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Everything posted by nnhh

  1. Your poll forgot to include "Ike, The Guy Who Fights For His Friends"
  2. Oliver clearly payed off the IS devs. You really start to notice it in his S Support conversation with Ashnard when Oliver reveals
  3. I have literally never understood biorhythm. I mean, I understand the mechanics but I don't understand the reason behind its implementation. When I or a friend had played FE9/10 casually, it always seemed like a random disadvantage. It seemed like you never noticed it when it was good and always noticed it when it was bad.
  4. I mean, eventually, down the line, in maybe 10 more years, yes I would absolutely LOVE an FE9/10 remake. But right now, I like the remake pace Nintendo and IS have been on. With 1, 2, and 3 down, I'm excited for the inevitable FE4 remake. Let Ike and his rag tag group of buddies be a gift to a generation that will only know Fire Emblem as the franchise where all the women look like Camilla.
  5. Thank you for passing along the translation's topic even though you were having trouble.
  6. Summoner is perfect. Give Knoll/Ewan your Boots and there's no need for a pony.
  7. Main character always gets all of my stat ups. Only character that causes a game over if they die, so insurance is always nice. (Even though I am of the degenerate group of people who reset when any character dies)
  8. Hector > Lyn > Eirika = Ephraim > Roy > Eliwood Clearly.
  9. It seems that you forgot Saleh x Gerik's S Support where they talk about their time together as buddies in high school and the promise they made to always protect each other and then they kiss. I don't blame you for not remembering, I haven't reread their supports in a long time.
  10. This might seem like a silly thing, but I found that getting a giant wall sized calendar keeps me on track. It has worked way better than any other kind of schedule system I've used. It's hard to avoid doing something when it's written in huge letters glaring down on you at all times. I don't have any tips for finding the energy to do things though, sorry.
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