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Phazon Archon

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Everything posted by Phazon Archon

  1. You aren't giving up on the skill I have on everyone: I just need to get off my lazy ass. I have posted the nine units you requested. Castle Address: 08515-28180-60331-86514 (Court of Skills) Everyone else: I will resume my scavenger hunt to acquire all skills on all characters. I have a long list of what I'm missing, sorted by character. If you take the time to at least glance at the list, I would appreciate it. I have omitted characters I don't have and the two I have completed.
  2. I'm here to join the "Okami is among my favorites" club, with a side order of "I enjoyed Okamiden" too. Okamiden is particular has my favorite final boss (not "one of"). Akuro's chibi form is what the Ninetails fight should have been. It makes you feel like you're dueling another player, rather than "I guess I'll do something if you wait long enough" for Ninetails's brush techniques. But...yes, you can tell the DS's processor is worse than a home console's, and some parts of the story are confusing. I'm both happy and confused to see Okami being remade again. I don't think it will spark a lot of new interest, and I can't help but think it's a cash grab. I was introduced to Okami on the Wii, and thought the motion controls for the brush (stylus for Okamiden) is part of what made the game fun. You feel like you're drawing. Alas, I don't have either console the reremake will be released on (and I'm not particularly a fan of computer gaming), plus it wouldn't have the motion controls I enjoy. I'll simply stick with my Wii (and DS). I have no hope for a new Okami game, though I would enjoy one.
  3. Wait, so our scenario reverses Ashnard's character? Wouldn't it make more sense for him to encourage Mozu to fight and prove herself? "I don't care who you are. If you want this, show that you have the strength to take it from me!" As for my contribution to the If Only... thread: I would love to see Soren, Naesala, Oliver, Hana, Mae, Candice, and Lloyd (from Fates). Bonus points if Lloyd's musou summons Llewelyn.
  4. I was hoping you weren't online: I checked my logbook immediately after posting and found Subaki with Lifetaker in there. No need to worry!
  5. Would have posted that too if I had it on him.
  6. The Inigo you requested is ready to go.
  7. I'll grind Rally Spectrum onto mine later today. Which 3 Rally skills do you want him to have? I have all but Rally Magic on him.
  8. You can't buy Rally Spectrum off of someone. I have posted Inigo with Replicate and Rally Strength/Luck/Defense/Resistance Castle Address: 08515-28180-60331-86514 (Court of Skills) tobuShogi, thank you for your support. I have acquired all you have to offer. For everyone else, I am still searching for these skills (it's a long list):
  9. In my haste, I forgot to save in your castle: I only picked up Setsuna's skills. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  10. Right after my previous post, I checked the castle you mentioned and acquired it there. Then I thought, "oh, right, I should have said that when I posted". Thank you!
  11. Thank you! I have this set, but...I didn't have the opportunity to pick up Selkie and the others from you. Could you please post those again?
  12. I'm close to having every purchasable skill on Hana, so I'm happy to help. She's on display with replicate at my castle. Castle Address: 08515-28180-60331-86514 (Court of Skills) I was excited to finally pick up Replicate on Subaki from you, but yours didn't have Replicate equipped.
  13. I just picked up Vantage on Nina. I'll post that pair as well.
  14. Another shopping trip finished; thank you! My Sophie now has Pavise. I picked it up today from NEWGrossSkill in case you want to head there today rather than wait.
  15. I'll put some skills for both in my castle soon, but before I do: do you care whether or not a skill is normally obtainable for that character? The main reason I ask is because I could post Dragon Fang and Hoshidan Unity on Mozu.
  16. I just tried the signature idea: it didn't work. I assumed it wouldn't, but I thought I would give it a shot. I'll post my list once per page and only update the most recent posting of it. Thank you for the skills! I am still searching for:
  17. I've picked up your latest array of skills. I have a few for you as well: Mitama: Vantage Siegbert: Pavise Soleil: Vantage Sophie: Aegis Velouria: Miracle
  18. Behold! A topic of poetic victories in Radiant Dawn's endgame! And lo! For who could weave a tale of such beauty but the most beautiful of men - Oliver! We know our hero's origin well: a life filled with excess, corruption, and depravity. His slavery exposed, his crimes brought to light, his sins punished by the harsh gaze of justice. Ah, but the goddess is merciful. She offers the opportunity to atone for his sins! In the death of a conceited debaser, a guardian of beauty rises anew. Annealed and galvanized by his new charge, he challenges the goddess herself so all that is fair and aesthetically pleasing may be preserved. Life without beauty would not life be. Hetzel, a former conspirator of Oliver, is stricken upon beholding such a dynamic change in the latter's soul. Oliver blasts clean the first link to his own heinous past, proving both that he now serves beauty as beauty once served him, and that words without action are but impotence. "You could never understand the depth of my commitment to beauty! Sometimes it simply overwhelms me. I can’t stop the love welling up inside! I’d do anything to keep the hideous likes of you from my precious birds!" But what man better embodies the filth of Oliver's past better than Lekain, the puppet master of the Serenes Massacre? He is confused to see Oliver free from his strings. Grace's champion strikes down the greatest scourge elegance has ever known, demonstrating that the light of beauty outshines all else. "I am Oliver, champion of beauty! You would harm my precious feathered angels! That makes you my enemy! Unsightly man… Prepare yourself!" Levail plants his heels and staunchly defends the Begnion military's waning pride. He stares in wonder at the sinner turned savior. Spying that he is unlike the monsters of the previous floor, Oliver extends the gift he himself had been graced with - a second chance. "True beauty is immortal. Look at me. Right now, I am flawless. You are not without potential. With education, you could aspire to be me." Alas, loyalty is not without its cost: Levail has chosen his side and would become a traitor should he abandon it. He dies a true soldier, and the world weeps. It is a sad day when virtue must fight virtue. Oliver is not the only one proving he is a changed man: Kurthnaga trusts his heart and takes a stand against his father. His boyhood behind him, he challenges the notion that doom is certain. The young man proves that with chaos comes hope, and earns his father's rank and blessing. As Dheginsea passes on, he muses that his son rekindled a hope within him he thought long extinguished. Sephiran, a man deeply scarred by Lekain's savage destruction of beauty, and by the assassination of his descendant, now awaits the culmination of his plan. He has concluded that life will inevitably snuff out all that is delicate and graceful, and so seeks to end all things. He desires to protect beauty, but through alternative means - no harm can come to beauty if none exists at all. Oliver cannot allow such an approach to be carried out. "Lord Sephiran, as lovely as always. But has it come to this? Must we fight to the death, and deprive the world of one of our beautiful countenances? Can other lovers of beauty endure such a loss?" It is a sorrowful day when beauty must fight beauty. The world is made less by Sephiran's loss. With Ashera's defeat, Oliver continues his quest to champion beauty. In a world of peace, however, this comes in the form of patronage and funding. The wealth amassed by his former self is now shared, that elegance and refinement may once again grow and flourish. His is a tale of taking a stand for your beliefs and of redemption.
  19. Thank you for your continued help; I've acquired your latest batch. I have Certain Blow on Effie waiting for you.
  20. I'm always happy to see my list become shorter. Thank you for your help!
  21. I just picked up everyone from your castle. Thank you!
  22. My Jakob has Lethality, Swordfaire, Bowfaire, Tomefaire, and Salvage Blow waiting for you. Thank you! I have set up the skills you wanted on Charlotte and Hinoka.
  23. I've located a Hisame sporting Luna. Heads up: a stationary Mitama can attack one of your starting spaces. 12856-37249-13368-83168
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