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Posts posted by Ire

  1. Remember that Ena can't die. She's only "wounded." Sorry, Dily, but I think that solves your problem.

    But even if she's wounded, there's no ending for her, which makes the endings confusing. She didn't die during my play through, but I can see the confusion if she did.

    I'd have to go with number 1, by the way.

  2. On my first play through of RD(I played RD before getting PoR from a friend), I MISSED getting Meg... And everyone I knew was always asking "Did you get that fat girl yet? She is SO ugly!" And I'd always be going, what are you talking about...?

    =D I was spared on my first ever play through.. Is what I'll believe.

  3. I read a LOT of manga, and don't watch a lot of anime any more because of this.


    Naruto - Meh.. The anime got kind of boring after I started on the manga.

    Bleach - Same as above.

    Death Note - It's was okay.. Not wonderful, but okay.

    FMA - Was good but I watched the dubs and while I wished I watched the subs, I'm too lazy to.

    Black Cat - Interesting, and is really good, but compared to the manga, the manga is a lot better.

    Erementar Gerad - Forgot what the official name was, but it has a good concept and plot, definitely worth watching.

    Fire Emblem - FAIL. Whoever did it kinda butchered FE...

    Karin - I liked it, and watched it from 1 to 20 in one go with my cousins, and finished the re4st in the morning(Yeah, like 13hrs).

    Trinity Blood - This would definitely be in my top five.

    Vampire Knight - Like any manga-made-anime, I find the manga better, but if you're not interested in manga, it is a really good series.

    Gundam Seed - Would be one of, if not favourite anime.

    GSD - Not as good as it's prequel, but okay if you're not expecting too much of Shinn, and expect Athrun and Kira pwn everything they see.

    Gundam 00 - Not as wonderful as GS, but better than GSD. Tieria shocked me because I thought he was a girl at the beginning, haha. I hope Season 2 will be up to par.

    Digimon 1 & 2 - I found these two the best of the Digimon season, I've watched up to half way of 4. Seriously, old, but still good.

    Mermaid Melody - I found it okay at first, but it got incredibly cheesy and hard to watch so I just dropped it(Can't stand the non-violence for some reason...). People who have watched it say that it's really good though, so if you're into the magical girl genre then sure.

    Kirarin Revolution - Again, I found it interesting at the beginning, but the lead's voice hurt my ears, and it got kind of dull after awhile(Not much actual fighting, and that's probably why.).

    Fushigi Yuugi - This series was one of the first that I have watched, besides Pokemon and Digimon and all. It was really good, despite the fact that I was like 7 when I watched it. Last year I watched it again, and was all like, "Meep... I can't believe I watched this back then..."

    Shaman King - I watched both the Dubs and the Subs, and the Dubs in my opinion were horrible. But then again, it was 4kids so it's kind of expected. Anyways, they gave Ren, a CHINESE guy, a british accent. Interesting as it was, I found that it made no sense... Also they changed a bunch of things in a perfectly good anime, so Subs if you're interested.

    Kamichama Karin - The Anime is really good, and I suggest it to anyone who's interested in this genre of anime.

    Marchen Awakens Romance(MA(With the dots!)R) - It's not fully subbed, but so far, I really like it.

    Dragonball(All) - The only one worth watching is maybe the first one, but definitely Z. GT is just barely on the line of not sucking.

    Inuyasha - I stopped after the 150th or something episode. I want to watch it but I just haven't found the time. <- EXCUSES!


    Bleach - The Manga is a lot better... Or so it seems to me.

    Naruto - I really don't like Sasuke so I was kinda sad he didn't actually die... But the Manga has no useless fillers, so yeah.

    Black Cat - It's a pretty random manga, but I like the story line, and most of the characters are nicely drawn with interesting personalities.

    Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden - It's a really good series whether or not one has seen the prequel. It's not necessary to read/watch the prequel, but it does foreshadow the ending.

    Love Monster - I just liked it for some reason... Not for the 'mature content'(So says onemanga) though.

    Ares - The art is really, really different from most mangas. This manwha is really good once you get used to the art. It kinda grows on ya.

    Mx0 - This one was really good, but was axed, and the Mangaka was given a few weeks to finish it off. The ending is rushed, because it WAS rushed, but otherwise, it's still a good read, finishing at 99 chapters.

    Fairy Tail - Art is similar to One Piece's but is not as exaggerated. The story is very funny, but has it's darks moments and all.

    MAR - The Manga is definitely worth reading if you have time, but the fights are mostly one on one tournament style. It's pretty funny though.

    Liar Game - I don't know why I even read this... But I do...

    Trinity Blood - The manga is REALLY different from the anime, but it's just as good, but I haven't finished so I can't say much else.

    Claymore - Once in a month releases are killers if the manga is as good as this one. The wait kind of kills the story, but I still like it.

    +Anima - Hasn't been updated in awhile, but so far it is really interesting. The +Anima are kinda like Laguz... Just not as awesome. XD

    Absolute Boyfriend - Another Manga by Yuu Watase, and a really good series centered around romance(That I didn't ditch for once).

    Vampire Knight - When I first heard of the title, I thought it was gonna be really weird, but when I read, it was really good. It's still being drawn and all, but Vampire Knight > All.

    Shaman King - All I can say is that I can't wait for the finishing chapters to be released this year.

    Hana Kimi - This manga is really addicting and absolutely hilarious. And WITHOUT violence. XD

    There's probably more... I just haven't thought of them. XD

  4. Actually, I don't like the class in general.. I have always from FE 7 to FE 10 loved Mages/Magic users so those are the only ones I use. But I don't like the Knight/General class because they're so slooow.

  5. Picked Oscar because he's the only one who I ever used. I didn't like Geoffry because his stats weren't as good as Oscar's when I got him, and I had no room, plus... His neon green armour kinda burned out my eyes. Astrid was okay until she kept dying on that first level you get her in RD. Fiona I never liked.

  6. could it be..... Providence!

    It is NOT providence. It is not even a coincidence.

    Sorry, your line reminded me of that Eirika/L'Arachel support conversation.

    Anyways, my top Five are:

    1. Nephenee

    2. Haar

    3. Ike

    4. Soren

    5. Ranulf

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