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Posts posted by Ozil

  1. 17 hours ago, Usana said:

    I am not sure I would consider AA  super difficult. It just isn't any fun for me so I don't do it often. But that lack of doing it often might be why I don't find it difficult. I just don't care much since the mode feels like such a slogfest. I mostly just throw a token effort at it. Part of the slogfest is not being able to change your units up once you are in. Every now and then I realize I forgot to, say, switch Summer Robin out of trainer mode and she isn't actually outfitted for battle. That is until I see something that I would really like her to counter for me. Whoops. Can't switch her to combat mode. AA is just a big middle finger to me everytime I do it. A bunch of my units end up set up for random builds and I don't really feel like going through all 100+ of them to make sure they have their optimal build before starting the AA run. Would rather just be able to change their set as I find I need them. That would make countering teams you run into easier though and maybe they don't want that.


    Arena is being a royal pain this week. I just can't go deathless. I decided to finish this set out and see if a run that isn't deathless will prove to be enough. Since I dropped out of 19 last week I just need enough to get back into 19. That maybe won't require a deathless. As for my deaths? Today was Legendary Ephraim eating it. A team of a bunch of reds and an archer. He hits and Gales against the first red. Next I throw him at Masked Marth. Ephraim has more attack. I expect Gale to activate and let me flee. Apparently I missed an invisible buff somewhere. A drive or a spur I overlooked. Guh. That left him in range of a Klein. And frankly that is someone I don't want to leave him in range of even with full hp. The others tend to be from the fact that my team is just not fully optimized for play. Honestly I have no idea how they are getting defense wins.

    galeforce procs once per turn. Do you have heavy blade seal as well with him?

  2. After the pain of the Falchion banner where I lost count of the orbs I spent for Alm merges, this one was OK.  I was lucky to get all the units as well as a +atk/-res and +atk/-spd Chrom.  He will go really well with Ephraim on my horse team.  As an awakening fan, this is the Chrom I wanted, and his artwork is awesome to boot

  3. So I helped my 7 year old with his pulls ie. spend money.  He was lucky enough to pull +atk/-hp Elincia as well as another B Ike.  To top it all off, he got Takumi on his colorless stone.  He did well for that session.  I'm hoarding my orbs until the new rumored banner comes out.  I've got all the heroes I need, unless, I go for heavy blade fodder and try for Ike

  4. 7 minutes ago, XRay said:

    I would not treat adults like children. That pisses off customers and reduces revenue. I do not want somebody telling me how I should spend my money.

    Oh no I didn't mean the companies setting limits.  I meant us as customers need to set our own limits

  5. I think the biggest thing we can do is to set limits on how much you spend on these games.  I played Transformers: Earth Wars, and they won't even reveal the drop rates for 4 star characters (the highest you can get).  If you're not getting who you want after dropping 100 orbs, maybe stop and take a break.  But don't keep hitting the buy orbs button.  It might suck that you don't get the character you want right away, but you probably wouldn't feel as bad if you had spent double and got nothing.  

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