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Posts posted by ZeManaphy

  1. 4 hours ago, Tragonight said:

    Anyone here on team Robin? I need a unit that can handle all of the Brave Lyns and Reinhardts. Not a single soul on my friends list is supporting Robin, and it's making me lose a lot of matches because my own Robin can only handle so much.

    I have a QR Tiki as my current lead, and I alternate between Fury and TA for my A slot (depends on whether or not I'm doing Tempest). She's +4 with Res refined Lightning Breath+, Bonfire, Reposition, Hone Atk, and Close Def seal. My friend code is 4044461686.

    I have B!Lucina who can handle Lyn as well Reindhart, if you avoid his totes.I tried, sending a request, but you seem to have many friends. My ID is 5559303656 for anyone on Team Robin.

  2. 5 hours ago, Javi Blizz said:

    I think I'll be joining team Robin. At very first I was upset he broke my pity rate when snipping red (you know guys, those summoning sesions where there are no red orbs), but he has proven that is a monster, and I'm pretty happy with that. Anyone who wants to add me, my ID is 6390206444, and my lead is my Palla, which should help against greens (although I don't think Robin needs help in a 3 vs 3 tbh xd)

    I sent you a request. For anyone who wants to add me for team Robin, my ID is: 5559303656. I’ll go Frederick, but if you want me to change something else, just quote me.

  3. My first summon on the new year banner... And I get New Years Azura! What a good way to start a new year!

    EDIT: She’s + Def, - Res, which is funny, because that’s the reverse of my Peforming Azura.

  4. 11 hours ago, Tamanoir said:

    Lycanrock Dusk is really hard to level up in Ultra Moon (only between 5am and 6am) due to how time works in this game, so you would have to change the internal clock of your 3DS or wake up really early. He is fast and hit hard, but that may not be worth it.

    Litten is pretty great honnestly. He will works well against most Totem Pokémon, thanks to its great typing. I used it in Moon, and never regretted it. 

    You can use the reverse world as well. I have Ultra Moon.

  5. I've never thought FE was centered around being a " boys " game, which it isn't, so the reason is so dominated with male players is because gaming in general is guy-dominated. For me, personally,  I hated the idea of " boy " game and "girl" game. I believe anyone should have a right to play and enjoy a game. In particular, I'm currently mad at Style Savvy, because it goes on a stereotypical route of fashion design and modeling is for girls. As someone, who loves all kinds visual art, it really annoys how companies are focusing on fashion design as a girl thing only.

  6. 7 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

    Definitely. My biggest disappointment in FE13 and 14 is that you couldn't reclass Shigure and Inigo into singers/dancers. They should've given us that option by reclassing the mothers away, imo. I like using all male units but its hard when you rarely get male refreshers (I loved the herons in Tellius, and I always chose Elfin's route for that reason in FE6). 

    I'm also sad Homer wasn't a refresher in FE5. I hope a remake changes this, maybe if you don't turn Lara into a refresher, you can get him as a refresher instead or something. 

    They probably did that to balance outthe refresh system.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Zeo said:

    I don't really care about Faye while we're talking about her. Never played Echoes but from what I know she's a bit of a weirdo when it comes to Alm and that's about it. Her outfit has a unique something to it but is ultimately meh along with her character. She has a Yandere quality about her, a more subtle tone to it but I feel it's there.

    Either way, not having to switch teams would be nice so I hope the army rallies and takes Tharja down. I'd hate to have to pick between a character I like to tank my ranking and feathers or one I don't care about to be a feather merc.

    She basically a fan girl who adores Alm and does nothing else but talk about him. Sigh... I guess Clair wasn't good enough for IS.

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