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Posts posted by MadJak91

  1. 4 hours ago, Hylian Air Force said:

    Famicom clunkiness makes things seem a lot harder than they actually are purely because of the added tedium of an entire phase possibly taking 5 minutes. Most Famicom RPGs lack any sort of quality of life features whatsoever. This is the reason I haven't played anything before FE4.

    Yup. I dropped the original FE1 about midway, barely but finished Gaiden (oh boy...).

    Sure, I was obviously spoiled by the newer games first but I feel like the series were a rough ride until FE4 like you said.

    I think the original FE1 also has lower growths for characters but then I am not sure how it translates to difficulty because the remake seems to have higher stats to compensate for more modern higher growths. I guess looking back, H1 is probably the better answer.

  2. I am a tea elitist, coffee hater and cocoa lover.

    Yeah... Seriously though. I drink tea every morning without question and cocoa occasionally before sleep. No coffee at all in my life other than coffee flavored stuff lmao :D

  3. Getting even better at coding and preferably working with even more serious robotics but... I kinda feel it is just a dream because I always evaluate my skill and it simply is not there yet, haha.

    Until then, good life, good work, preferably just enjoying whatever comes my way. I never was one for super dreams or such :D

  4. I would like to know how some tomes can be so freaking heavy! Heavier than a huge steel axe!!

    I agree with what was already said. In Thracia 776, the icon for a destroyed tome is a book with torn pages and faded. So I guess the spell is sealed inside the tome and the book gets damaged every time the mage chants the spell.

    You know... Like highschool textbooks! At the end of the year, you find some of them falling apart due to use! :D

  5. 12 hours ago, kieth1 said:

    He is amazing and broken and I love him. And he's got 20 more levels to grow ;)

    Also this is what I assume he must look like at this point

    leaf legs.png

    lmao, exactly what I needed during a short work break so thanks :D


  6. In my opinion he is more of an extra but you can obviously gain from him. The few times I used him, he turned out average or I was forcing him in but he can definitely fill in and do the job as a Druid as you do not have many dark magic options.

    I think he is mostly useful in his unofficial Super Trainee class but I guess many would argue that, haha. He can use all magic schools there and is not screwed that badly.

    If you need a good magic user then Lute or Saleh can do it. If you need Light against monsters (which there are plenty later), Artur or promoted healers can do it.

  7. 5 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    I can kinda understand this in many games, but you're really missing out with Colm; his stats are pretty comparable to the other sword-users but he gains exp much faster and has all his utility benefits besides, which makes him extremely useful.

    Point taken! I have seen people using him over the myrmidons even. I think especially in Sacred Stones you cannot really make a "bad" choice, haha.

    I am just that scrub who mostly deploys thieves when there is treasure to be found (worth taking anyway) and I can use that slot! Hey, many characters to try out so maybe next time :>

  8. Maaaaan, I used to frequent the site in ages long past. I feel old now :/

    Played dumb games, watched M rated Mario and FF parodies and felt like a total reject while browsing it LMAO :D

    I checked it again some time ago. It is still around. More or less. Seems to be obviously less active and the usual crap flash content everyone was doing is not there much anymore. Still, a lot of super nostalgic animations are around and... what the heck was I watching back then, seriously!

  9. Thanks!

    From talk it seems people prefer Eirika's route Lyon and plot of that path in general and that is fine. I myself found Ephraim's scenario more interesting maybe because it plays more like your other FEs. In terms of story as well and I ultimately liked that Lyon better.

    Ya, Eirika's Lyon is more tragic but her actions towards him rub me the wrong way because Eirika is shown how corrupted and hollow puppet Lyon became yet she still (stupidly) trusts him TOO much, haha. Ephraim seems more accepting of the fact that Lyon's soul has long expired.

    Ephraim's Lyon is like: "You know what? I am not totally corrupted and some of it I did out of personal matters so suck it!" and Ephraim's final battle conversation with him is super straightforward, haha.

  10. There is actually a money making trick but I forgot how to do it so you will have to look it up or someone else answers it. It involves resetting your game before entering the first floor so that the game generates a skeleton with a dropable Runesword.

  11. Mm...

    First, you need the Member's Card Rennac is carrying in Chapter 14 (both routes). A unit can only access the shop with the card in their inventory.

    Next, there are two secret shops: Chapter 14 and 19.

    CH14 Eirika - Left of the throne room up in the corner.

    CH14 Ephraim - Alcove left of the left gate. An archer is probably sniping you from that point.

    CH19 - Alcove above the right treasury.

    More here: https://serenesforest.net/the-sacred-stones/miscellaneous/secret-shops/

  12. Ya, Amelia can be a hassle and the payoff depends on how her stats raise... I like using her because you get a speedy tank if you take the Knight branch. I use Swiftsoles then. I think the game has enough Cavaliers (Seth and Franz) who are worth using but I guess for a later Great Knight... Why not! :D

    In general, I would say train Ross regardless of what you think of trainees because he is a beast later!

    Ewan on the other hand... Dunno, never had much like with the boy :/

  13. Really hard for me to choose someone, lmao :D

    I super like Seth because he is OP AF and can easily solo the entire war like HE is the one possessed by the Demon King. And something about that red hair...

    My two top Lords are Sigurd and Eliwood.

    Eliwood gets a lot of dislike for some reason. I guess because he is not popular Lyn or strong Hector. Still, I always liked Eliwood a lot. He may seem bland but he goes through a lot while the other two often seem like things are going well. Honestly, with Eli it is more like... I just like him. I see something in him, haha.

    Sigurd... I feel for him but then I love quite a few FE4-5 characters, haha. Sigurd seems to be one of the more mature lords with actual burden right from the beginning and it only gets worse... Arguably, Leif or Marth had to shoulder a lot as well though but Sigurd went that extra mile. When someone says FE Lord, to me, it immediately pictures Sigurd. Do not forget that freaking horse jump when he fights :D

  14. I am not sure I get this...
    Yeah, questioning a FE plot.

    I know the story changes depending on which route you take. The events do not really happen simultaneously, only key parts because characters cannot be at two places at once for example.
    So the "real" story is the one you choose.

    In that case.

    Lyon during Eirika's story is pretty much possessed by the Demon King for good because the king misused his desires and jealousy.
    This also happens during Ephraim's scenario but there it seems more like Lyon is still mostly him and he just tapped into the power of the Demon King until he got completely devoured but all his actions were self-aware and just to satisfy his inferiority complex.

    I am kinda confused. I feel like depending on the scenario, Lyon is also different.
    Not sure if I am making any sense.

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