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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Not a fan of her cotton candy hair. Looks too modern for a "medieval" setting in Fire Emblem standards. I usually have a pet peeve when teenage or adult women speak like little girls so that's another reason I'm not crazy about Peri. I'm indifferent to her and just never use her.
  2. This really depends on your avatar's asset and flaw. I'm gonna assume you chose luck for flaw. If you have magic for asset go Lissa, strength for asset go Tiki. If your asset is speed or HP, you can go either way. Lissa is if you want a Sage/Sorc Morgan and Tiki is if you want a Manakete Morgan.
  3. Some kind of army's home base to hold support conversations like 13 and 14. Keep the balanced attack/defense stance from 14. Fully voice acted lines from 15. Keep skills tied to classes rather than having a set of 5-6. Bring back weapon durability because I'm not a fan of the steel and silver weapons lowering my stats. Why go for a kill and be exposed in enemy phase when I could use a forged iron weapon and stay safe? Oh and this may be an unpopular opinion but I would prefer if units only promoted to one class instead of having branch promotions. Makes it more even of a playing field for all recruitable units since one unit won't get the shaft just because someone else does a better job in their class.
  4. I took my sweet time getting to the boss. I had Xander with Effie and Silas with Corrin dealing with the generals because of massive defense and armorslayers so they had to stay south. Kaze has always been my mage killer but my units started in the right so I couldn't find a way to safely travel to the maid without getting hit by an enfeeble in Enemy Phase and then getting another debuff from her daggers during my turn. Instant death by the Heroes and Sorcerers if I had done that. Camilla definitely underperformed but I got lucky when she lowered the Heroes health with her magic. A lot of my units got the shaft during level ups and had shitty resistances so I was screwed either way lol. Maybe next time I play through it, I won't be so RNG screwed and get better stats.
  5. Guys this is Nintendo we're talking about. With horrible naming schematics like Wii U, New 3DS/2DS, and ARMS, they'll make IS call it Fire Emblem Switch.
  6. More like I prefer keeping my games in good condition but my friends just jam the case in their bags before heading over to give it back to me. Already had my Awakening case all dented and bought a replacement lol.
  7. Shoot, if I had Path of Radiance I wouldn't let anyone touch it lol
  8. Sure but the soundtrack will be horrible and half-assed. I wish Capcom brought back other series besides Street Fighter and Monster Hunter
  9. You mean in Echoes, each class only gets 1 weapon type? That sounds weird and limiting.
  10. Have you ever introduced a friend to Fire Emblem? If so, with what game? My friend's a huge RPG fan so I had her try out Awakening. She chose Normal/Casual since Permadeath was alien to her. She created her character and skipped most of the dialogue so I had to teach her the mechanics. She fell in love with the cutscenes and after the 2nd mission she was glued to the 3DS and just kept playing in silence lol. She's Japanese and loves her culture so maybe I should have started her with Birthright since it fits more but I'm biased towards Awakening and was more familiar with its mechanics.
  11. I remember watching a Youtube video where the user made a complaint about Birthright having Dragon Veins in every chapter. Something that I didn't see a problem with since the gimmick is only tied to Fates. It would make sense for the developers to go wild using them since they won't be seen again. Admittedly, the 2nd Camilla fight in Birthright made me hate Dragon Veins even if it gave my Sakura and Orochi a shit ton of EXP.
  12. I actually managed to beat Chapter 10 in 1 try though it took me an hour as well lol. I did grind in Boo Camp to keep my underleveled units equal to everyone else cause it's very easy to fall behind with the weaker characters having horrible hit rates. And I see what you mean. I'll have to look up which of my units gives off strength then since Niles has been doing minimal damage compared to Selena.
  13. On a more realistic note, how on earth could there be dancers on a battlefield? And how does dancing make a soldier more inclined to have another go at killing an enemy? Does Olivia dance and pass a can of Red Bull with a Silver Sword or something?
  14. Jesus guys. That sounds like torture. I hope you had Lost Bloodlines 3 for that sweet Paragon bonus. Even then the 16 exp max per kill becomes a slog after the 2nd/3rd second seal.
  15. Yeah pretty much. I played Awakening and Birthright on Hard/Classic so once again the weapon triangle wasn't all that significant. I imagine lunatic is when it becomes a lifesaver.
  16. I can't help but find the weapon triangle to be rather useless in terms of what has an advantage over another weapon. From what I've played, you only really get minimal extra points worth of damage. It's not like Pokémon where a type advantage grants a 2x multiplier (or even the case with Bows and Fliers). If a sword user is facing a great knight with an armorslayer and the knight has a lance, the weapon triangle wouldn't matter since armorslayers are more effective in this scenario. In the same vein, I find breaker skills to be rather useless as well since there should be no reason to put a unit that is vulnerable so close to an enemy with an effective weapon (bow, wind magic, hammers, etc.). If anything, the classes are what's more effective when it comes to weapon wielding such as the speedy/dodgy myrmidons or the inaccurate but powerful berserkers. Of course I could be totally wrong about my assessments but feel free to chime in your thoughts or changes to the mechanic.
  17. I only used Olivia and Azura because they were able to fight back if needed. Other dancers in previous games don't have that luxury to my knowledge so they're dead weight to me.
  18. The Astra punchline was basically the icing on the cake to the lobster joke. Plus they say similar things: "Breathe darn you!" and "You have breathed your last!"
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDEvpaNBT_k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxTV9AGZEHU Enjoy!
  20. Kira taught me that messing with the flow of time is only asking to get ORAORAORA'd by a Joestar.
  21. Drop Panne. She doesn't pass any notable classes or skills to kids and it'll save you cash on restocking Beaststone and Beaststone+.
  22. I was always fond of Ike's design since Brawl and I hear nothing but good things from his games. Yet how can I experience his games without breaking bank? Is the only way through emulation? (or hopeful Switch eShop release)
  23. @BrightBow Fair enough. Even Tiki criticized her for using Marth's name but eh, when the story takes place thousands of years after Marth and she was trying to avoid revealing herself to Chrom I can let it slide. And it's true it can be insinuated that Lucina stays behind but since no ending is confirmed canon, it can be left unknown. I totally understand the points you're trying to make and can see why you wouldn't favor Lucina as a hero/lord. I still have respect for her for the hell she was put through so to each their own lol.
  24. If you want to be technical, Trunks is royalty too since Vegeta is the "prince" of all Saiyans (all 6 of them). And yeah that's another loophole that's plagued with time travelling but even Lucina mentioned that she might not be able to return to her own time. In her ending when she's single it states: "Lucina disappeared after whispering these words to her infant self: "Yours will be a happy future." Did she journey to another land or back to her own time? ...No one knows for certain." so it's still ambiguous whether or not she really left her future to rot.
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