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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero


  2. Wow! 1:35 here! Well, Good night! :D

  3. Lol wow, I acually know who says all those. Weird... it's been ages..
  4. Well... Sometimes I look to see where she is... She stops at a page for a few minutes, propably on the chat... I don't know if that.... ...stalking... .__. *runs*
  5. I think she is busy on the chat, she just happen to stop here.
  6. But the three of us shall show him the light! WE CAN DOOO IT!

  7. Thats very true.. Seems like a bad idea to me.. Lawl.
  8. MUHAHAHA!! Is there anyone who hates and or doesn't watch Code Geass? NO! There is one...You, Princess and I must show him how awesome Code Geass is... JOIN ME, for we need your help in getting... Lyle.. to watch it...

    *evil laugh*

  9. Oh hey! Glad to see your still on. :D

  10. I see Branded Blade is also interested. On that episode just now, When Suzaku got knighted and no one but Lloyd was clapping, I was just waiting for Mao to show up and do "HIS" clap. Lol. *does Mao clap* XD

  11. Why do we have a topic for this..? *EDIT* Des lurks on almost every topic.
  12. Yea, I was just looking up somthing. So, whatcha doin?

  13. Oh, Lol al'right. Well I'll be back in an hour, if your still going to be on, then see you in an hour. If not then Goodnight! :D

  14. BTW, I saw you visited "hhtetris" profile. Just wondering why.

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