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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Princess!! That's the third time the poor guy as asked!! ANSWER HIM!
  2. Wait.. if Des is stalking us, does that mean Cym is stalking us too?
  3. Hehe... *drawes marker mustache on Lyle's face*
  4. Well that sucks! Oh well, Me still Zero! ^_^
  5. Once again, Another person.. I have never heard of.. So, That mean I'm Zero/ Lelouch? I mean, COME ON!
  6. I know that.. Don't know who that "charles" person is tho.. I have an idea who he is tho..
  7. Well, You have your type, I have mine.
  8. Heres an idea, Why don't I be Zero/ Lelouch? Heh? Good idea huh?
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