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Status Updates posted by Makaze

  1. First avatar change in 13 years.

  2. Please read your PMs and/or check Skype.

    1. Makaze


      Important game info.

    2. Makaze


      "Germany, your fleet in Swe must retreat. You have 10 hours to respond with an answer or it will be disbanded. After those 10 hours, the phase will continue to Fall 1903 for the next 38 hours. Orders due 2000 on 9/3/16."

      Please check Skype.

  3. I appreciate your posts in that science thread.

    1. Junkhead


      I appreciate his scientific posts for FE games, lol.

  4. sext: u unzip the 4th seal

  5. I figured out what the :Kappa: smiley is. It was a smiley created of the face of a certain developer for Twitch.tv. He quit the team, but the emote stayed, and it became a widely used symbol for trolling and facetiousness.

    1. Integrity


      shoutout to you, cheers boss

  6. Your other sig was better.

    1. Junkhead


      I don't disagree. I just...HAD TO. Somehow.

    2. Junkhead


      Now it's better.

    3. Makaze


      Awww, cute.

  7. I'm giddy with all the trouble I'm in, oh god.

  8. Did you see my post about the Three Prisoners problem?

    1. Esau of Isaac

      Esau of Isaac

      Oh, yeah. I didn't get it though. I think I am misreading the scenario or something. >__>;

    2. Makaze


      Where did you get lost?

  9. Films, but meh. It doesn't matter now.

  10. They have ventured to say that before, yes.

    If you have any suggestions, throw them my way.

  11. It's so simple.

    2.3 + 2.3 = 4.6 = 5

  12. I'm not sure how I can manage my thoughts without about managing my thoughts.

    How do I do it?

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