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Everything posted by Ozil

  1. galeforce procs once per turn. Do you have heavy blade seal as well with him?
  2. Here’s my Chrom as well. +atk/-res https://imgur.com/a/2zCzS
  3. My latest thanks to the Countering Skills Banner: He is +atk/-res
  4. Running horse emblem with Chrom, Rein, LA Lilina, and LA Roy. Lilina makes Grima cry
  5. Grats on F Morgan. I have an OK IV one, and thought about summoning another, but I'll wait and save orbs especially with the numerous banners being released
  6. Anyone think we'll see an armored Chrom costume like the one he has in Heroes?
  7. I've saved leveling Chrom until the event starts so I'm ready :)
  8. Cool. I’ll just keep waiting. Really want Gerome now after pulling the others. Plus, I need to replenish my orbs
  9. Have IS announced when this TT starts?
  10. Oh yeah. I had some insane luck. My freebie was a -atk/+spd. I was able to pull a +atk/-res one and they kept coming when I was pulling Morgan. So I finished him to run along with Ephraim.
  11. After the pain of the Falchion banner where I lost count of the orbs I spent for Alm merges, this one was OK. I was lucky to get all the units as well as a +atk/-res and +atk/-spd Chrom. He will go really well with Ephraim on my horse team. As an awakening fan, this is the Chrom I wanted, and his artwork is awesome to boot
  12. It took a lot of orbs, but my Grima killer is here! Now I need some more divine dew and medals to refine the weapon
  13. I've been building mine like this. I totally whaled out for this guy as I love SS and he's a beast
  14. They all look solid to me. I will try and pull for all of them. If nothing else, I have another team for arena assaults. Azura and Inigo are must gets for me as I am lacking in good green units.
  15. I don’t have an extra b Ike so I used his default instead. I did get Wrath on BK and he’s very solid. He’s been beasting on my TT Guys don’t sleep on Oscar. He’s awesome with the bonuses.
  16. Neph and Ike are dominating BK while Elincia and Oscar hit damn hard. Can’t wait to get my BK
  17. I'm so stoked for the Black Knight. I do have an extra bad IV Neph ready as wrath fodder. Now I just need to get some sleep for the reset as it's 1am my time
  18. So I helped my 7 year old with his pulls ie. spend money. He was lucky enough to pull +atk/-hp Elincia as well as another B Ike. To top it all off, he got Takumi on his colorless stone. He did well for that session. I'm hoarding my orbs until the new rumored banner comes out. I've got all the heroes I need, unless, I go for heavy blade fodder and try for Ike
  19. Gaius, Matthew, Gwendolyn, Sully, and Est can leave me alone
  20. Ozil


    Oh no I didn't mean the companies setting limits. I meant us as customers need to set our own limits
  21. I pulled a 4-star Effie, but +atk/-hp which is awesome. I'll be promoting her. My son sadly pulled a -atk/+hp 5 star Klein...yeesh
  22. Ozil


    I think the biggest thing we can do is to set limits on how much you spend on these games. I played Transformers: Earth Wars, and they won't even reveal the drop rates for 4 star characters (the highest you can get). If you're not getting who you want after dropping 100 orbs, maybe stop and take a break. But don't keep hitting the buy orbs button. It might suck that you don't get the character you want right away, but you probably wouldn't feel as bad if you had spent double and got nothing.
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