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Posts posted by Stroud

  1. To defense of Cyril I actually think that he has a solid niche. Thanks to his aptitude his HP growth reaches 55%, with a good class it easily can reach 85-95% and that is all he actually wants. ( A long with Skill and a little defense growth later). 
    I would like to compare him more with Bernadetta and Dedue for a slot, maybe less with Dedue. Because I value Vengeance pretty highly in the game, the damage with it is just ridiculous and its not difficult to set up at all. Even can help in Maddening. 

    One good thing Cyril has compared to Mozu and Donnel is also the mechanic with adjutant. Which may get rolling later, but he might appreciate it for the beginning. Also he sadly comes a bit late. But maybe not too late to be used efficiently.

    The interesting thing about Cyril is that he can be a Wyvern with Vengeance more easily compared to Berni and Dedue. The thing that hurts him is more his availability...I just mention it, because I feel that Vengeance is easily forgotten in 3 houses. Maybe because players just fear the idea to run around with 1HP. 

    My only gripe with him is that he is set up a bit later.


  2. 38 minutes ago, Kaden said:

    Stack a lot of resistance with +Res, a resistance boosting A passive, blessed and on a team with a resistance boosting mythic or legendary, and maybe park her on a defense tile when possible. AoE specials will rip through resistance, but considering her axe's effects and that you can stack a lot of resistance on her like you would with Lukas, she can tank magic damage well at times.

    I am not certain if this takes the cut in today's meta. There are quite some powerhouse mages around. As you say AoE Specials rip through and they are not exactly scarce anymore. Also maybe you want to survive more than one mage. At best in different colors. 

    Maybe I am looking to high though. But I think of something as good if it gives me an easier time in AR or it is usable in Abyssal maps. 

    But also have to admit that I am not always a big fan of EP. Especially since I can see that Sheena and Gwendolyn struggle more and more. Especially Gwendolyn. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Frederick's best stats are Atk and Def, so he should get an enemy phase based refine imo.

    Same applies to Cherche and her refine is not bad at all.

    Edit: ok, I see she has 4 def less. Still, I think def tanks on EP only have it difficult in FEH. I'll take Beruka for example, her refine is already solid for just that role. But what can I hope to do against mages with her. 

  4. Hmm. Reading this something else comes to mind.


    Manuela has problem with alcohol. There also need to be something going on mentaly. I am not much into making diagnostic analysis FE characters. She also searches love and comfort. Which could maybe hint to her being neglected by her parents? 

    But overall, why not bringing real world problems into games makes it a bit more natural I think? And also some relations. Of course we still need to reflect to not take it too much at value. Always a bit tricky for non-professionals to try some analysis here, which just should be kept in mind. 

    But maybe Byleth should have taken a different profession. 


    Btw, if it wouldn't be for the storyline and changes you could say that Byleth has a brain injury. Lets just say that Byleth is recovering from TBI.


  5. 9 hours ago, Cysx said:

    I'm currently on my fourth profile as we speak. There's so much optimization possible during the monastery phase, I go back very often. Plus I don't want to lose my cleared/almost cleared saves because there's a lot of useful data on them, although not everyone will care for that.

    Edit: Oh woops, forgot I didn't check this thread in a while... thought that was the last page:x

    Dang, sometimes it happens to me too. I expect to page to jump to the most recent stuff and sometimes I just don't pay attention and comment on older stuff. 

    Yeah, I also try to keep some endgame savefiles. I don't bother much with perfectionism here though and I guess with the next dlc,s I might start on another run and overwrite something. Would be just better to have the possibility to save up more and at least 2-3 savefiles for backtracking in case something goes wrong. But in FE I actually can deal with it better than in some other rpg,s. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, Escape the Fate said:

    I haven’t reached this point at Maddening yet but I do believe beating DK stops reinforcements (correct me if I’m wrong) so if Caspar is trained enough it might be optimal to try to Brave Axe/Gauntlet him immediately. It doesn’t end the chapter until you rout everyone else, as I’ve taken him out first turn on my previous BL runs.

    Sadly it does not stop the reinforcement from coming. Best advice was as said not to rush up the stairs with other units. At least that definitely triggers the reinforcement instantly.

  7. So after clearing Maddening BE (Silver Snow). I also have some thoughts, while I am not making a Tier list at least I can point out how certain units have been useful for me, depending on the unit I have more or less to say. 

    Ferdinand  - as a Flier definitely has great uses. Swift Strike is also a nice skill to have, which sadly comes a bit late with A. But even without it he can manage. His personal Skill may be downgraded by Level ups. But both increased hit and avo rate are nice to have. Hitrate should not be ignored.

    Bernadetta - A bit of a wild card, she can either turn out really good or really bad. Fighter (Str +2) > Cavalier > Paladin really help her. The Bow is of course her secondary weapon. As it might be good to change her to a Bowknight at the end of Game. If her growth is good Paladin is not necessary anymore for additional Lance damage. Sadly the last chapter counters her.
    Also her Skill growth is really good which helps a lot. She also should have a shield on her in case she can barely survive after getting hit with it. Later if her growth is well she can switch it out with Accuary Ring, for units like Falcon Knights. Also be ready to invest all HP buff items into her. As a trade she works without speed on player phase. Blessing is a Gambit you also want to use later if you get it. What I have to take away is that the DLC gives a +7 HP boost item. Which pushes her strong at the beginning. Mind that she works without speed investment. So you don't need to waste any speed carrots on her.

    Dorothea - she is a thankful Dancer. Her good Charm growth is nice for this for one reason. Her main role is of course to dance, but occasionally its good to use an offensive Gambit which can hit a lot of enemy or hit all 9 Barriers of certain enemies. A good offensive Gambit is something you could trade of for a dance with even gaining something out of it. 
    Also while its only one use with Dancer, Meteor is there.

    Caspar - Really difficult, I think mine even had some good growth. But personally I struggled with him. Maybe I just failed to make the best use of him. Still if you are ready to care about him he will reward you in the Timeskip chapter on Church Route. If he can 2 hit with Gauntlets there it will help quite a lot. 

    Petra - Really solid flier, I think I don't have much to say there, also rewards you on the Time Skip chapter if she is taken care of and can fly.

    Linhardt - I appreciated Warp and his spells in general, but outside of that nothing special. But he is helpful in his way. And having 2 Warp users is an idea. (Particular Chapter 18 and 20).


    Lysithea - was my compensation for benching Hubert pretty early. Nothing much to add, she has been discussed quite a lot already. Also I find 2 warp users nice to have. on 2 certain chapters later to make a quick end. 

    To the rest which I used I have nothing much to say. Leonie was really helpful at the end though. 

  8. Just finished the Church Route on Maddening. I don't know if I will find the will to do it again on New Game. The last Chapter is the only one Bernadetta is struggling. But only because of all the RNG around there. It may be the only chapter she may walk around as a Bowknight instead of Paladin. 


    Going against Miracle with Vengeance is just nope. The rest of the enemies without Miracle she can 1 hit though. 

    But again. My Bernadetta turned out pretty strange. And got good HP growth. In the last chapter she had 76 HP and I just boosted HP for the last chapter to 86 just out of fun. I'm kind of torn as I really think that she is a fun unit to use. But with this chapter her strength gets cut. Outside of this I didn't have much problem to set her up and use her. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, dragontamer said:

    Hmm... I'll give you this point for sure. I guess "Poking" enemies and then delivering the final blow with Wrath + Vantage is turn efficient.

    You make it sound like 80%+ Enemies need to be poked before getting 1 hit by Wrath. Which is not true. You can clear most of the map with one shot if you have Wrath and Vantage on a unit with a fairly good Str it is enough. Even with Defense Blow Armors get 1 hit by Wrath + Vantage and a Hammer+. Of course you have to keep this in mind while playing such a strat.

    Also with your logic it would mean that you would have to hit at least 3 times or more to sweep a unit in Playerphase.  

  10. 17 minutes ago, LegendOfLoog said:

    Edit: @Stroud Yeah, that's one way to do it. Lances are also particularly favored here because of the Scythe of Sariel. It has 100 base Hit which is really high, so with Prowess skills, decent Dexterity, and potentially a Battalion, I think most lancers with this strategy can hit pretty reliably. Of course, the premier example here is Dimitri since he has it in the form of Battalion skills. I could maybe see a few other units pulling it off with a mixture of Battalion and non-Battalion versions of the skills, but he's the best example. I mostly brought it up to point out that dodge-tanking doesn't really do anything that other strategies cannot do in some way. 

    Ah, Scythe of Sariel. I keep it in mind for my next run. I might mix in one Wrath+Vantage user there as they could be really fun to use.

    And I think that Wrath + Vantage is viable. They just need a good hitting Lance and in case of Armors a Hammer+ will do. The Hero is the exception with Miracle and Monsters which are not easily downed. Also same as Dodgetanks they need to beware of Gambits. But sometimes I feel we write like we would assume that others play braindead, which is simply not the case.  

    I also think its viable in its way because it could help in saving turns on maps which wants you to route enemies. Even better if you get the Retribution Gambit. Which is a bit late sadly.

  11. 13 minutes ago, LegendOfLoog said:

    Fair enough, but that doesn't change any of the issues with dodgetanking as a strategy that I laid out earlier. If these two units go this route, their damage will be pitiful. A Bow Knight can lure enemies just as effectively if not more so, especially if they have Deadeye, a Wrath + Vantage user can actually kill enemies that come at them, so dodgetanks aren't particularly important or necessary. It's just a wasted effort that could be put somewhere else for better results.

    I almost would recommend on getting Hit + 20. The Avo rate in Maddening of enemies is not to be underestimated. Overall I find the idea Tempting to sweep away enemies and archers with Retribution. Just that if you mention Wrath + Vantage. You just should not miss out there are some demerits compared to dodge tanking which are simply ignored.

    Enemies in Maddening reach up from 60 - 70 Avo. Of course I would expect Lance to be the weapon of choice, because they can get around Sword users with high Avo thanks to Breaker. And they can still hit Axe users with Breaker skills well. 

  12. 12 hours ago, leesangstar10 said:

    Bernie: Same level when it come to bow knight with Ashe. Easier time becoming bow knight and better personal

    I know I have an exceptional Berni and this biases me a little. But I think arguing with her on a Base on Archer makes her weaker. Because Cavalier/Paladin is a better class for her. Instead of just a Chipper she gets to be a one hitter pretty early in the game (One hitting DK is just flexing). Vengeance does sync well with her Personal skill. The only thing you have to be ready about is that all HP boost items will get into Berni. The good thing is, that she also does not need speed at all. Its actually the opposite. In late Game you want her to get hit twice to set her up more easily.

    The only downside to argue is that her HP growth could be hit or miss. With Cavalier she has 55% and with Paladin she gets to 65% HP growth.
    Str growth only becomes truly important after she reaches Paladin. Her default Value in Str as a Paladin is already a good start. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Erm, doesn't the DK have the Rafail Gem on Maddening?

    In the chapter 4,6,8 he does not have it. In chapter 12 I don't know anymore. After Timeskip it depends on if you clear Caspar and Mercedes Paralogue. (Logically). 
    At least I don't remember seeing it on him. But it could be because of the Paralogue. 

  14. I am really surprised. Just cleared Chapter 18 and Bernadetta is still good. The only thing which was missing for her is Hit +20 with that she can one hit DK with an attack rate of 85% with Scythe of Sariel or maybe other good hitting Lances. But 26 Defense is really almost too much for her. Still the perfect range though. Maybe 22 - 24 Defense is a good value for her to get into the right range of HP more easily. 

  15. 36 minutes ago, Silly said:

    I believe Petra spawns in the bottom left, Caspar and Dorothea spawn in the top left.

    Yeah, they spawn like this. Which is why I was glad about Petra being a flier and not ignoring to train Caspar. Ironically my two strongest units spawned at the save point... 


  16. As much as I am all in for Dodgetank builds I have to agree that White Avo +20 won't make too happy, in Maddening it got even a little worse.

    There are additional reasons which come to my mind.

    The possibility to set up Defiant Avo in late game, which does not sync well with Nosferatu. Also Brawlers come with Tome Breaker, so against Tome users they have at around 140 hit in later game. I think there are also enemies with Tome Breaker+ around, they have 150 hit against Tome users. 

    And think there is no Battalion which gives Avoid and Magic Boost. Which would be quite nice to have. Other dodgetanks can get at least both. 

    Overall the cool thing about Dodgetanks is that they can work separately, so they need to have enough Durability with them to stay in trouble for more turns.

  17. 1 hour ago, Spectrum said:

    Soooo how do you do BE chapter 5? I'm hard stuck there. If I try to play time, I see 10+ enemies pushing at the same time with archers all around em. If I try to stride and rush, the reinforcements kill my units on the same time they spawn. All of my units def are shit. Only Byleth and El at 11, 10. Honestly, I've never given up like this before. I have Sylvain recruited. It was a mistake to try and do it with BE students only.

    Let Gilbert be defeated at the beginning. If he triggers the Archer in the Middle they are starting to steamroll you, a horrible Avalanche I dare say.


    4 hours ago, Silly said:

    Pass and White Magic Avoid can move down to tier 5 as well. Pass is honestly not that useful in this game on a frail unit. White Magic Avoid would be a lot better if offensive white magic didn't suck terribly.

    Using Pass to just rush in on enemy hordes is not the recommended way for pass.
    Pass should be used to get into a better position for some Gambits and it can be used to rush in on Bosses on certain maps. While I agree that its are rare case Skill I find RU justified on Paladin Berni. I use it on her on Maddening and its not as bad as you say. Even if I have been blesses with the right growth.. It definitely has more use to something like White Avo +20.





    With White Magic I agree, it can be moved down.

    • UU
      • Sword Breaker - Its more useful compared to some other Breaker skills, also I think that Lance are the best choice for such builds. And having a better hitrate against Assassins can't be wrong.
    • RU
      • Lance Breaker - less useful than Sword Breaker, but still has its niche as Axes can have a wacky hit rate, especially against Pegasus which have high Avoid
      • Pass - Only Bernadetta can learn it. I actually found it useful on her as a Paladin if its not about routing enemies but Jumping to the Boss and get him sweeped with Veangence, I still have no experience reports from others who tried Bernadetta with Lance so I don't know where exactly to position it. 
      • Avo Black +20, I actually would find this skill more useful if Sylvain would have more spells and a better statgrowth for Mage classes. Also compared to White Avo +20 the problem is that Reason Lv 5 only has +10 Avoid. While Faith  Lv 5 has 20.
      •  Avo White, again worth some thoughts but I don't think it has the right characters for it. 
    • NU
      • Axe breaker - Sword should have no problems against Axes so I feel its kind of wasted
      • Bowbreaker - Outside of Sylvain I don't think anyone can use this and he kind of lacks as a mage a little, which is a shame. Overall Mages just have it more difficult.
      • Tome Breaker - I don't think Brawlers are not cut out for such builds



  19. 40 minutes ago, Silly said:

    He joins with B+ lances and learns Swift Strikes at A. You probably won't have it for Ch 13, but you can realistically have his combat art around Ch 14 or 15.

    Yeah, I am at chapter 15 now and he has learned it at the end of Chapter 14. I could have tried to focus on Lance only for his Goal. But for Chapter 13 its just not fast enough. 360 Skill experience is a bit much for just one chapter. There might be a way though. You can save up some Battle Quests until Chapter 12 which have easier opponents. At least 2 sets if solo battling with Seteth can be done there with Knowledge gem. Question is if its worth to just focus on Seteth there and at least prepare the others. As long as Seteth trains a bit in Chapter 12 he is a help in Chapter 13 with or without Swift Strike.

    1 hour ago, Thane said:

    Yeah I'm a little surprised that the game can effectively end if you don't know this is coming and you chose to train students outside your house. Hell, just like you said, I don't know how Petra would've survived this without being a flier. 

    It feels satisfying for sure, to beat a map just by the skin of your teeth, but at the same time, it's a bit scary to think that my run almost came to an end just because I hadn't picked a flying class for Byleth/trained Caspar.

    Yeah, this chapter really can be the end of the line which is frustrating. Which is why I am a fan of having multiple savestats. But this game only has 5 until now.. Unless I want to have more profiles. Which I am not a fan of.

    At least its done now. And the next Chapter gets a bit easier. 

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