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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Oh, well goodnight.. D:

  2. Well I'm off to bed. I'm going to try and "hug" someone and hopefully won't get SLAPPED! Gewdnight!

  3. ...is that a turn on for you? XD

    BTW.. Why does everyone *hug* Princess? I mean like about 8-10 people do it. If went and *hugged* some girl, I would probably get slapped.. D:

  4. Are you in the chat and Serenes at the same time? Because you get on Serenes and do some things, then don't do anything for a few minutes, then comeback.

  5. Jeez... Ok.. Ya know, I see you and Bianchi talk or anything but yet your a couple, what's up with that?

  6. Thx, but I didn't make it.. D:

  7. Just a herro? What's up buddy? =)

  8. Great, Thx. I saw your mug for the Serenes Emblem game, looks nice. :D


  10. Hey! How ya been? :D

  11. Google adsence is doing everything your doing... o_0

  12. Hey! How's the sig coming along? :D

  13. You don't like getting messages from me? D:

  14. GRR! I will try to get on before noon!

  15. Well I don't know why your angry/ upset/ or whatever. But I have to go now. When I get on tomorrow, I hope to see that frown upside down! Bye!

  16. So the only reason your angry is because of a game? How does that have anything to do with Princess?

  17. Hmmm..? Is that going to bother you? She won't be here either.

  18. Oh come on now, you can trust me. I would't tell a soul. You tell other people my secrets in a matter a minutes, but if you don't wanna tell me that's fine. Well I'm off, Cya! I'm going to try and get on Serenes tomorrow, I'm not going to be here on Saturday.

  19. Hey! How's it goin? =P

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