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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. It certainly looks photoshopped- I mean the purple ugliness has that white outline around it that makes it seem like it was crudely pasted into the scene. The red uglies in the background look so out of place for a Fire Emblem too. Visually, is this game going to be trainwreck? Does having a 3DS version have anything to do with it?
  2. Oh dear... In Dynasty Warriors, archers can be very, very dangerous depending on the game, because in some at least, they always sit away from you and just silently fire off volley after volley of arrows which don't cause you to flinch, but which do cause you rack up damage very quickly if you're not careful. If Horseslayers and Hammers are in, I'm going to be playing Infantry Emblem when possible for safety's sake. I wonder- do mounties move innately faster than footies? Also, there will most likely be a fourth brutal difficulty judging by Warriors standards, you'll just have to unlock it first.
  3. Sad. Though as an interesting tidbit, I heard in Russia the stray dogs have learned how to ride the subway. They know which ones will take them to tourist-heavy areas in the day so they can beg for food, and which ones will take them back to the outskirts of St. Petersburg and Moscow for sleeping at night.
  4. I may have used a meme from antiquity, but that doesn't mean others should either! Let's stop the Belhalla jokes, they're no longer funny because they've been whored out more than Lachesis (but not Silvia- as Silvia is a good girl who lets men see, but never gives). If we're going to make Jugdral jokes, let's try something even remotely new. I don't really have any good ideas... Ethlyn bringing Altena to "Take Your Daughter to Work Day"? Hulk Safy (she has a 30% Str growth but has no use for it- Leif is only 5% stronger, and Othin has the same growth)? Edain giving milk to every child who ended up in Issach? Shannan and Oifey running around like husbands trying to take care of the kiddies? Just something, anything, novel. ...Actually, OifeyxShannan doesn't sound like a half-bad ship. Larcei is overrated anyhow, and Pattycakes is sure to find love elsewhere.
  5. I was just toying with your word choice. Sheep = innocent, staff = innuendo, hurt = disease. I should retire for the next few hours, my post quality is degenerating faster than Duma and Anankos combined. My apologies for not exercising greater discretion.
  6. But is she ready to BARREL ROLL? (Kill me for that.) Somebody who doesn't want an innocent trap with venereal disease. Why does KT insist on ridiculously high level caps? They do nothing for the games except pad them out. What would be lost if they removed leveling (and stat gaining like in DW7) completely?
  7. I've only played Gens 1-5, and I haven't ever gotten to Black 2. I also played a little Coliseum and XD. From what limited Pokemon games I have played, Rocket takes the cake for favorite, followed by Cipher. Also, Magma vs. Aqua, Aqua has cooler Pokes and edges out on the design competition, but Maxie over Archie, and in goals, Magma > Aqua. So overall... Magma I'll say. Once I help them conquer Aqua, we'll convert it to into our navy and then conquer Hoenn. While I liked N, I didn't like the rest of Plasma very much. The plot got to be a bit too much for its own good in B/W. Galaxy was much better and hit the peak for how far plot with villainous teams should go in Pokemon main games. Cipher works as well as it does in Coliseum and XD because there is no badge journey to the Elite Four in the GC games- it's made to be about the villain team from beginning to end. I also wrote a Pokemon Kanto-Johto fanfict once where I had Apollo and Giovanni lead opposing factions of Team Rocket. Apollo grew up hearing from his dad, the former leader of Team Rocket who Giovanni usurped after the Mewtwo project went awry, how much he missed his days as leader of the evil organization. Despite his father's constant warnings not to join Team Rocket, Apollo did so, and then earned much favor from Giovanni by turning a tiny Johto branch into an essential part of the organization. By the start of the fanfict however, Apollo is working to splinter the Johto branch from Giovanni's control and put his father in charge of these "Rocket Renegades". His father's name? Pryce.
  8. I'd say Luthier down, Palla and Est up. Silque could stand to lose a little, and Saber and Tobin just might be able to gain. Leon would definitely move up, as you said as well. Python and Nomah lower perhaps? Zeke might be able to drop as well, since other characters now actually having personalities might mean his whole "miraculously survived amnesiac Camus" thing is no longer so outstanding or appealing in the scheme of things. Fayebae and Beirut- both are mixed characters in reception. Faye is loved or hated personality-wise, and Berkut is seen by some as totally incompetent, but I think he has a few supporters. Him getting a GHB might be a sign of popularity, but it could just be that Gaiden/SoV has no remotely appealing villains otherwise (which between Nuibaba, Desaix, Rudolf, Jedah, Slayde, Fernand and a bunch of bandits, might be the truth).
  9. Sure it does. *Summons the BK with a Brave Sword who then quad Eclipses you.* As for the rest of this board, oh Dark Dragon Gerxel- make it Black Rain in here and cleanse this board! They only fein harmony when you visit them. Behind close doors they're at their throats, scheming to earn your favor at the expense of the others. Why whenever you let another into the seraglio, their only thoughts are "so this wench has stolen my master's attention, for now," and "will she learn to obey me, or will she learn to fear me?". It has been solely the knowledge that a death in the harem will drive you into rage towards all of them which keeps fatal bloodshed from happening. And only a selfish fool thinks that their love is boundless- your concubines know far better than that. It hurts them so very much that you give your love so freely. Your heartless on the inside, renders them heartless on the inside. All is but farce, and before you know it, it shall collapse on itself and your harem shall provide you no happiness, no bliss, only bitterness and greatest misery. Why, I let me warn you, Wrys may appear to be an innocent man and a fine overseer for your harem, but he has begun an affair with a beauty you do hold quite dear. He is trying to forge evidence to persuade you to sacrifice some of your lovelies who did nothing wrong, but whom his paramour, your supposed faithful lover, finds in her way to winning your favor once more.
  10. I understand, I didn't provide any clear indicators that I was just having fun. And I defend the characters I enjoy as well, I profess to being one of the biggest Soren fans (who continually insists we have no definitive idea on his sexuality) on SF, and in all likelihood the biggest Sephiran fan too.
  11. That was more a fanciful tangent than anything, I wasn't being serious.
  12. Lyon or Arvis is our best shot. Maybe SS Selena- but she doesn't have a signature weapon and fights with a Bolting and an Elfire, so she could be any color really.
  13. Well if you like her, there is bound to be some form of attack speed booster like Hasty Attacks- just make sure she gets it and all is good. She lives for drama, why else does she keep Chrom so close to her heart? She'd hate it if he ever actually fell in love with her, because life would become so boring it wouldn't be much worth living. Her summoning of pegasus knights constantly recalls her trauma, and the intense agony that results, which would make others wish for their life to end, also makes one feel so alive. And that feeling being so very alive is what she is truly obsessed with- not Chrom, not her tragic escape nor anything else. In truth, Cordelia seeks to escape from the inevitability of death which she so fears, by prolonging every moment of her existence with as much dramatic agony as possible. Reminds me of how there's also the unique quotes where Lissa beat Frederick and commented on whether Frederick tripped on a pebble. Makes me wonder if Frederick would have special quotes as well. Probably talks about hanging posters of Chrom if he fights Chrom. Heads up, that naked posters line IIRC was in the English translation only, I don't think the Japanese had anything as humiliating. Whether the nude posters line is referenced depends on the translators- if they choose to copy the Japanese exactly, we won't get it. If they choose to adapt the Japanese in line with the localization of Awakening, then we might see it. Interesting. Did you see Asperger's in Frederick right away, or did you first like him regardless of Asperger's, and then later see that in him? I don't mean to be critical in the slightest, we all interpret characters from various forms media in line with what we ourselves are. We don't necessarily project our entire selves or our perspectives onto all people or all worlds in real life or in fantasies, but we all do it to some extent at least some of the time. I admit to doing it myself.
  14. Nothing too notable from the Heron trio. Rafiel stated being the most powerful of the Herons was a nice detail though. Perhaps that explains his natural 4x Vigor power? Leanne being the least experienced in Galdrar is most likely, and I guess that'd explain why she's only 2x even transformed. Reyson... he's more experienced than Leanne, but by virtue of being less Orderly is weaker when no in Heron form? (I shouldn't bother trying to come up with an explanation for a gameplay difference.) And on the topic of Rafiel- what in the world could have possessed him? He, a fragile Heron, walked what would amounted to probably at least a week, on foot, alone, never being noticed by Beorc, all the way to the Desert of Death, while possessed. By the way, Hetzel is Duke of Asmin, an island. Either Rafiel was staying somewhere on the continent and not in Hetzel's primary estate, or he swam possessed across a channel with those heavy clothes and big broken feathery wings.
  15. Every FE has its big hits, its low points, and its sea of forgettable mediocrity in the music department- like most games. And of course, people are going to disagree over what constitutes good and bad. I'm fond of RD's soundtrack, but I will admit that at times it does shove too much into a composition and does so in a cacophonous manner.
  16. The oriental feeling is real via the constant vibrations and chimes, which also contribute a peaceful nature feeling to it. The flute and stringed instrument are strangely more... South Asian? It's a bit chaotic and bit noisy, but to fair this Temple isn't the most action packed of them due to all the time you spend under water, so I guess it contributes the noise to this otherwise wet temple of silence? 7/10 Global Terminal from Pokemon Platinum
  17. The only thing that happens with the blood pacts are presumably a transfusion of dragon blood into humans, no sexual contact or anything else. Not that we can necessarily explain magical power losses or anything via real world logical. I also find it worth noting that in RD Nasir tells Almedha that had the Mad King's War lasted much longer, Dheg would have drawn Goldoa into it and the dragons in their rage would have razed the continent to the ground. Add in other remarks by Ranulf and Tibarn about how chaos affects Laguz, and we can see that while they don't "degenerate" as other dragons are all too oft to do in FE, they do remain more easily prone to going crazed than humans. At the very best, Tellius as others have stated would precede the rest of the FE worlds and stories by thousands of years. But I think we're best off leaving Tellius in its own little dimension unaffected by the other ones. And that Priam and the Taguel exist purely as references to Tellius, with no effort made to really root them in the world or make them into a strong connection between Tellius and the rest. Placing Tellius in the same world as Archanea and Valentia and Jugdral, contributes nothing to T, nor AVJ, due to how far in the past the Radiant duo would have to be set. Placing T in F or M does contributes nothing as well because those worlds are so underdeveloped.
  18. Well Silvia does- why do you think she can refresh 4 characters at once? Not bad. But don't forget Sailor Nohr Moon (Leo). But could he pull off Witch? Looking like a plain old wizard would be disappointing. Only Leo, Niles, and Garon of the Nohrian men could pull it off I think, maybe Jakob.
  19. Legault is easier to raise, and on average has better stats across the board vs. Matthew. Though Jaffar joins in the same chapter as the Fell Contract, and only loses in a bit of HP and Luck over his rivals. Go ahead and use Matthew or Legault too if you want to though.
  20. And her Magic growth is actually virtually nonexistent and she has a good Strength growth via the minor Hezul Blood; her Sword Rank is an A and her Staff is a C (the lowest possible weapon rank in FE4). So Lachesis is first and foremost a physical unit, who uses Staffs more for the EXP gain and occasional healing than anything else. She also lacks a horse until promotion to the wickedly strong Master Knight class, which can use all non-Holy physical weapons, Staffs, and all magic but high level Light and all levels of Dark.
  21. Yeah, F&A are in a conundrum. They're too represented to demand new characters without being charged with favoritism, and they have continually gotten VG and Seasonal attention. To add more of them, while perhaps a popular move, would evoke much complaining. But the fact is their pool hasn't increased much since the game's release. I say just grin and bear it. Jugdral and RD are still without their lords and their closest allies/most major characters, and Magvel we can only hope is in the coming month to receive a banner. Save Awakening and Fates Round 2 for the start of next year or something, and focus on fleshing out the missing games for the rest of this year. Start a "Season 2" of the plot with Veronica no longer the villain, which gloriously justifies a "rebirth" of the game and thus the ladling out of fresh Awakening and Fates characters. Though for Fates- there aren't that many non-retainer/royal characters to add. If DeNA wants, they can hold off on Holy War 2nd Gen until next year and release them a few months after they launch a banner with the children of Awakening (which could revitalize the Awakening side of things).
  22. Awakening should go into hibernation on the new characters front for now. They've gotten a slew of seasonals and several older FEs are still massively underrepresented (RD and Jugdral). Once they've tossed us a banner for each of these games, then we can talk Awakening non-Seasonals (they'll inevitably get more of Seasonals because Awakening is AWAKENING- THE MOST POPULAR FE EVAR!) Round 2.
  23. Fiona, Fiona, Fiona. Could they come much worse? She joins at the same base level as Nolan, 9/0/0, but has worse stats than he does, and joins what amounts to a millennia later. Even on Normal she struggles to avoid being ORKO'ed, and requires massive babying to get off the ground. She has but one chapter before P1 Final, and it's an indoor chapter, disabling her move lead (not that it's relevant with her bad bad bases). For 1 Final, she has to take the stairs, which is bad if you don't mind having the BK or Nailah clear the cliffs for everyone else to climb. Without heavy babying or massive BEXP infusions, which hinders her growths since they exceed 300 when unpromoted, she will be going into Part 3 unpromoted with just a few levels gained. In other words, the Beasts will eat her alive, or rather dead since she'll get rigor mortis as soon as one of them comes within three feet of her. Weakness breeds weakness as she'll never catch up now for sure (barring massive babying), and even if she does go into P3 promoted, she'll struggle to get enough levels to hit tier 3 by P4, and will have to go with the Hawk Army to catch up in all likelihood. Fiona has decent growths in Def and Spd, if low on Strength, and her Spd cap is at the magic number for P4 Final. She also gets two innate skills, both of which are good. The much desired Earth Affinity too. Yet everything else works against these few pros Fiona has. Including the fact none of the maps she can fight in demand high mobility, and that many are indoors. This effectively makes Savior worthless on her- as P3 DB are all maps best played defensively, and the GMs could clearly use Savior much more. On Meg, she has much better bases for her level and availability than Fiona, which makes using her much much easier. Even factoring in her wonky growths, Meg's stats are comparable or better than a leveled Fiona's. Yet in terms of lategame potential (aka the Tower), Fiona is superior due to her higher Spd cap and Wishblade competition being much weaker than that for Vague Katti and Alondite. Meg also has the rather useless Fortune skill and the horrid Heaven Affinity.
  24. I did two runs of SoV when I got the game, I've started another with Celica + males and Alm + females, but I can't bring myself to complete it at the moment due to burnout. I haven't ventured into Thabes on either of the two postgame files- partly because I've heard it's a drag, and because if I need to do any grinding, I don't want to do it because SoV is a chore in this regard. I also find myself always burning out on RD around the start of Part 4. And I've got a two incomplete Conquest files- one males-only Hard and the other is Lunatic with supports grinding and BP/VP rewards, both having stopped at the Wind Tribe.
  25. The war would have happened regardless- the Senate is to blame for wanting it and it's Rafiel who revealed the truth of the Serenes Massacre which made the Laguz demand the apology which the Senate took advantage of to start the war. Also, Sephiran Sanaki's daddy figure and guide to politics intentionally kept her in the dark on the extent of the Senate's corruption and dislike for her so the war would happen and the world would be destroyed. It was beyond her control- how was she to see through Lekain's and Sephiran's ruses? Sephiran being the biggest manipulator on all of Tellius, and unlike every other manipulator in FE, he took the moment to look very handsome and act very kindly. And Sanaki had no control over her birth as an ordinary Beorc, nor her elevation to the position of Apostle. People don't burn for eternity due to things they can't control in modern conceptions of Hell. Would you send someone with Clinical Depression to Hell if they got all Sloth-like at times due to lack of energy and nihilistic, joyless thoughts? If they skipped their medication, maybe, but if they took it and still had the Sloth periods despite it and therapy, surely you wouldn't? But I should pull back from Serious Discussion matters before they get out hand.
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