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Fabulously Olivier

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Posts posted by Fabulously Olivier

  1. 1 hour ago, The DanMan said:

    It was released 10 days after it in the US; the only gap of "months" was its Japanese and EU releases.

    Not to mention that the game quickly gained a reputation for a bad difficulty curve and excessive difficulty (neither of which were unjustified, to be fair) because of the difficulties being mislabeled (Normal being labeled Easy, Hard being labeled Normal, and Lunatic being labeled Hard). At least that's what I've heard. And I certainly remember that being the press issue at the time.

    A general audience is usually going to steer away from something known for high difficulty and bad difficulty spikes, Souls series aside.

  2. 23 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

    There's already a precedent for representing games because of one popular character (i.e. Archanea and Marth) so Tellius getting characters just because it has Ike wouldn't be too farfetched, not to mention that Tellius's characters did fairly well in the CYL poll.

    As for my controversial opinion of the day, I suspect that Valentia will mostly be skipped over aside from including Alm for the sake of Celica and Kyle McCarley.

    I certainly would skip Valentia. Alm, Celica, and Berkut are the only real standouts, IMO. If I were to add more characters, I'd pretty much just add Lukas and Conrad to give Alm and Celica each one iconic companion. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    If IS/Nintendo/Koei cared at all what people say they liked, they wouldn't have made Fates the most prominent part of FEW. But Fates sold the most, and is the most popular, so it got more representation.

    Perhaps. But Ike did happen to win the biggest ever voting gauntlet in Heroes, despite the voting gauntlet being heavily weighted against male heroes and Ike being up against one of the most popular characters in Fates. If Heroes doesn't represent a general consumer audience, I don't know what does.

    And he also won the FE community poll by a landslide, meaning that Ike is the most popular character in the franchise with both the casual and hardcore audience. And Nintendo knows it.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    People also love Micaiah and Tellius is still more praised than disliked by those who did play it. Its sales are not reflective of how much people like it at all.

    Both Tellius games were also released with inopportune circumstances. PoR was released late into the life cycle of the lukewarm Gamecube and RD was released long after the Wii became stigmatized as a casual console and started gathering dust for a majority of the potential FE audience. 

  5. 45 minutes ago, Jedi said:

    Warriors games don't remove characters.

    Thankfully. I would much prefer that they build on a solid foundation than wipe the slate.

    That said, I could perhaps see the sequel focusing on new original lords, with Rowan and Lianna relegated to alternate costumes for a new, hopefully more likeable, main lord (like Darios) with the same (or similar) moveset.

  6. 1 minute ago, The DanMan said:

    It's Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires, though. Empires is a more-open ended, kingdom sim-lite version of DW without any of the overarching plot or overall gameplay set up of others in the series (on top of, IMO, having some halfbaked aspects). SW Spirit of Sanada, from what I've heard, is a funky merging of mainline and Empires style gameplay.

    So from personal experience, I'd say Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate. You've got a story mode that will keep you busy for 40-50 hours alone, plus a gauntlet mode and other stuff. Also, it has over 150 characters (a lot of clones on the DW side, but they only really share weapons and basic attack strings) and a 3-person tag team system.

    Oh, really. That's unfortunate. I assumed it would be more similar to the fantastic Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends.

    In that case, out of the 3, I would also recommend Warriors Orochi 3. The massive roster and long campaign make it a good value for money.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Lau said:

    If I wanted to play DW8, would it be beneficial to play the others first? Or is it not necessary?

    Still trying to track down Samurai Warriors 3 for the Wii simply because the characters charmed me in Pokemon Conquest, especially Hanbei, Yukimura and Masamune.

    No. Dynasty Warriors games, by necessity (as they are based on Romance of the 3 Kingdoms) retrace the same story. DW8 just happens to more or less have the complete overview of the story.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Nanima said:

    Thanks. I guess I might check out DW8 whenever it comes out then.

    Word of advice though. If you look for other Musuo games on the Switch, avoid Fate Extella the Umbral Star (another Musuo game already on the Switch not made by Koei Tecmo). It is not worth the asking price at all, and I'd go as far as to call it one of the worst games in the genre.

    Small roster. Terrible, cringey story that doesn't represent the source material. Some of the worst stage artwork I've ever seen. It's a difficult game to visually read, as the neon backgrounds make it difficult to keep up with fights and locate chests and other items. And worst of all, the game never stops pestering you with enemy reinforcements and time pressure.


  9. 5 minutes ago, Nanima said:

    This game has gotten me interested in trying out more Warriors. If I can only get one of these, which should I get?

    I can't speak for Samurai Warriors Sanada, but Dynasty Warriors 8 is one of the best, most feature complete games in the genre.

    Warriors Orochi 3 has a huge roster, but I found myself enjoying the story and missions significantly less. It's still worth a purchase, but your mileage may vary.

  10. Ike for his Path of Radiance appearance, personality, and character arc. 

    Sigurd is a close second for his romanticism. He's very much akin to Rhaegar Targaryen from a Song of Ice and Fire, right down to his ultimate failing. There's something about his story arc that just feels darker, more realistic, and more futile than other games in the series, despite the strength and idealism of the character.

  11. On 10/23/2017 at 6:34 PM, Hardin said:

    I would have to give it to Sigurd. I like Sigurd, but getting your entire army wiped out is its own class of terrible. 

    Sigurd is the Ned Stark of the Fire Emblem universe. Or perhaps the Rhaegar Targaryen. 

  12. 26 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

    Yes, but to say "get rid of the species because of its existing members" is silly as you cite reasoning that aren't even related to the species' abilities. I get Manaketes should have a more detailed history (though depending on the plot, they may not need it to the Laguz's extent), but in that case, why is "replacing them" an option? If Laguz somehow came back in a non-Tellius game (which is most likely) and actually replaced dragons, it's not like it's even close to a guarantee that they'd be improved characters than if Manaketes were there. They'd have to have a new backstory like the Manaketes had within their different worlds.

    The reason why Laguz were written with such development in the Tellius games was because of the games' writer, not the species concept.

    Perhaps I misspoke.

    I'm not saying "axe the Manaketes." I'm saying that the trope that Manaketes are this one-off character in every game that is just another little girl with a dragonstone and not nearly enough backstory needs to change. 

    I'm saying that we need more variety in our characters. Fire Emblem as a series would only benefit from more in depth lore. The Manaketes need more fleshing out. We should have multiple Manaketes of various appearances and ages in our party, every game. One off beast characters like Kaden and Panne should be more integrated into the lore as well for the same reasons. And yes, I do quite frankly miss having hawk/raven characters as an option; alternative flying units are a good thing. Hell, we could even introduce aquatic shapeshifters while we're at it. I do not care what each of these species are. Just give them to us, name them whatever you want, develop them however you like, and use them to enrich the universe. The Laguz are just such a strong go-to example because they enriched and diversified Tellius in a way that the series hasn't really seen before.

    There's a difference between removing something and improving upon it.


    Also, i would say that it is not silly to extrapolate on the species by the only examples we are given. Effectively, the characters that we are given ARE the species as far as the player is concerned, as these are the representatives that we have to go on. They've all been pretty similar, and they've all lacked in the lore and backstory department. That should change for the better. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, unique said:


    regardless, the point was that his overall personality is kinda gross and rude

    even if he does just do it to mask something, it's still what you're gonna see of him 99% of the time and it definitely doesn't reflect well on the game that the only gay dude is the guy who always talks about sex and makes dirty jokes all the time

    Isn't Niles bisexual, not homosexual?

    Regardless, I don't think that Nintendo was attempting to be cruel to gay people. I mean, they even went out of their way to include a decent transgender character with Forrest.

    (But I digress. I do not enjoy discussing identity politics. I get the concern, but I sincerely doubt Nintendo meant any insult. And in Rhajat's case, her personality has less to do with her sexuality and more with her being a lazy port of Tharja.)

  14. Path of Radiance if available. To me, it truly is the best the series has to offer. It has fairly well balanced difficulty, great characters, and the best story in the franchise.

    Otherwise, Awakening is a good entry point. Aside from being one of the easiest entries, it's better to experience it without pre-conceived notions and then play the rest of the series, rather than vice versa. 

  15. 56 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

    That's not an issue with the species, though. That's an issue of the characters created for the species; attributing the problem to the species itself is not fair. Manaketes also live in multiple worlds, so their histories change regardless; Laguz seemed like a Tellius-only thing before beast characters spun off from them in different names.

    Okay, but that still does not change the situation. The manaketes and beast characters either need to be developed and de-tropified or replaced entirely.

    It isn't the names "Laguz" and "Manakete" that are important. It's that the Laguz were well-realized and offered a variety of character types and transformations, while the Manakete offer none of these. 

    If we're sticking with manaketes, include multiple ones per game. Make them more believable. Vary their genders and ages. Take us to their homeland and have humans and manakete meaningfully interact. Give the same treatment to beastmen. Introduce birdmen. But if we do all of these things, we effectively have Laguz. See my point?

  16. 28 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:


    Sure. If you're Tiki and Nowi. For the rest, there is either no homeland, a homeland far removed or ruined, or a homeland separated by dimension.

    Frankly, even in the case of Tiki, who gets something of a pass for belonging to Shadow Dragon (in which quite frankly no one had a personality worthy of note), her nation does not play a comparable role in the story to that of the Laguz.

    The Laguz had proper kingdoms which interacted with each other and with the Beorc. They were treated as human characters and that made them interesting on a level that the manaketes have never been and will never be.

  17. 6 hours ago, NoirCore said:

    Can't really agree...I'm really curious to your reasoning, considering the Manaketes are pretty much a common staple starting with the first game whereas the Laguz only appeared in Tellius with, if I recall, awkward mechanics.

    Culturally and aesthetically speaking, Laguz are more interesting and varied than Manaketes. Manaketes thus far have just been lolicons with dragon stones (adult Tiki aside) with no known nation or culture to speak of. Laguz can fill the same role, but have also shown more age ranges, transformation variety, and backstory.

    The only flaw of the Laguz has been in their awkward shifting mechanics. Those have to go. When I say Manaketes should be replaced by Laguz, I mean that the loloicon dragon trope is old and needs to be replaced with something that has actual potential for variety. I don't mean that the dragonstone mechanic needs to go. Just give us something with the variety and numbers of the Laguz with the simpler gameplay mechanics of the Manaketes.

  18. Shadow Dragon was a legitimately bad game in almost every respect.

    The non-RNG level ups and special triggers from Heroes should make it into the main series.

    Romance supports are a good thing, but children rarely are unless the story naturally accomodates them. Have the spouses/best friends simply inherit each other's unique skills to have support choices impact gameplay. 

    Manaketes should be replaced by Laguz in all future games.

    Awakening is a better game than it is given credit for. It just needed better pacing and foreshadowing.

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