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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Yes.. Well.. Gatrie is the only one you have been talkin too.. Looks like Gatrie is nolonger alone and unloved.. XD
  2. Eh..? Hey if that song doesn't work, Try this one! Serene or Masu might know it. I know Princess will. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJJ6vW6J01E
  3. Noooooo! Quick! Masu, Princess, Serene!! Let us dance to this!!
  4. Yes... First Des, Then Cym, Now Suzaku.. Hmmm..
  5. How about a friendly hand shake? *gives lyle a hand shake*
  6. Hehehe.... Knife..."stabbed* me.. BTW, Anyone notice that Suzaku is stalking us now..?
  7. MUHAHAHA! FOOLS! That was just one of my shadow clones! HAHAHA!!
  8. Um.. you haven't told anyone till just now..
  9. Speaking of which, I don't see the Captain much.. Um... ...what? XD
  10. Wow, Not bad. Listen to this one Lyle!
  11. He never said anything about you to me... BTW *dances to EX dream*
  12. Hey everyone! Listen to this rockin song! Perfect song for a party!!
  14. no offence but it was better than the time warp, In my opinion..
  15. Ok, That is weird.. And who is zack?
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