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Everything posted by Tarilaan

  1. I'm doing the same this time, since I had a level 1 Ike. The scoring doesn't care what level the character you use is - just whether or not they're the bonus. (Just make sure you don't set your low level and/or Ike as your friend display character >.>)
  2. Just remembered I initially posted my WiP Whitewings team here a while back. Figure it's about time I posted an update on them. (Spoilered because these phone pictures get big) Short of getting Renewal 3 and a Slaying Lance for Catria, they're more or less where I want them now. The sisters are all the neutral ones they gave out as quest rewards a while back, while Minerva is +RES/-HP (I've since found a +ATK/-RES one, but I'm not convinced she really needs any more damage). As may be extrapolated by their HM level, this team has carried me through basically everything short of specialized battles like Infernal GHBs. It can even full clear the Tempest 90% of the time. I'm really glad the family (and their boss) work so well as a group together
  3. Fair enough. The multipliers aren't at set times. They happen when one team is 10% higher than the other. That's why such a big score swing early in the morning causes them for both sides, even if one side has significantly more players. That's the only time for this level of blowout that the scores are low enough for the less popular team's bonus to push them above 10% higher than the more popular team. It's not strictly because it's morning, but that morning for NA is when the match begins.
  4. Ugh, that sucks. Had it happen a few times before @Rezzy woke up. Your Titania has been immensely helpful, by the way Rezzy. Seems you're the only one on my list that actually went Ike, so I get to count on having her every battle! This is also why I have Minerva as my lead (well, that and favoritism >.>). Ike can handle Reds and Greens, so she can cut down any Blues that show up If you're referring to the one multiplier Ike actually got, it's because that's the only time in a blowout match like this that the scores are close enough, since they're unboosted on both sides for the first hour. Ike gets ahead of Roy easily in that first hour, but since the match just began and the scores are still low, Roy can actually blow past Ike's unboosted score in the next hour, which gives Ike a multiplier. But everybody on team Ike who were on at the time knew they probably wouldn't see another multiplier, so most of the team (Which is substantially larger) blew their flags for the multiplier. The result is a score too large for Roy to respond to, so he's playing catch up the rest of the match.
  5. First off, I do really like this site. It's a nice change of pace from viewing Wikis all the time. That in mind, got a few things I figure I'd note - basically just any time I've had to leave the site to get further information off the wiki that I feel could still be relevant to what this site is accomplishing, I've made mental note of it. Just suggestions, of course. These things are: What star rarity a character learns their skills. When clicking on Renewal for example, it shows the characters, but neither the Renewal page nor individual character pages show that only Fae can learn it at 4 star, and the others need to be 5. Maybe superimpose a star count over their pictures on the skill page to show rarities skills are learned? Prerequisites/Follow-up skills. Knowing which skill you need to teach to learn Hone Fliers (for example) can be useful if you don't have the unit to inherit that yet, but want to get a character started on inheritance in the meantime. Same deal with knowing which skills one you already have learned are needed for. I.E. Frederick has New Moon, which allows both Luna and Moonbow. Putting a 'preceded/followed by x skill' would be a potentially simple QoL improvement and help navigate things more fluidly as well. As a formatting suggestion, maybe move the Dagger units to be in line with the other two colorless weapons? This would put all 3 tomes on the same line when viewed 3 across as well, making everything -feel- more consistent. (Actually looking at it, it looks like the list is just set to sort the categories by most-least units.) This last thing isn't necessarily a suggestion, just pointing out that to me at least, on Firefox, the Hero Matchup key doesn't seem to line up with its text. See spoiler for image of what I mean. All in all though, great site! Keep up the good work
  6. Still missing a few key components, most importantly Minerva, but I've been happy with my progress in making Team Whitewing so far Aside from Minerva herself, I'm still short about 50k feathers, a few Repositions, and am still deciding what I want to do with Palla and Catria's B skills. I'd like to just give them all Hit and Run or Drag Back, but if I get Catria Lancebreaker, she can actually solo Effie, which is a pretty useful check. Unsurprisingly, Est absolutely wrecks anything she sees. Thinking of giving her Escutcheon as her special, to save some of her HP for those times when she doesn't beat the enemy in one burst with the Brave Lance.
  7. Didn't track my army ranks, but for feathers, I ended up with 2500(Merric), 2500(Leo), 2300(Robin) and 3000 for cumulative (Rank 501) for a total of 10,700 feathers. I did legitimately want Merric or Leo to win, but that cumulative reward is plenty worth it for trying to support them. All but 310 flags were 3x, too. Just couldn't get another Robin multiplier. In the end, still a fun diversion to break up the monotony of tower grinding
  8. When the game started, I only did full pulls. Now that I've gotten most of the 3* and a large amount of 4* characters, I only focus pull for characters I actually want. Mostly favorites or ones with a unique weapon. If there's nobody I absolutely want from the banner, but it's a batch of new characters, I'll just pull all the focus colors until I get a 5*, then call that good. The exception being, if the focus 5* chance has gotten fairly high, I'll pull the rest to see what happens. Actually got Genny that way - Pulled red until I got Celica, and Genny was hiding in a clear orb I almost left behind. I also tend to disregard a banner entirely if it doesn't have a character I want, and nobody on the focus is new - usually the GHB banners.
  9. While I would love to see Kaze in the game, for the sake of diversifying the source of characters in the gauntlet (and totally not any favorite game bias) I'd like to see Volke for a gauntlet like that personally.
  10. You start at 50 points per match, and get an extra 5 per friend, up to 10 friends. If you use the team's character you get 10% more. For example, for the first gauntlet I just had my 2 irl friends on my list. So 50+5+5, then + 10% is 66 points a round - not a multiple of 5
  11. It's not as surprising as it might seem, really. I'd imagine most of the members of team robin who picked him from the start have tons of flags just waiting for any 3x they get. I'd be more surprised if it doesn't swing back at least as hard from Tharja's side, from the same circumstances.
  12. Sorry, gonna back Robin this time around. Though (And not trying to open that can of worms again) that link you posted earlier definitely did help me see Tharja in a better light, so it was actually a bit of a toss-up on who I support. I still don't necessarily condone her actions, but I can definitely appreciate her depth of character from a writing standpoint, and understand those who side with her for more than just bodily reasons.
  13. Karel and Navarre are the only ones I can think of with a long coat for Archer. Though his coat is wierd in that it's some sleeves and a butt cape. Otherwise you could use Ogma with Gaius' cloak or something to make him without his coat. Best I can think of for ya.
  14. Yup, as much as I hoped Leo would pull through this time around, I kinda expected this outcome. Still gave it my all for him though - only missed out on spending 10 flags because the multipliers were much more rare than with Merric. But, I'm not the kind to be spiteful/hold a grudge, so out of respect for the one who defeated both of my choices, I'll be throwing my support behind Robin. Here's hoping he's got enough reinforcements from the other teams to bring down Tharja. (no grudge against her from me, she's just the opponent this round) Insert meme about scale tipping
  15. Glad to hear he's been useful. As much as he dies to anything magical that sneezes in his direction, he's easily been the MVP of my forces, outshining even most of my 5*s. (Fun fact, he's actually only 3 ATK short of neutral Ike, and that's factoring in Ragnell vs Brave Axe+ and 4* vs 5*. He'd be 1 ATK short of Ike at 5*). I don't actually have Horse Emblem assembled yet - gave him Hone Cavalry specifically for this Leo round. Your Tiki has been quite useful as well. There've been more than a few occasions where I need somebody who can actually take a hit, to safely start the battle so everyone can survive. She's already very durable - so I can only imagine what she'd be like with Fury 3. ^_^
  16. Yeah, @BANRYU made this one for me. I wish he was in the game, but sadly he's not likely to come for quite some time. I'd imagine at least not until the main Dawn Brigade members get added. But yeah, they all do amazing work over there - just be sure to make their lives easier and be as detailed as possible if you make a request
  17. Corrin stuff: As to the gauntlet, still doing what I can for Leo. Been encountering a ton of reds though, so Rezzy's Ursula has definitely been the MVP of the allies I've been getting so far.
  18. I'm sure there's some in depth psychological reason, but I'm guessing the basic reason is as simple as the flags earn you feathers and they both start with f, so the mind interchanges the two words during these events. Or something, I'm no psychologist. I know I did it once but caught myself after publishing the post.
  19. @Rezzy@BANRYU I've added you both - In game name's the same as here. I look forward to giving Leo as much support as possible and hope my leader can be of some use.
  20. Well, now that the round's over, off to team Leo! As before, my fc is 7908155030 - let me know if you add me. I just finished getting my Frederick Hone Cavalry, so the few enemies he can't cut down, he can help Leo take down instead.
  21. Merric: 3,126,870,936 - Robin: 3,549,027,650 right now. Robin's been outscoring him so bad that Merric's had the 3x bonus for the last like 8 hours straight. As to the off topic conversation about Telleus, all I can add is that as much as Radiant Dawn was released all over, it wasn't really advertised or anything. And it was ridiculously hard to find after release. I actually only found out about it on accident, despite owning a Wii at the time, and had to go find it on eBay (when it was still able to be found for ~$60, thank goodness.) I love RD to death, but it doesn't surprise me in the least that it and its characters are less known given how hard it was for people to get ahold of it only a few months after release. And yet despite that, it was critically well recieved, so :shrug: With that in mind, most peoples' opinion of Sanaki is going to be from PoR, where she definitely acts more like a snooty noble. She's a lot better in RD, but given how rare that game is...
  22. Already planned to back Leo from the beginning if Merric were defeated, so as long as you guys on his team can keep him in the running, reinforcements will be on the way next round.
  23. Update on Merric vs Robin: Merric - 2,808,958,140 Robin - 3,170,885,678 Merric has the multiplier for the third (if my memory is correct) hour in a row.
  24. The bonus still happens every other hour for Merric, as far as I've been noticing.
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