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Everything posted by darkblade2814

  1. I feel the opposite, to me the spirit of the game is to SAVE as many students as possible in other words, all of them that are not route exclusives
  2. sorry, but I can't support Edelgard's meritocracy, at all
  3. I think vanguard meant the writers tried to shill her, and that was not a good play I don't like Edelgard as a character, I can't support her plans and actions, but she IS a well-written character, and I respect for it, but she is my least favorite lord and character in FE history, but I do understand her and her motives, but that just makes her even more unforgivable, she is well-written character, and a good villain but I can't like her, our ideologies are too different for it
  4. Robin x Panne Chorm x Sumia Severa x Tsubaki Erika x Saleh
  5. they are step-siblings it does not count
  6. I can see Maculi giving his crest to the house Vestra, since they are magically inclined
  7. agreed also, give Raphael the Storm dragon Sign (crest of the beast) and watch him destroy maps with his gauntlets
  8. maybe due to the fact they are related in a way, they are cousins, if you consider Sitri as a child of rheia, I don't agree, as a fellow ByalthxFlyin shipper
  9. I will play: Dantalion Eisner, Parents: Byelth and Flyan Crest: Flames Class: Mercenary Naebatan form: a Panther Andras Eisner Dantalion's sister Crest: Chetllin Class Pristst Naebatan form: a Lynx ( I gave them both names of Goetia Demon to keep on the theme of the Sothis' vessals, Byelth and Sitiri) Anur Lambert Blaiddyd Parents: Dimitri and Hapi Crest: Blaiddyd Class chevalier Bastet Edelgard Blaiddyd Sister to Anur Crest: Timotheos Class: Valkyrie (again sibling keeping a naming theme, in this case Egyptian Gods, from Hapi)
  10. the umbral beast was created when the chalice absorbed Alphard and Sitri's Body
  11. there are still 2 empty dlc slots in the game files, so do you guys want to see what happens?
  12. as someone who plays RPGs such as fire emblem for story, not gamepaly (although a good gamepaly helps) I feel like three hoses did a better job in this department, then again I'm a canon w**re who thinks Revelations ins the only path in Fates worth due to it being the canon one, but I like three houses due to none of the four paths being canon, so we can pick the one you like the most (Goden deer to me) without the need of only playing one route because of canonnicty, so yeah, three houses did a better job on telling a good story regardless of your preference and avoided an unintentional pitfall by not making any of them canon EDIT: used an expression that came out wrong, I decided to change it, I don't want to get into trouble by accident (Again)
  13. golden deer is the juiciest of the routes, so I say save the best for last
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