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Everything posted by Ozil

  1. My Alphonse is sitting at lv 2. My team isn't cutting it as Lucina always gets trashed in rd 1
  2. In 1 week since I started playing. I was chasing Hector and Takumi which is why I spent a little more than I wanted Lucina (free) Kagero Reinhardt Klein (promoted) Roderick Nowi Hinoka Fae Merric Boey Jeorge Gordin Rebecca Jaffar Jakob Mist Elise
  3. Not many: my other horses are Gunter and Frederick. I'm only 2 weeks in
  4. Would Roderick be good for Hone Cavalry to go alongside Reinhardt or are there better recommendations?
  5. I just beat the 3 star one and got creamed. I was running 5* Reinhardt, Lucina, Klein, and Kagero. May need to level other heroes.
  6. I've pulled Roderick off the new banner. Are the others worth getting?
  7. I've pulled Roderick off the new banner. Are the others worth getting?
  8. Well if I don't get 5 star Marth I can always promote my 4 star. I'm at 7200 so there's no way. I did level my main army to 35-36 so that helps. Question: how come marth doesn't have other skills than his weapon on 4 star?
  9. I need some advice. I have 34 Lucina, 34 Kagero, 33 Reinhardt, and 32 Klein all with their default abilities scaled up. Is it risky to try the lv 35 bracket?
  10. I might give it a good go then for the 5 star :) Thanks for the info
  11. Considering I started near the end of last week and had low level units, I hit my goal. How long until this event is done?
  12. I think I need to stop chasing Hector and Takumi. Neither seem to want to be mine :(
  13. Damn you guys are beasts. I need to get my units to 35 otherwise I'm stuck doing the 75 point battles....I'm almost at 4K which means Marth as a 4 star is my only hope at this point. Not the end of the world as I can promote.
  14. Not Hector or the Takumi I'm looking for but I wanted him too
  15. Thanks guys. Appreciate it. I'll try again later hoping for better luck
  16. Considering it's early days, I'm at 2000 just grinding the easy zone until I hit lv 35 Running 5* Lucina, Reinhardt, Kagero, and Klein
  17. Do you guys summon all 5 or pick specific colors of the heroes you're looking for?
  18. I've pulled crap tonight. Chasing Roderick and Takumi and nada. Oh well. Back to the drawing board
  19. I just discovered this as a new player. With me just learning this game and the fact my toons are all below 35, I'll be lucky if I can get 4 star Masked Marth. However, my 5 Lucina helps soothe the pain I'll get by likely not hitting 30K
  20. Hi guys, I'm really new to the game and when I'm seeing optimal builds for certain toons, I'm not seeing them in their skill sets. Does that mean I have to find another character with the skill my toon needs to inherit?
  21. Hi guys, I'm really new to FE Heroes and Fates was the first game I played. I'm kinda lost in the building of characters and always trying to learn more about the game. Thanks for having me
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