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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Has there ever been an explanation as to why there wasn't official artwork of every recruitable character like previous FE games? I think there only exist official art of the royals and that's it. I really dislike the 4koma art (Ophelia shudder...)
  2. I actually missed that in Fates. I didn't like how quiet the support conversations were without the hilarious and sometimes unfitting one-liners. Anyways, this topic is perfect for me as someone who adores this game. The soundtrack is fantastic and visuals are beautiful. The chapter immediately after Emmeryn's where you face off with "Don't Speak Her Name" playing with the rain pouring was brilliant and brought me to tears! The characters are very likable with plenty of charm and are very quotable too. There's countless numbers of scale tipping and down sword hands to go around for FE memes lol. Only some maps were large open fields while there were some very interesting maps like the giant tree, volcano and the shore where you recruit Say'ri. I loved the open customization of characters where you could endlessly reclass and obtain great skills. Fates felt very limiting in that regard and I wasn't too crazy about it tbh. Oh and that scene where Id (Purpose) comes into play where Robin comes back was also well executed.
  3. I will never understand how people can be so passionate about hating a game. I can't see where they get the energy to write a "1-page" essay about their dislike for the story or its gameplay or how a fanfic has a better story. I guess it doesn't mean much coming from an indifferent person such as myself. I don't hold many strong opinions unless I really like something then I could write a whole paragraph about why I like Fire Emblem Awakening. Reading that linked comment reminds me of several comments I read on Youtube comments or GameFAQs discussions. I've even read people saying they cringe at the thought of reading Fire Emblem Fates's title or its characters names like how???
  4. His favorite game is an expensive one.
  5. I've only been here a few days but I figure I'm still fresh enough for an intro post. Newbie FE fan who was afraid of permadeath and got hooked on Casual mode in Awakening. Got over my fear and have been playing Classic since. Currently playing through Conquest, Binding Blade, Sacred Stones, and New Mystery. Yup, I'm addicted lol.
  6. What are your thoughts on the Lost Bloodlines 1-3 DLC? Did you enjoy going through them or learn anything new about FE's history? Or were you only in it for the Dread Scroll and Paragon? I am very thankful for it because I started the series with Awakening back in 2013 and it really made me appreciate the lore behind all of Fire Emblem just by seeing all of the old characters and their artwork and interactions with each other. It also opened by eyes to a lot of the references in Awakening such as why Cherche calls her wyvern Minerva or when Tiki hinted that Chrom was more of a descendant of Sigurd instead of Marth. It made me want to research more on the timeline of FE. Plus I wanted to try out New Mystery in order to recruit the likes of Malice and Minerva cause they look like badasses lol.
  7. Thanks for the input everyone! I'll go with Hard/Classic.
  8. Specifically route the enemy chapters but feel free to include others. This question can apply to any FE games you've played. Typically it takes me around 40 minutes to complete a Route the Enemy chapter cause I'm a very cautious player and it also helps me grind my units when reinforcements come along.
  9. Specifically route the enemy chapters but feel free to include others. This question can apply to any FE games you've played. Typically it takes me around 40 minutes to complete a Route the Enemy chapter cause I'm a very cautious player and it also helps me grind my units when reinforcements come along.
  10. Senran Kagura does a good job of using 3D models for their "visual novel" type of dialogue. As long as it doesn't look lame I'd be okay with it. Honestly portraits would just be safer and I love FE artwork.
  11. I beat Awakening and Birthright on Hard/Classic with BR being a little bit tougher but manageable. I had to switch to Normal/Classic on Conquest and only on Chapter 18 at the moment and it's been challenging but not aggravating like Hard/Classic lol. I don't know what the difficulty will be like in SoV what with the new gameplay mechanics and all that so what would you recommend?
  12. I beat Awakening and Birthright on Hard/Classic with BR being a little bit tougher but manageable. I had to switch to Normal/Classic on Conquest and only on Chapter 18 at the moment and it's been challenging but not aggravating like Hard/Classic lol. I don't know what the difficulty will be like in SoV what with the new gameplay mechanics and all that so what would you recommend?
  13. Lucina because she reminds me of Future Trunks who is also a badass future child of a main protagonist looking to get shit done. Setsuna is another one of my favorites because everything she says makes me laugh out loud literally. Same can be said about Owain/Odin.
  14. So there's a ton of classes from Hero to Sorcerer. What are some of your favorites and least favorites? My favorite classes are Hero, Master Ninja, Swordmaster, and Paladin. My least favorites being Bow Knight and General.
  15. My favorite is Awakening and the only things I would fix is more mission completion variety and to prevent reinforcements from moving on the turn they appear.
  16. Anyone else feel weird about customizing their avatar in FE12-14? I play games like Pokémon Sun and Toukiden 2 where customizing my character is fine cause they're voiceless self-inserts. With the avatars however, they already have a set personality with voiced dialogue so it feels strange to mold them into my own character. I always considered FE to be about its characters (besides tactics & permadeath) so it seems strange to mess with the story's character like that lol. Or I'm just over-thinking and should just customize away!
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