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Posts posted by r_n

  1. 11 hours ago, NSSKG151 said:

    Okay, I did the correct map this time and strangely enough, and correct me if I have been wrong this whole time, but I think I have made 127k on the Wyvern Lord map. I decided to save an image of it and circled what I think is the correct amount in red.

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    I still think I prefer Owain's gold rush map. 7 minutes I feel like just goes on for too long compared to 5 minutes and sometimes it feels like it takes 20-30 seconds for new enemy captains to spawn in and I'm just standing around risking my Awakening gauge to wear off. Plus the Wyvern Lord gold rush only gives me silver weapons while the distortion gold rush on Owain's map gives me brave and hero weapons to sell.

    No that's definitely the same one. That's so strange, though. I kill everything on that map as it arrives (except the guy stealing the villager's money, i have to let the message queue go for that). Maybe I'm not using Awakening enough? I usually pop it twice but I can't keep it up through the whole thing.

    What's your route? For this one and the owain map? I'll work towards getting the owain distortion since 5 minutes for similar amounts is way more effecient but it'd be nice to know if I need more gold in the meantime.

  2. 2 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

    No blessing at all might be for the best since I forgot about the 25k payment for luck blessings. I tried the Emmeryn timed onslaught and just found out that it takes place on the Kingswood stage which I hate doing timed onslaughts on because I feel like that map is much bigger than Dragon Valley (Owain's gold rush map) and it is much harder to keep awakening mode on since captains seem to spawn much farther away from each other. I did a few runs but only seems to constantly get 85k each time.

    I also tried a few more runs without blessings on Owain's gold rush map and I still get between 125k and 128k per run. I'm surprised an eight level difference between the two missions matters so much. The Lv. 116 Gold Rush is mostly Monster enemies with a some Manaketes and Mages but I also have been using Anna (mine is Lv. 118) and Strong 3 is usually enough to kill them quickly with Vengeance/Awakening mode combo.

    Sorry I gave you the wrong directions. I'm talking about the level 75 Gold Rush map. It doesn't use Kingswood, it uses Great Plain. It's the one that gives the acceleration sword.

    Although, after doing a few more runs earlier, I get about as much here (~85k if i'm all anna all the time) as you did on the gold-less timed onslaught. I guess one thing to take away from this is that the Gold Rush missions are a much better deal relative to the standard Timed Onslaught. If Gold RUsh was instead a  "restriction" like Test of Skill, rather than its own (technical) battle type, it would probably pay out a crazy amount in a standard mission (seige, rescue, escape, shadow rush, etc)

  3. 7 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

    Personally I found that using a high luck character like Anna or Caeda and using the Luck Blessing to boost their luck stat to at least 240 instead of using the wealthy blessing actually gives me slightly more gold. With Awakening's DLC on Owain's history map I have been using the Lv.116 distortion Gold Rush to farm money. With the luck blessing and payday on a high luck character along with galeforce and other damage boosting skills like Luna and Vengeance on them I have been getting at least 135k or more per run (I've tried a run with wealthy blessing and got close to 130k and without any blessing got slightly over 125k) and then selling the weapons afterwards gets me another 100k making it around 235k or more per run.

    This is also all assuming you are using a character with a 720 power weapon with the above skills, with awakening mode on at all time and are killing the captains very quickly.

    Yeah I'm using 720 and Anna (level 110). I'ts a lower level map, though (the one on Emmeryn, the dragon on the fort with lots of manaketes & wyvern lords). I guess level matters significantly more...maybe I'll try to finish owain's map first

    I have to say though, I think I misinterpreted how the wealth blessing worked when theory crafting. The fact there's only about 5k difference between using the blessing and not's kind of...not worth it. I'd argue the luck blessing isn't that worth it either. You're paying 25k for an extra ~15k? ~125k (even ~120) a run with no blessings seems way better a deal.

  4. 1 minute ago, Humanoid said:

    If it is all brides again, I hope it's at least not all infantry again like last year. I know the dress makes it a bit awkward, but nothing wrong with riding side-saddle like Gunnthra.

    As usual, while I do have my favourites, if they're just boring old infantry classes with novelty weapons that need to be replaced for proper effectiveness, then my orb spend will be minimal. Even if it is Palla.

    watch it all be armors

    the dresses are just so hard to move in!

  5. So, and I can't believe I'm finally asking this, what is the best stage for money grinding. Between convoy blessing, rare item blessing and the level reset loops my funds are running low and not getting enough gains to offset the stuff I need (convoy & rare material break even most of the time, usually getting 7-10k return if I'm diligent about killing). Assume I am using Payday but not the money blessing (dont have enough excess silvers).

    My first thought was obvious: Gold rush stage, go to town. But even a pretty good run on that only got me like 80k which is about what I'm getting (a little less, actually) on other normal stages and I'm locked in to that time limit. So I guess a stage that's...worth a lot?? But quick to beat?

  6. 1 minute ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    That'd be terrible if they're being tight lipped over some OCs most likely many won't care about and forget that'd be disappointing if that's the case.

    well i mean *we* wouldn't care about it but I assume others would, and the fact the key word happens to share the exact character found in the japanaese version of the boundless chaos term tells me it probably will be oc-focused. There is theoretically a background plot going, may as well drag it out of the background.

  7. 15 hours ago, Altrosa said:

    I'm playing Ultra Moon. And Splatoon. 

    Also, an unfortunate bit of credit towards the shop front leaks, Bethesda's Rage 2 has officially been leaked early by Walmart's online store. FE16 being missing in action while at least two new games have been leaked that way concerns me.

    you'll note the leak lacked like any switch games beyond Smash & Metroid. Fire Emblem not being there means nothing beyond the person putting together the placeholders that went live probably didn't have Nintendo's games to put into the system.

    2 hours ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    I disagree, fire has no particular naming convention to it, genealogy of the holy war is an incredibly literal name as is thracia 776 (takes place in thracia in the year 776) when compared to Gaiden or Awakening or Fates or the video game subtitle sin that is Revelation, names also are not required to be clearly apparent in what they represent as is the case for path of radiance and radiant dawn, or it could be more of a folktale styled name such as shadow dragon and the blade of light, we even have a generic sequel title in the form of mystery of the emblem.

    So what I am trying to say is that lustrous daybreak has plenty of reasons for you to believe that it is fake but the name not fitting in with every other entry is not one of them, it falls in nicely with tellius naming conventions (it is just a synonym radiant dawn).

    The fact it is literally a 1:1 for synonym for Radiant Dawn should be a pretty big tell that, no, it's not real.

  8. Just now, Humanoid said:

    Arena medals, an incredibly convoluted system to encourage people to do arena.

    arena medals are like the least convoluted part of the refinery though



    anyway for one of the blessing quests for Berkut, rather than just burn another of my many blessings to sub in a proper unit I tried it like 8 times with the same team with increasingly convoluted seals and skills on characters who otherwise wouldnt be using them. I gave Valentine Lyn threaten attack 2! Not even the seal, the skill.

  9. 2 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

    I got a feeling that Ylgr and the brother (forget the name atm) will eventually be added as legendary heroes. Ylgr will be a staff unit, as she mentioned that could heal Fjorm from her illness. She could even break the mold by being a flying staff unit, though that might be unlikely due to her small stature. 

    As for the brother he’ll probably be another sword, possibly a red bow,  to complete the colors his sisters share. He could be the flying one rather than Ylgr, would could be neat considering how few pegasus knights are male. Just my two cents.

    I bet Hrid is a red sword infantry unit & Ylgr is infantry green tome who gets Gunnthra's Blizzard.

  10. I can't say I attributed Helbindi to a racist caricature , but perhaps i'm so used to the more well known big lipped one rather than...whatever is going on with his mouth here. I suppose the emphasis on the pearly teeth does resemble the "big smile" iconography now that I take another look.

    The ugly (or "ugly" depending on the character) brute thing I didn't think twice on since it's a common character archetype and we already had the honorable one, the emotionless one, & the ganondorf. 

  11. 5 hours ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    I agree that line was very hamfisted... and yeah they should've been at least mentioned much early on or shown briefly not at the very end of the arc it feels so rushed (at least I kinda get Alolan Gonzales since he's nothing too special) where as I already said either one of her sibs will most likely be the sacrifice to "save" her or even both just cause.

    They were mentioned. I assume the new dude is the third of the scorching triad that Laegjarn mentioned in her last stand and Gunnthra (& I think Fjorm?) did mention siblings, plural.

    I do agree Fjorm probably should have mentioned them more, and not had it as easy to miss lines even if you have the units, mind you. 

  12. 1 hour ago, ElectiveToast said:

    So that explains why there’s so many plot holes. Regardless, they’d likely do the same with a new world, so it would really be best just to build off of old worlds first, and then focus on making a new setting once the old worlds have run their course. 

    A new world would likely have the benefit of not taking one script and jamming a third game into it alongside all the other changes.

    I mean I assume this game will be, you know, a single game and not 2 or 3.

  13. I wonder if it was IntSys mandate that all thieves (& related classes) moving forward must use Daggers. It's a very unusual thing to specify as a reason not to do it considering at the time they were planning the characters fates had just come out and they weren't full aware of everything in Heroes, so...maybe?

    I'm bummed they didnt have a Darios dlc like they planned. I actually did like the twins and seeing them rescue their friend would have been sweet, even if he didnt become playable.

    also man, Usuda's commentary sure is....well he's a guy who's very up front, i suppose!

  14. Ideally, before rolling out Alts, we'd have more banners with 1 really popular unit and then 1-2 so-so units. Some judgement calls probably needed for a while (hell if I know what to do with most of FE1's cast) and then once you start getting into iffier popularity sure let's start bringing in alts to help bolster things.

    I've been a little surprised they haven't split up the more popular characters into their own headlining banners, really. Like Michaiah's banner, she probably could have just lead it on her own while Sothe or Zelgius get their owns and in their place maybe get 2 of idk Dawn Brigade people. The first fates kids banner could have had either of Shiro or Siegbert lead their banner and then sneak in 1-2 of the less popular birthright/conquest kids. A Conquest banner with Siegbert, Soleil and Ignatius, for example. Ignatius was the least loved fates kid (& I think below Candace & Nichol?!) so he's going to need bolstering regardless. Then follow with a birthright banner later on.

    The Kanas were never super popular, but I think Shigure could have carried it and saved the emergency Hinoka button when we run out of heavy hitters to carry the likes of Izana or Shura (i dont remember how they ranked, replace those 2 with whoever).  Or have Kana-F handle things if she was more popular, and throw Shigure into his own headliner later on. I haven't checked all the polls. Hopefully the gist gets across.

    But maybe I'm too optimistic on # popular characters:sales ratio. I'm also someone who wants a "least popular" banner with Glade on the basis of I feel bad for them and it'd be funny.

  15. 13 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    I've managed to get about 200 Orbs by powering through Tempest and what I've built up since the last banner.  I'd like to get all three, but if I get a string of bad luck, I might focus on just Green and Gray, since Shigure will likely be the one to drop.  It's nice that we don't have to worry about crummy pity breakers for the most part anymore.  I wouldn't mind getting pity broken by Hector again.  I've got a few units that would really like DC, or maybe I could get a Hector with a better nature.

    I kept thinking that Kana is Blue, even though  remember she's green two seconds later.

    Can Ryoma even be an archer?  I don't think I ever took him out of his initial class.


    Ryoma can heart seal into Pegasus Knight and by extension become a Kinshi Knight. In fact, all of the Hoshido siblings & Azura can become Kinshi Knights.

    ANd obviously, with the proper friendship and lover seals (exact name escape me) he can become a vanilla Archer.

  16. 46 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    I just gave up being upset about alts and seasonal characters. They're going to keep happening, whether I like it or not, so even if I don't like the concept of it I'll pull for an alt or seasonal if it's a character I like a lot or if it's a unit type/combination I really need.

    But I still draw the line at getting alts of characters who have a shitload of copies of themselves in the game already. Even if Exalt Chrom is more "canon" than tome Eirika, at least this is only Eirika's second alt. Chrom has what, four? I'd be far more annoyed about Camilla getting an alt than Hinoka because Hinoka really did need something. Camilla even took a spot on a banner that probably should've been Hoshidan themed.

    Yeah pretty much my thoughts. It's going to keep happening just like 3 man banners will keep happening (exceptions to the thracia & CYL banners) so at this point i'm settling for "okay but at least have a weird niche and outfit".

    Like I'd prefer if the 3rd unit on this banner was, like, some other fates kid or reina or w/e but at least Hinoka looks neat and has a special niche to fill. And while i can think of several units that could easily be made red horse mages, its like, fine, if you're going to give an Eirika alt then there's worse things than red horse mage. The only other one is leo, after all. We have a billion horse swords. Chrom didn't need a horse with sword. Reinhardt &/or Olwen were frustratingly inevitable (though like red tome horse eirika, we did need another permanent green horse mage) but they could have like....gotten some outfit changes? I know they're still master knights and all, but accessorize a little, pull out some colored cloth. Or significant changes in demeanor for their poses, like possessed celica and Grobins got. I'm lowering the bar pretty far here guys, just take a little step over it.

    I'm generally fine with the male/female alts, at least. Like I get that easily, and its nice they don't really beat around the bush with it. Getting normal, permanent Shigure is also fine and I'll be equally fine when Charlotte & Inigo get added properly.

    I'll also throw out that I'm okay with all the legendary alts because its clear that's the land of alts (...for now....just know they'll throw in a new non-oc, non-alt character in there sooner or later....) and maybe the occasional OC (i'm guessing once one of the fire twins die they'll be thrown in). It's its own thing, segregated from everyone else





    As an aside, did a release date for those acrylic stands ever get an actual date than just "Late April" 

  17. 11 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    @Poimagic Hinoka looks cool, I think I will do 1-2 summoning sessions to get her. Shigure got an odd set, but looks nice. I'm full of great flying lance units though. My flyer collection is incomplete anyway, since I didn't get Grima. 

    @Hinoka Guess it's your lucky day, eh? 

    Perhaps because dragons can inherit weapons from other colors too, so the weapon itself doesn't has an own color? I don't know how they decide the color of a dragon unit. 

    Sometimes it just seems like a whim. Kana-M being blue is probably a direct reference to his mom being blue and you can maybe jump through some logic on grima-m being green through some divine stuff but then you have things like green kana and colorless grima and its just like, well, we wanted these colors so that's what they are. Same kind of applies to mages, really. Did Sonya really need (Dark) Excalibur and thus be green? Halloween Henry's tome could have been anything. I'm not unconvinced Nino got the green slot entirely because they wanted green mages and her hair's green.

  18. 6 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

    Do we know if M!Kana is breath or Sword?

    Blue Breath, you can see him on the map at the very end of the trailer.


    4 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Making Ward Dragons GHB-accessible is probably a terrible idea lmao. They don't need to get even stronger.

    I feel like I usually see Goad stacking than Ward stacking, but fair enough.

    Steady Stance, then? They were fine giving that to Black Knight and I wouldn't mind an extra source of that for my healers and such.

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