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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. However, I will not change my mind about Soulja boy. We will have to do that on his own, and it will take a looong time.
  2. Yup.. I know em all. I think there is a new one too.. That's a rumor tho..
  3. Aww al'right.. <_< Kenpachi won't get his fun..
  4. Most of it.. I know too much about the AKATSUKI!!! *points to Princess*
  5. No no, It's ok I knew that much. =P
  6. Ok..Jeez... I didn't know you guys felt like that... *doesn't watch or read Shippuden yet* But I know alot about it, Thx to Princess...
  7. I call you that because you were Soulja boy when I first joined.. Look at Serene, He changes his name alot like you, I still call him Serene. *EDIT* And Sorry, I just can't keep calling you Suzaku.
  8. Lulz.. I see this topic is still open.. Me thinks Suzaku wants to see your reaction to him" taking the warn".
  9. Yes... What's your point..? *EDIT* And GASP!! Masu thinks Kratos PHAILS???? *faints*
  10. Your going to take the warn huh?
  11. But we have having SOO MUCH FUN!!! *lol Kenpachi* I'll take a warning too, it was worth it. And Suzaku, you know the 6 awesome dudes in my sig? Yea.. There going to come get ya! XD
  12. It's ok! Well, I do! Don't you dare ask again.
  13. Well as I said earlier, It's none of your damn business!
  14. Well, most of the other sites I go you can't ask for someone's age or anything like that..
  15. Suzaku, Why did you ask for my age..?
  16. Don't ask for my age. Your acting like a 6 year old with that grammar and spelling..

  17. What makes you think that?
  18. Why does that matter? It's none of you damn business!!

  19. That's right' and I ment it. Your ignorant and naive, and I don't want a friend like that.
  20. Sence I'm with Lyle and Masu, I guess I'm in their "gang"
  21. I have nothing left to say to you.
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