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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. My My, such a cold reaction.. Somthing troubling you? I'm not going to be on long, so if you wanna tell me, do it now..

  2. GRRR! What's with the long face..? Don't make me go get the EMO sign.. =O

  3. At the MS part, But I get it now! MS = Masu and Masu is to Genis as Princess is to Soren. GOT IT! ;)
  4. I'm getting off now, I'll be on more tomorrow. And I will see you on brawl! XD

  5. Oh... It's fun to overload Makoto
  6. This. Why the change of heart? Didn't you hate Makoto just yesterday? Besides, Makoto is fun to mess with. I just learned how to make the chat fun!
  7. No, i think it was in Princess comments. He asked if he could see it. =O

  8. Ya know, Lyle wanted to see it too. Did ya know..? o.o

  9. Yes, I was reading along.. XD

  10. Hi, I know you saw "that" picture... o_O

  11. Oh, Al'right. That was weird.. but if Makoto responds like that.. When makoto said you and Cym should date, what were you talking about then..?

  12. But before I go.. Cym tells me that Makoto responds to what is being said in the chat.. If thats true, then you were talking about "you know what" in the chat... Hmmm..

  13. Don't tell me you count as three people now...
  14. Well I'm off to bed, Good night!

    Brawl tomorrow!

  15. No.. According to Makoto, You count as two, remember?
  16. Princess is the only girl here dude.. And I don't feel like doing that kinda of dancing with you guys or Princess, If you catch my drift.
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