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Everything posted by Christactics

  1. Trying to come up with a FE related pun but I cant
  2. - speed stats are useless - Awakening is hard - Pegasus knights are better than wyvern riders
  3. There's somehow lots of pictures of guns when you google it :0
  4. Aah thanks! I was actually wondering where to post the thread.
  5. Hey, unit trading actually seems like a good idea to put in FE Heroes.
  6. I was present since the release of Heroes, but unfortunately I stopped playing it for a few months.. I suppose that's when the Xander GHB took place. For F.Robin, I didnt have the chance to play it so much, so I was a few levels too weak from beating the map... ah well, patience is a virtue.
  7. I want Xander and F.Robin, but they were Grand Hero Battle characters and you can't summon them in a normal summon? will they be ever available for summons, or do I need to wait for something?
  8. (I'll keep these brief and to the point so it won't be a whole rant series) Like 1) Tsubaki- he's not an annoying perfectionist to me, although yes, his stats can be... yeet. 2) Corrin- Yes, he/she can be Mary Sue/Gary stu, but I don't understand how people hate them. Throughout the whole gameplay, I didn't feel any hatred toward them... (not saying they're a good character, but they're not bad.) 3) Xander- I don't even know why people hate him, I didn't have trouble using him on my team either. Dislike 1) Camilla- oh boy where can I start? She just creeps me out with her dialogues and that... "armor". 2) Tharja- abusive mother and a creepy stalker. 3) Donnel (not totally dislike but)- I don't dislike him as a character, but I had so much trouble just trying to level him up, I just go 'no' to villager units. I have more explanation and other characters, but I don't have a lot of time so these are the most simplistic version I can come up with.
  9. I laughed a lot when I first found out about shiny chrom, especially when someone drew this certain fan art :D
  10. Now that makes me want to draw Ike as a puppy :/ for the Nohrian hair, it was when Elise's hair rose up pointing to the sky, and the shiny chrom is an error where chrom's armor appeared light blue and glitchy. You can find the picture if you google shiny chrom :p
  11. I'll go ahead and do just that when I have time... anyone's also good to send me a request at 0380878210. (Account name is Woofie)
  12. The votes go to prove otherwise... More people are going for Ninian than F!Corrin, at least the ones who voted on this thread. Ah well, the round is over, so...
  13. Wait, how do multipliers work? I don't really do Voting Gauntlets...
  14. Did FCorrin win? I can't check in right now. what are the current standings?
  15. I actually want to try that with my friends... do you remember any of the phrases?
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