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Everything posted by Tessiro

  1. Witch Celica, since guess seems to be on an SoV mode fit the time being.
  2. It's not like I want waifus, but it's not like I completely don't want them either... Though I feel that they'll definitely be in there going by the last few entries of the series.
  3. Don't forget about Rolf, Boyd and Oscar: The BOW triangle attack. Its even more ridiculous because you can't even use it until Boyd is promoted and gains bow, and you can permanently lock yourself out of it if you promote Oscar and not choose bow as your secondary weapon.
  4. Awakening definitely did music, character progression, replayabilty right, and I like that it gives you a ton of freedom on how you want to build a certain unit.
  5. Speaking of Jagens did Gaiden/Echoes not having one matter all that much, in the end? Now that I think about it, FE2/15 is missing a lot of archetypes; probably because a lot of the series mainstays weren't established yet.
  6. I've played both Under Night and Blazblue, so I'm really excited for this. Ruby and Mai Nastume would be my dream team, so please add Mai, Arcsys! She's got her own manga side series and everything so she totally deserves it.
  7. 1. Lyn, because she's only been a focus once and she's pretty much the hardest to get unit in an over saturated pool of 5* reds. 2. Hinoka, because flier emblem teams are way too hard to make, also Camilla is 4-5* too. 3. Minerva (see above) 4. Sanaki, because I need that forehead... 5. Elise, because she's the best horse emblem healer and because Sakura is 4-5*.
  8. That's too bad. I enjoy playing both, but 12.3 has a decent online netplay presence, while 14.5 is pretty much dead unfortunately.
  9. Shoutouts to the Thieves that risk their lives, only to open chests containing nothing but a Vulnerary
  10. Speaking of Touhou, are any of you familiar with or interested in 12.3, Hisoutensoku?
  11. Going back to PoR after playing portable FE games only for quite a while made me remember how slow the pace of the game was. Maybe I'm spoiled by the 3DS games letting me skip the enemy phase entirely, heh.
  12. Hi, I'm a new member here, but have been lurking for quite a while, and felt like now was the time to join up! Avid FE player, but also spends a lot of time with FG's and a little with speedrunning. Founder of the Soku Squad and the official ambassador to good forum. And you can call me Tess, if you prefer.
  13. Pleasant surprise this week, I didn't have a good bonus unit this week and decided to try slide my recently built Alfonse into my usual squad with Ninian/Anna/Rein and he did surprisingly well. The extra defenses really balance out the team and his good HP pool makes him a pretty good one-off healer as well. With Brash Assault on, he's pretty effective as an attacker too. Officially unbenched.
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