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Everything posted by Eridras

  1. No worries! I'd also agree with the notion that people avoid dancers. The AI is so unpredictable with dancers that they're almost always a headache to fight.
  2. Right, and Thor Odinson is running a team with a calvary mage and a brave bow archer. That's about the range where people aren't shooting for all-Advanced fights.
  3. I know I've read somewhere that putting a "harmless" looking character in your first slot might entice people to choose your team if it comes up. I have Ninian as my team face, which doesn't say much of anything since she's also a bonus unit. If I saw a Kagero in lead and my team was all infantry, I'd be inclined to pass.
  4. Maybe it's also a BST issue? My Ninian has Fury 3, so I'm sending out a 698 BST team. The competition we're dealing with might be different. At that level, people might be more likely to surrender after losing one unit.
  5. I used to have trouble getting defenses, mostly one or two a week. The last two weeks have gotten me five and six, respectively. The only thing different I've done is use Ninian and Eldigan on my defense team. I'm wondering if the massive mobility that Eldigan has moving twice a turn has something to do with it.
  6. All my units in dire need of Death Blow 3 are drooling at your double Klein pull.
  7. You really want an attack boon if you're going for Brave Axe Cherche. The speed boon one isn't going to be super useful because after the Brave Axe she'll just have 23 speed at 5 stars. It took until my 4th Cherche to get a nice +Atk -Res one to raise to 5 stars, so it might be best to be patient.
  8. Many thanks for the comment, that +Spd build you shared was something I'd been considering as I brainstormed ideas. However, I'm not seeing the need for 51 Atk to ORKO Takumi, as with a Def boon he'd have 29 Def and at best 40 HP, meaning she'd only need 49 Atk to take him out. If you'd factored in HP AND Def boons, then 51 Atk would be needed. By the way, does anyone else have this issue where Cordelia(or any other character) just blends in with other characters? I can never find her in the character list screen, even when I'm staring her in the face. It always takes a few extra seconds to locate her.
  9. One vote for each thus far. Thanks for the advice! I thought about Darting Blow mainly because it'd let her quad quite a few neutral-speed characters. I know she likely wouldn't need that many hits to kill most targets, but it's a nice thing to shoot for. As for survival, I'm thinking that Drag Back on my Cherche has worked wonders, and the game has seen fit to gift me with many Donnels.
  10. I've managed to pick up a pair of 4* Cordelias. One is +Atk, -Spd, while the other is +Spd, -Hp. I know attack is king for Brave users, but she actually has a decent speed stat. Would the +Spd one be better, especially if I give her say, Darting Blow or Life and Death?
  11. I wanted anyone but Chrom...so I got Chrom. +Res -Atk too, no less. Oh well, hopefully I'm at least covered for the next arena season.
  12. Deathless run that very luckily never saw the twin bridge map. Mostly drew the mountain in the middle map, which gives so much time to reorganize your units. Currently 4572 points at rank 1323.
  13. My first three 5*'s were all red. Leveling was not particularly fun back then.
  14. Blazing Shadows has been the greatest banner for me thus far, offsetting the awful luck I had with Sibling Bonds. It took 49 orbs to pull Ninian, and the next two 20-orb YOLO pulls netted me first Rebecca, then a second Eldigan. Reading about everyone else's pulls here gave me the itch, which netted me another five star. Boons and banes were pretty awful, except the one character I needed to be good: Young Tiki +Def -Atk Fir +Def -Atk Kagero +Atk -Def Stahl +Spd -Atk Donnel +Spd -Res This all means the next banner will likely be utterly awful, so I'm savoring this.
  15. Eridras


    Semi-frequent anon lurker here. Heroes has gotten me deeply back into Fire Emblem, so it seemed a good idea to have a place to actively participate.
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