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Posts posted by YingofDarkness

  1. I only really play as the female avatars in games where I got a choice so:

    Black Eagles: Linhardt or Caspar I guess?

    Blue Lions: Ashe. I would like to marry Dimitri, but I'm currently shipping him with two others.

    Golden Deer: Ashe...None of the others really call too me. Like Claude is hot, but I ship him with someone else. Same problem with Raphael, and Ignatz. So Ashe it is (or a faculty member).

  2. I'm just going to go canon classes for the Blue Lions until I get a grasp on the system. I'll mix it up if I feel like I need an extra mage or a bow user, but for the most part I think I am going to just play it safe and go with what everyone wants. I'm actually not looking forward to having so much customization to do because it feels overwhelming. I'll probably take more risks when I move on to the Golden Deers though.

  3. Because I am waiting for supports to really start shipping, this list is going to include a lot of people in several realtionships. Apologies for the lines not all lining up. I tried.

    EdelgardxDimitri                              DmitrixByleth                              ClaudexHilda

    EdelgardxLynhardt                           DimitrixIngrid                             RaphaelxLeonie

    EdelgardxHubert                              IngridxFelix                                 HildaxRaphael

    EdelgardxFerdinand                        SylvainxIngrid                             HildaxLorenz

    DorotheaxCaspar                            SylvainxBernadetta                    MariannexClaude

    DorotheaxFerdinand                       MercedesxAshe                         IgnatzxLysithea

    CasparxBernadetta                         AshexBernadetta

    BernadettaxLynhardt                      MercedesxDedue


  4. I managed to get the American version, but then canceled because it was too expensive and I was uninterested at the time. However, I think the Japanese version is the best and the American version is the worst. None of them are really bad though that might be because the only thing I ever care about is the artbook so the other stuff doesn't matter to me.

  5. 1 minute ago, Calico said:

    New article, link here. Confirms that the story is divided into the academy part and the five years later war, that the stories branch based on who you choose,  seems to imply that all the students will have post-time skip appearances (which was expected). Edelgard is empress, Claude is a leader, but Dimitri is still just a prince. Zero evidence of time travel.

    I actually like the thought of no time hopping more than I thought I would originally. It can be a bit messy if not done correctly, and the idea of unlocking the good ending by playing all the others makes this game have quite a large amount of replay-ability. That aside, it is interesting how Dmitri is still a prince. So his father/mother must still be alive which makes me question their relationship with Dmitri, and makes me even more curious as too what happens to him.

    Now onto judging the outfits:

    - I have a very unpopular opinion on Edelgard's outfit. I like the pose and the outfit itself is badass, but it being so red ruins it in my opinion. I wish they had put more black/dark blue(I think is the color of her boots into her dress.

    - Dmitri I love you, but why is your pose you suffering. I really wish they had just given him a sad expression with a different pose. It is too much in my opinion. He looks a lot hotter now, and I love his outfit though.

    - Claude still looks perfect. He looks amazing, his pose is amazing, and his outfit is amazing. Nothing new here haha

  6. 2 minutes ago, SimplyUnknown said:

    It wouldn't be too bad if the final S-support was for them to begin dating rather than marriage. The ending could easily be far off into the future and that's where marriage could be, since there's been no sign of potential child units as of yet. At least, I hope there won't be.

    I still feel it would seem off even with time hopping unless they gate the supports a bit. Even if they just start dating it would seem kind of random to everyone except the time-skipping MC. Assuming that is what he is doing anyway. I actually thought of a way it could work if he isn't time hopping. The MC probably just moves to whatever country his student is from, and it is implied that they just feel in love over those five years. Anybody outside of the chosen house will not be able to support with the MC until they are recruited in the time skip. I kind of like the second option more to be honest. It feels more natural.

  7. And now I'm on the Three Houses hype train. Wasn't too keen on the anime school setting, but the post timeskip stuff really turned me around on this game. I would prefer if they go the Radiant Historia route for this, but I can find time to play this game four times over to get the happy end.

    As for the romance, I think they would have to have different supports for the future and past since it would be weird otherwise. Anybody that thought the S-supports in Fates and Awakening could come out of nowhere, isn't going to like that one character suddenly confessing their love to you five years after you disappeared to who knows where. This would only really work if it is just a straight time skip with no time hopping shenanigans though. If we are time hopping then we are going to have to have supports locked until a certain point in time (like SOV), and/or then two sets of supports for it too work. Either that or just have none of them really deal with what is going on around them.

  8. Ashe is so cute! It's interesting how he used to be a commoner and then became a noble while Mercedes was a noble but then became a commoner. He also looks like he is going to be pretty important in the first part of the game what with his adopted dad starting a rebellion.

    Speaking of which I found it interesting how the Black Eagles only have 1 commoner (and it is going to stay that way), the Blue Lions have 3 commoners , and the Golden Deer's have only one commoner so far. Which is very weird. Originally I thought the Black Eagles would be the middle ground of commoners, Blue Lions will be mostly nobles, and the Golden Deer's will have the most commoners because they where marketed that way. I'm assuming that Leonie and Ignace are going to be two more commoners for the Golden Deer's while Marianne seems more like a noble. However, if they actually want to stay true too the Golden Deer's having the most commoners she will have to be one as well otherwise they will the same amount as the Blue Lions. Speaking of which, that means that Sylvain, Annette, and Ingrid will have to be nobles.

    Mostly I'm interested in this because the whole commoner and noble interactions can be very interesting. Especially with characters like Hilda and Lorenz who seem a bit stuck up, and Dorothea being the only commoner in the Black Eagles. I'm kind of looking forward to the conversations from these guys.

  9. And I've missed a couple of people again. I don't really have much too say about any of them though. Hanneman seems like he might go crazy researcher on us. Ferdinand seeing himself as Edelgard's rival could be either very amusing or annoying depending on how they do it. Mercedes is the gentle character, and her background is interesting. If she was a noble and then became a commoner how is it that she got to go to this prestigious school? What even happened to cause that sort of change?

  10. I am not really excited for the game. I will get it day 1 because it is Fire Emblem, but as time has gone on I've just started losing interest. They seem to be trying to do a lot of different things in this game, and (without looking at the leak) the story seems to be heavier then previously. That in itself is the problem. I am a natural pessimist, and after Fates disaster I am extremely skeptical. I will give it a shot because they have probably learned their lesson considering how vocal everyone has been about its problem, and I do enjoy what I have played of the series. Nothing so far has gotten me excited though.

  11. Was not expecting Dorothea so soon to be honest. Her hat still looks weird, but I like what we know about her so far. I thought she might be a bit snobbish, but am pleasantly surprised to see her being the big sister type. I actually expected the Blue Lions group to be the one with the least amount of commoners not the Black Eagles. I have a feeling she gets picked on a bit by some of the others if they are bringing it up in her bio.

  12. Wow I've missed a lot of character reveals. Glad to see that they aren't going to just wait until ever Famitsu article comes out to introduce new characters. NoA should at least keep up with the Japanese character reveals. Even the websites are like night and day.

    Don't have much too say about Rea other than she looks pretty except for her eyes. The closeup they give her on the website make her seem extra creepy to me.

    Hubert being Edelgard's retainer is a surprise. I kind of expected it to be Petra or Ferdinand, but he weirdly fits now that the information is revealed. He looks a little too old to be attenting the academy, but his character seems like it would be fun as I can see him using more aggressive methods to get rid of Edelgard's methods.

    Duduu also looks too be too old to be at the school, but I like what we know of him so far. I am actually surprised that he is a commoner since I expected the Blue Lions to be filled with nobles. I feel like he and Dmitri are going to have a closer relationship (more brotherly) than Edelgard and Hubert (where it would be more professional), but that is just conjecture at this point.

    Lorentz is going to be hit or miss. He sounds like a young Virion except without any actual charm. He sounds like he could care less about what occurs with Claude, and is just chasing girls around with no success. His hair isn't that bad, but I don't think I'm going to like him much unless they give him some extra depth, and he learns to shut his mouth.

    Manuela looks cool. The only thing that bothers me about her outfit is that is looks like they never cleaned up the art? There is a line on her portrait that runs into her boob that kind of bothers me, but otherwise her outfit looks like what she is. That she is looking for a man kind of bothers me because that personality can be hit or miss for me, but we'll see what they do with her.

  13. I'm not sure how much me saying this is going to matter, but I'm going to cancel my prerorder from Best Buy due to lack of funds and disinterest in the game. I'm not sure how long it would take to show up as available or if it would show up at all. I'm just mentioning it here just in case anybody in the US is looking to snag one and it doesn't show up as available for a minute.

  14. I'm leaning towards bad just because I don't like silent characters in an otherwise voiced cast. It is just so jarring and doesn't make me feel like they make better avatars. Characters like these tend to fade into the background a lot which is annoying to me if they are supposed to be the main(or one of the) main characters. I get why people like them, and I've played and liked games with them before, but they are always a negative to me when I really think about it. I'd prefer to just have an established character then one that is going to be voiceless.

  15. Jeralt and Byleth really don't look similar to each other at all. If Byleth if customizable I'm probably going to try and mimic how Jeralt look so people would at least buy that we are father and daughter/son. I have a feeling he isn't our actual biological dad though.

    I wonder how they are going to be revealing characters now. Are they going to introduce everyone house by house, or will they take one/two people from each house and introduce them all?

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