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Codename Shrimp

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Posts posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. >Nazi putting lesbian married with a dark skinned foreigner as a chancellor candidate

    Nazis are now woke O.o

    You can't make this shit up. If any of out left parties even tried something close to that they would've been torn apart for "woke"

  2. 72PYdUL.jpeg

    Conspiracy time?






    Best girl


    Such fantasy


    Calm down Edelgard




    Calm down Putin




    don't use nukes Putin


    I love democracy






    Democracy is hard xD






    And that was the demo...


    "wait for sale + free slot" which means, if ever, i might play it a few years down the line. Demo didn't really convince me.

    Or how can i say it...i don't think i want to play it for 100 hours. Maybe 40-50.

    Story/setting seems interesting, but something that can also be fucked up really fast with how many things it seems to be tackling, and well...

    The game feels *very prone* to bloat. For the whole democracy thing you need to help people (read: Quests) to gain popularity and stuff. And if they are gonna integrate that into the story, that means we might have main story stuff/true ending locked behind side quests. Ugh.

    Also Calendar and stuff. Game wears Persona influence on it's sleeve. You know the drill xD

    Gameplay wise, i have 1 major issue:

    The action gameplay sucks major ass. Yes, i know it's mainly turn based....but the action here doesn't serve any purpose except annoying you. Thing is, you mainly use action to stun the enemy, however to do that you might have to be in shitty action mode for a while and attack the enemy...however if the enemy attacks you even once, they get advantage and wreck you over (battle starts with their turn). Basically, action mode is only here to make party advantage harder. Well, and to one shot weaker enemies i guess.

    And even battle itself wasn't able to completely convince me - liked TMS' more 😛 

    Characters seem interesting, but the not!social links really scare me.


    Anyway, gotta finish Disco Elysium xD


    Kai ost seems to have less Singa than most Falcom games since CS3. Atleast from a first look. Can't confirm.


  3. 19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    I fear Trails is basically going down a similar path, hell Cold Steel 4 was kinda an Endgame already as most of what was set up from Sky 3rd is resolved there.


    Not really. Some of the stuff was yes, and i don't wanna even talk about the quality or how it was concluded. Alot of stuff was still open after CS4/5:

    • Biggest being the remaining Sept-terrions. Until end of CS, only 4 out of the 7 had their games. IIRC missing ones were Time, Water and Wind. Kuro no Kiseki...Chrono kiseki + the whole thing gives Time for Calvard, so by our current knowledge we still have Water and Wind open. Probably For the last arcs (unless Calvard pulls a 2 in one like CS did with Fire and Earth). Also, funny enough, Calvard finally returns to higher tier element (Space (Sky), Mirage (Crossbell) and Time (Calvard)) after CS had Earth and Fire. Curious what they will do with Water and Wind.
    • Also related to them, Society, grandmaster and Aidios - even if the Society have been basically villain of the week after Sky and a clown troupe.
    • The church and everything surrounding it - and to a lesser extent the Bracer guild.
    • Everything Calvard - the current ongoing arc
    • Estelle and Joshua becoming top tier Bracers - why the fuck are they still B-rank? Also their marriage Probably the end of the series
    • Did we ever get a resolution to the Stone of Hope door? Still a big ? whatever that was.
    • And probably more i forgot from being out of touch with the series for the last few years before Estelle's smile made me take a look again

    CS5 was a conclusion to Erebonia and Crossbell, but the story starting from Sky is far from over. Even if it should've been


    9 minutes ago, Dayni said:

    This looks so cool.


    Just hope it doesn't follow the same fate many of it's "inspired by classics" jrpgs did.

  4. 1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    Should've just called it Daybreak 3 at that point.

    I mean, it's pretty clear it's called Kai due to Kuro bombing and them trying to attract new peeps with the name and older peeps with returning characters (and specifically CS fans with Rean)

    If it worked we will know in a couple days when the sale numbers come out. Kuro 1 and 2 were at around 40k each iirc.

    1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    Wow people are debating if the follow up is an actual game or a DLC post chapter or something due to the wording there. I don't think the games had been referred to as "episodes" before

    could also be speedrunner didn't get true ending or something akin to CS4 True? I read the speedrunner didn't do any of the side episodes?

    Or could be a Xbell -> CS 5 deal, ie. Van's conclusion will happen in a later arc.

    1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    Biggest fear: Trails in the Sky remake gets the FF7R treatment (timeline is fucked).

    Trails in the Sky FC splitting to become Kuro 4 incoming.

    20 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    Alright so keep in mind I'm working with limited knowledge here but honestly, despite being a lover of sci-fi, I think Trails is kiiiiiiinda turning into discount Xeno and after Kai, it's certainly not beating the allegations

    I mean

    One of my main complaints of the series post sky was it veering more into fantasy




  5. 9 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

    Better kill it quickly before it uses E A R T H S H A K E R and wipes your party.


    7 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

    have never been the biggest fan of class changing,

    Fates still does this best imo. You have to work for it and even theorycrafting itself is fun

    7 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

    am liking the maps more than I remember doing so befor

    3H has ok maps imo. Some really good ones, some awful ones, but Echoes or Awakening this ain't.

    Ofc after Fates 3H is a big disappointment in that regard, but compared to rest of the series it holds pretty well imo.

    6 hours ago, Venger_06 said:

    Of course it would end like this lol


    Also, Sky FC Remake is now 100% tieing into Kai 1/2. What the fuck


    No longer crack it seems.

    Inb4 Lena grandmaster real as well.

    Also obligatory: LLOYD YOU FUCKING IDIOT

  6. Also performance issues on PC. Not that bad with me, "only" FPS drops, but alot of people are having problems i hear

    5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    If the calendar forces me to stick to a pacing, that's a no-no I fear

    so far it's just for show, but i wonder how it's gonna be used....

  7. HpRwNky.jpeg



    You got the me that faces the screen, here!


    best girl spotted?





    Best kind of magic


    No canon name?



    Protag is Elda + he has a fairy companion - hence Feldario is what i came up with.


    2024 moment


    I like our little fairy companion


    I wish


    Someone tell her xD


    But some are more equal than others, or something.


    It is a fantasy 🥲


    Protect MC's smile!


    Damn we are ugly



    we are going with that eh


    Yeah, ik, we suck






    i see. Interesting


    I thought i am gonna play fantasy democracy and not assassination xD


    "Welcome to the Velvet Room"


    You know, Persona, but playing it cool. Or something

    1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Metaphor or Meh-taphor?

    ...Is what the demo may determine.😀

    Didn't finish yet, still quite a bit to go, but impressions so far are okay to good-ish?

    Interested in world/politics/story...but gameplay is not gripping me yet. Also calendar makes the Shrimp nervous.

    And pretty annoying how stunning an enemy in action mode pretty much forces me to go to turn based mode.

    So far it's in the "Wait for sale + free slot" - but rest of the demo might change that ofc.

  8. Problem with 3H, imo, is that it is one of those games where the more you think of it or look back to the worse it becomes?

    Like y'all remember how i was one of it's ardent defenders back then, but nowadays i just think "Was good, but not top", and 3 Copes didn't help matters either and soured me alot on Fodlan writing.

    It's, for me, in the reverse category of games like Xenoblade 2 or Fates, where i liked quite enough back then, but look on more fondly than most other games i know and like more the more i look back to them.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Just trying to help you avoid making a purchase you're very concerned that you might regre

    hah thanks xD

    Even if i like the demo, i won't be getting the game any time soon because my hands are full atm.

    Ys X in a few weeks don't forget, and this will knock everything else out. Prio 1 XD

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