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Everything posted by 「Nil」

  1. For those curious — November, as is custom in America, is home to Thanksgiving. A time of family, togetherness, and all that jazz. Three years ago, my mother passed away in the hospital, the day before Thanksgiving. The entire month of November just pulls me down into the mud, and just drags me along on through past Thanksgiving.

  2. William waited in place. Attacking now would be suicide. Brady moves two spaces right, to L16. Just out of William's and the Poochyena's range, ready to heal Raven if needed. You never know.
  3. If someone wants to temporarily take over their actions, that's good. Other than that, I'll do what I can, when I can, until the chapter ends. I just came guarantee anything consistent, I apologise. If no one does, just shove em somewhere, if you want. They won't gain any experience or anything, but, I'll deal with that later. Edit: If at all curious, you can check my feed on my profile. I don't want to put it here for people to wander into.
  4. Hate to say it, I probably won't be that active this month. This is... A really hard time for me, I'll leave it at that. I'll do things when I feel like it, or if someone wants to take over for me for a bit, that works too, if it's fine with you, NoahStratos.
  5. William moves from I16 to H14, and waits. Brady moves from J18, to J16, keeping relatively close to the others of the group. He can't exactly do much on his own.
  6. William moves to I16 Might as well make himself useful. Brady moves to J18 The sooner he helps, the sooner he can return to Lucina and the others.
  7. William William shook himself back to reality at the nudge, catching the tail end of Anna's suggestions. "Well, I guess I won't be getting home soon. Might as well do what I can here. Lead the way."
  8. Brady "Ya might want ta ask me after we do something about yer problem over there. Ain't doing anyone any good by doing nothing." Brady clasps the staff in his hand, and looks back. "Can't do much, but I sure as hell can mend you up if yer hurt." William "What in the–" William was immediately lost, confused, and unsure what was going on. What was that wailing? What was happening? ... This wasn't the time to get lost in thought. This wasn't the time to lose himself. Something was going on, and he needed to be alert. Not his strong suit...
  9. Brady "Odd, eh? One minute I'm followin' Lucina through Naga's portal, the next, I'm findin' myself here." Brady shook his head, and and shrugged. "Anywho, like I said, ya can call me Brady, and I'd like ta get back ta Ylisse soon. Future ain't gonna save itself with me just standin' around."
  10. Brady Brady pulled himself from the forest ground, and tried to gather where he was from his surroundings. Odd, just where had Naga placed him in Ylisse? Was he even still there? "Rougher landin' than I'd hoped. Ain't nothing I can't get over." Brady turned his attention to the other people surrounding him, and bowed, as his mother taught him was customary. "Greetings. Ya can call me Brady. Might I ask what part of Ylisse I arrived in? Ain't any part I'm particularly used to..."
  11. William had hardly noticed Anna's voice, but it, combined with rustling, and all that surrounded them, he found himself shaking back out of his thoughts. "Huh? What?" William leaned more on the lance, before pulling it from under himself. He could stand perfectly well now, and he was in good shape. Still, he wasn't sure what Anna asked. "Can you repeat that? I was too busy thinking and wondering – My apologies."
  12. Falling from the heavens? It was an answer, sure, but it seemed impossible. This was, no, is a dream. There's no way this was happening. Reason and logic dictated that this was an impossible occurrence, yet... It was still happening all around them. What was going on? William managed to lose himself in his thoughts, clamming up entirely, trying to process what happened, and let logic and reason guide him through it.
  13. William blinked slowly, taking in his surroundings, before rubbing his forehead. This was... An interesting scenario he found himself in. One minute he drifted off, allowing sleep to grasp him, and the next, he's falling out of the sky in some strange, unknown world. Using the lance at his side as a bit of a crutch, he managed to pull himself to his feet, but keeping himself steady was another story. The people surrounding him were unknown to him entirely. Who were they? What were their stories? "Someone want to explain what just happened...?" His voice was steady, albeit a bit soft. No introduction – No greeting – Just a question that he felt was extremely valid.
  14. Sorry about my disappearance – I'm here now, and will head on over immediately.
  15. Ooh. Lance is a very welcome weapon. I'll start keeping an eye out for it tomorrow, as I'm the best man in a wedding today. Also, after chapter one, I'd be more than happy to take up a "Foreign" character. If I take up the mantle of a Fire Emblem character, I have one in mind, but I'd have to think about a second. Not entirely sure on a second choice!
  16. Will do! Working on a sheet now, though, I'll be keeping an eye out. I... Think I did the math right. I'll edit as necessary, just let me know what's wrong.
  17. If this is still open for submissions, I would be interested in joining. Definitely seems fun, and could be an interesting experience.
  18. Did the freebie, and orb summons for the new banner. Freebie? 4 ? Donnel Orb summons? 3 ? Beruka and Severa, 4 ? Niles and Hawkeye Why do you hate me game? On the topic of the new banner... Does this mean hope for Brady in Heroes in the future?
  19. Ah! Well, I hope it was a good vacation. I look forward to the Nonary Game.
  20. . . . It's 6 in the morning. Welp! Time to sleep-

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