little funky at the beginning, but you get to hear the obscure Wrecking Crew roots, then it gets a little poppy with the voice "ahs". But it then moves in a gentle tune that's uplifting and wouldn't make a bad battle theme or upbeat story event music. I'd expect music for a DDR to be good, seeing how that's so important to it, and it really is. 8.7/10 Now act quickly! Remember, once the music ends the bonuses wear off. Here comes the special attack! Love's Vagrant from Bravely Default
  9. Well if you want a wretched sack of lard, there is always Oliver. He just might show up one day, maybe with Drain, or Nosferatu, or Silence, who knows? I just wish we get Beauty Is A Mad Mistress to listen to in whatever battle he should feature.
  10. I flipped through all these pages, and no Ashnard? What gives? So without further ado- my high risk high reward Ashy: From Ashnard, onto Titania's evil twin sister and boastful Narcian-type who serves Ashy: Petrine On a related note: Ena And on an unrelated purely fantasy note- the Advance Wars Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict villain: Caulder!
  11. Sunscreen would make an excellent Staff. Or tanning lotion. Now the question is who would be applying it to everybody's bare backsides? And do not insult the easily bothered- the crowd can be noisy, the sun blazing, the sand, too sandy, the seawater, too wet and too salty. Only in the calm of the late hours of night and early of morning can some souls fathom a trip to the beach. When they may enjoy the scenery, the cool and the wind, with the nuisances which do bother them at a tolerable minimum.
  12. What? You don't keep water or a fire extinguisher on hand? And obviously you watch for wind carrying embers and try to make a fire away from anything too flammable. I know dryness/lack of humidity makes vegetation perfect tinder, but is the Outback that combustible? You're serving ice cream? I'll take a large cup of half Vanilla Peanut Butter Crunch and half Ooey Gooey Oreo. And if you have gelato, I'll have a medium cup of Stracciatella. For myself, seeing the sunrise while looking out upon the ocean is pretty nice to do once in a while in the summer. As is sitting outside on a cool morning in lounge chair and trying to meditate away my depressing worries about the world and my existential existence, and game-related thoughts as well, as I read a moving article from my favorite magazine.
  13. A team below 45 across the board? Not bad. The last time I ever played Blue version, I was touched by how small and simple the world felt compared to all Pokemon games that have come since. It's amazing how far the series has gone beyond its origins. Just to mention this, in case you've never seen it before, here's a little absurd "speedrun". It's amazing what you can do in older games. OoT wowed me- that is a series of coincidences aligned as though it were fate ordained by the stars above.
  14. Selena the Red has the following Japanese name: セレナ. Nintendo of Japan translated it as Serena- but the "r and l are one thing" in Japanese means you could call her Selena just the same. Selena the Blonde's official artwork has her name as Celina, but the Japanese characters used are different.
  15. Didn't think of it like that. But you're right, that's true. I stand corrected- one must be at some point on the red side of things, even if only temporarily, to qualify for a GHB. Think they'll ever throw Bolting/Meteor/Blizzard/Purge into things? I know that sounds kinda random, but thinking on Selena, the most notorious aspect of her C13 Eph battle is the map being this giant circle with Selena plopped in the middle able to Bolting away at your units with you ease, while you lack any easy way of getting in and dispatching her quickly. (A mini C13 Eph would obviously be her GHB map.) Obviously long range tomes would need some heavy handicaps to keep them from dominating. -1 Mov? -5 Spd? Low Mt? No Special procs? Then again, cripple them too much and they'd be useless. The only thing I'd say for sure is that they would be range 3, possibly without range 2, possibly incompatible with DC and CC.
  16. I like Vigarde's design and he's got threatening stats as a boss, but something about him rings a little... hollow? I can't see Riev being a GHB- evil old magician men have been sidestepped so far, no Gharnef, no Jedah, no Nergal. I guess the folks behind Heroes doesn't want to make the "G" in GHB stand for Geriatric- it wouldn't sell so well. Tigereye is good, and so are Obsidian and Fluorspar, but Sunflorastone is dull- his only real accomplishment is being a little skewed on one side (on the other he doesn't even appear). He gets a lot of meaningful screen-time with a lot of different characters, and has an unrepentantly psychotic/serial killer personality and appearance that is just plain creepy and loved for that reason. He also gets some backstory in a support between Duessel and Cormag, it's generally liked, but I have heard at least one person say it detracts from him.
  17. Forget animal sacrifices, offer the still-beating heart of your defeated enemies to the Banner Gods! Drown a young well-fed comrade in the deepest waters. And for the menfolk out there, find a sharp knife and offer blood flowing from thy fertile parts (but don't cut too deep). I'm an Innes fan too (solid bases, nice growths, decent personality), and L'Arachel and Cormag too I guess, most of the Magvel cast is nice. It has its highs and lows, but nothing too out of wack.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we've only had on average two GHBs per game so far, right? Blazing had Ursula&Lloyd, Binding Narcian&Zephiel, New Mystery Legion&Clarisse, SD had Michalis&Camus (plus Navarre for the weird exception). If the trend of two GHBs per game continues for the time being, Selena would consume our second SS GHB, and that, while certainly not a bad choice at, would possibly be a little redundant with Ursula. Lyon, Duessel, Caellach, and Orson would all be the other top contenders I think. Being an enemy at some point isn't totally mandatory to be a GHB (thanks Robin and possibly Chives), but the metaphorical GHB Focus has kept pulling enemies for some reason, so I'd wager the second SS GHB will be one too.
  19. Make sure to check the cord advance, don't want it to break as you're plummeting. Hopefully for everyone six stars if they become a thing turn out to be like SoV's Overclasses, makes things easier, but good strategy can circumvent the need for them.
  20. I don't think they purposefully nerfed anyone too much if at all in the SD/NM/SoV remakes, or bolstered anyone either. Sirius did get nerfed in NM, but this was less than intentional, more, it was the raising of stat caps beyond 20 and addition of harder difficulties where enemies have actually threatening stats which ended up making him worse than he originally was (yet he still ranks quite highly). The caps increase and alteration of mechanics from FE1&3 did a lot to hurt most prepromotes and other units (who were generally bad even in FE1&3), even if the hurt wasn't intentional. Thus, I doubt they'll directly nerf Seth, whether he'll be better or worse depends strictly on what IS does to everything else.
  21. Pent needs to be added. Not only is he awesomely scholarly and magical, but Heroes would then be able to cater to the DILF crowd with this mature, married man who boldly impregnates his wife as they're on a journey fighting assassins, morphs, and a giant dragon. All aboard with more fetish sating!
  22. This is always appropriate for a topic like this. It's nice that they guaranteed getting one male and one female to the end- equal representation for the sexes! I'm reminded of Rune Factory Frontier for some reason, there was a gameshow festival in that game, and the loli of that game appeared in her swimsuit the "break" in the middle of the contest- despite the fact it was the middle of winter when the festival takes place. Winner/loser (not Elise) goes into the water and loses their top/trunks at the end!
  23. The SS "Wyverns" come in two varieties- the fairly standard-looking dragon type with forelegs used by Riders and Lords. Then there is the Wyvern Knight style, which lacks forelegs completely and looks more serpentine and less bulky (like an actual wyvern). It appears Heroes added forelegs, but otherwise kept the more slender design for Valter's mount. https://serenesforest.net/the-sacred-stones/classes/introduction/
  24. I'm in agreement she isn't as bad as Marisa or Ewan. But she does have her flaws and for that I pity her. She is the last non-CC PC to join and has Seth like bases, which are bad this late into the game. Her growths are good and she turns out to be solid unit once leveled, no Tana for sure, but only slightly worse than Vanessa (less superfluous Skl and Spd, slightly less Lck and Def but slightly more Res). And this is fine for a prepromote, whose main selling point should be their bases. In addition, Syrene does have, unlike Juno in FE6, a viable Sword rank at a C though, which means she can take a lightweight Killing Edge to Axe units and that might be something the other two winged girls lack. Of course, they can just go and grab Axereavers, which will be less of a problem using if they go Wyvern Knight for a 2 Con lead over Syrene which enables them to use Iron Lances without AS loss. If we wanted to fix Syrene and make her a better but balanced unit, just raise her base level and base stats appropriately, as there isn't much time for her good growths to kick in as is. Maybe toss her a little more Res to make this aspect of her stand out even more vs. her competitors.
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