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Metal Rabbit

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Status Updates posted by Metal Rabbit

  1. Automail surgery is painful. Good thing I developed massochism.

  2. This is why school should be on the internet. You learn better things... like how to please a woman.

  3. .__.

    But aren't you an alcoholic too? I thought that came with being a pirate, just like how it comes with cops and pilots.

  4. I must say, that takes alot of guts coming between a dude and his lady. But then again you're a pirate so you have guts in spades.

  5. Wow, how'd you two meet?

  6. I should be called Full Metal Rabbit now.


  7. but I already lost my arm and leg trying to transmute your body back to this world. :(

  8. Even so, i'm trying to find your body by digging up random graves.

    All I'm finding is dust and bones though.

  9. Happy bday Kinfe

    Happy Birthday Knife!

    omg its kife's bday.

  10. Why are you a ghost? I'll have to dig your body back up and perform a ceremony to make you you again. Course, I might go to hell for it. W'ever.

  11. It's mean that people look at your profile without saying it.

    Happy birthday.

  12. But don't pirates kill?

  13. I didn't know you were married.


    Now I have to send you a toaster.

  14. It turns out if you post objectionable comments on people's profiles, they might respond!

  15. That P better stand for Paper or we're going to have problems.

  16. I don't think you're here anymore but you're still my birthday friend.

  17. So you're a double agent?

  18. Silly Lyle, atleast I'm vain enough to check for comments every hour.


    It's been a while, Kiryn.

  19. So are you a theif or a pirate now? Or a detective?

  20. Joshua is a cross dresser, and he LIKES it. Neku's phones are the epitome of awesomeness.

    And no I do not hate you, we just haven't talked in a while. That can change.

  21. That was a joke.


  22. i am the same as I always am, but in a completely different way.

  23. Spam makes me dizzy.

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