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Posts posted by TheRoon

  1. Well Jess' sneaky act wasn't noticed by Aliza. She was too busy laughing it up with her friend Abby here. "Hm, that's nice yeah. Grazie! I'll pick up any handmedowns you guys don't need, no worries!" As they entered the cafeteria and received their food of choice a question suddenly came up in Aliza's mind that she recalled from the battlefield. "...so Abby mind if I ask you something?" Whether she answered yes or no Aliza went forward with her question regardless.

    "I heard the name Kim over the open comms during the battle...is there a Kim onboard?"

  2. "Oh right. Sorry sorry, gossip's an old habit of mine..." She laughed a bit. Ever the social one Aliza had to talk about something to keep things lively, even if it's joking about tense situations. Still Abby had a point, so she complied with a nod. "Alright. Well I did want to have a bite to eat so maybe the cafeteria? I promise I won't be loud this time." She continued another laugh. "And if you could? I'm still kinda learning the ropes around here."

    After a moment she took in her situation. Good thing the sniper didn't do some real damage, Aliza wouldn't have liked that. "I'm glad it didn't tear a hole in your mech...as for mine..." She thought on it for a minute. "Well it seems kinda low grade compared to some shiny toys around here. I'm almost jealous." She paused with an upward head tilt, thinking on the custom part. "Hm. Well if a new mech comes that'd be cool...but you think other vets here might have dibs first? I am just the new girl after all. But I guess some custom work might not be too out of the question." She did get a new weapon but still. The idea piqued her interest.

  3. Whew. That Elaine sure made herself known. Spying on them? Was this about that mole she heard from small whispers on the ship here and there? Ya know when Aliza came onto the ship she thought they meant some kind of facial mole as a joke. She sort of wished it was because man did the air get tense in that room. She thanked the stars the meeting was brought to an end, as soon as it was she got the hell out of dodge. With her notebook to her chest she took a slight sigh. 'Man Elaine really lost it in there...she really needs to get laid...' Wasn't gonna be her that's for sure. She had another person in mind.

    No not to do THAT, she had to work up to it. But either way the person in mind wasn't too far from her. She took a look over at the hall toward the infirmary and saw a familiar face. With a wide grin she knew what had to be done... "Aaaaabbyyyyyyyyy~" She called out as she slipped on through toward her friend a bit quick, carrying her usual wide smile. "Hm, sure was thick as a fog in there wasn't it. Kinda sucks every meeting has to be that tense. I mean I know we're in a war but still..." She laughed a bit nervous trying to break the air. "Anywho...how're you holding up after that fight?"

  4. Aliza was going to need a bigger notebook to keep all this in. Clones were one thing that made her raise a brow in surprise, but cat aliens? That was something else, almost out of some kind of crazy sci-fi movie she heard about from one of her old girlfriends. She tried to imagine how these cat like aliens would look. Of course they'd have the ears and faces just like she said...but she wondered how exactly the body structure would be like.

    She almost swiftly discarded that idea however given that this was all their doing of course, and things might get a bit too...funny for her liking if she even thought on it. Still she won't lie she was curious to see one, very curious. "Hmm..."

  5. That was it...the battlearrow-10x10.png was done. "...." Aliza took a huge breath of relief. "Aaah...I'm not a religious person but this all worked out so I believe in some kind of god now..." Nervous laugh to herself. Then in came an answer from Abby and the robotic pat on the back, something that made her smile. "Oh, Abby. You think I did good?" She grinned. "Hee hee thanks, you did better though. But I'm glad to watch your back." To be complemented by a girl was the best thing to hear after a rough battlearrow-10x10.png. "And sure, maybe we can grab a bite when we get back too!"

  6. Oooh that was a nasty blow she took. Carlos didn't screw around. Good thing she left the bag of chips onboard otherwise they would be everywhere. "Ahh!" She shouted out as the machine jerked her about the cockpit. Things seemed a bit dire, she couldn't stay for much longer without risking an explosion. So... "This is Aliza. Heading to the ship to recoup. Sorry guys..." She sighed over the comms, a little disappointed she couldn't do more. But her teachers always told her that if retreat is an option she should take it. Just living is the most important thing a soldier can do.

    Aliza moves 15, 10 to board the Riese and repair.

  7. With the appearance of the new robots and the sudden change in objective things were certainly turning from the short lived victory to a bit of a dire situation. Aliza barely had time to breathe a sigh of relief before their arrival. "<Damn...>" She spoke in Italian, rather tilted the fight wasn't over. Before she was able to engage a name came up on the open comms, a name that for some reason stood out to the newbie. "....Kim....?" She looked aside. 'Come to think of it there was a Kim on the ship and she was Korean...it couldn't be...'

    But those thoughts are swiftly put aside as gunfire broke her back into reality. She'll have to look into it later if she remembers. Back to combat!

    Aliza casts Focus, moves to 16, 12 and uses her Gunlance to impale the Cressidia 4 like a Rathalos.

  8. This was a thrill alright. Aliza was back out in action and trying to do her part. She took a breath after a good look of the battlefield, things seemed to be going well but she wasn't sure what should be done next. She was still trying to get her bearings down in battle. But she was hailed by an old and gruff voice, Thorvald if she recalled. He seemed to offer guidance. Well more like a direct order, but some would see it as a challenge. Aliza sure did. With a wide smile on her face she peered at the target in question. "Really for me? How thoughtful old man!" She partially teased while she prepped her gunlance and blazed forth to skewer the Cressida.

    Aliza casts Trust on Elaine and Focus on herself. Moves 20, 11 and uses her Impact Gunlance on Cressida 1.

  9. Well things were certainly heating up. Aliza's first day on the job and it was about a distress signal. But it seems that terrorist group Apotheosis is here, goodie. Good thing she made sure not to bring her music player or a bag of chips this time around considering she wanted to do her best. Had to help watch Abby, and Brant since he was nice earlier too. Elaine too...actually wow there were a lot of pilots here, and she hadn't even met them all yet. Still another fight, gotta focus focus focus. But don't focus too hard or you'll be surprised by an open private channel...like she was now! "!" It was the XO's voice, she heard her earlier. She took a moment to take in the briefing. A simple fend off mission, didn't sound too hard. With a nod to herself she accepted.

    'Alright. Can't let anyone down.' It was go time. She was ready to get out there...until ANOTHER call intercepted her. "Ack!" It was a male voice this time, calling her new girl. He suggested to board the Riese. Which did surprise her considering she thought they needed all hands on deck. But then she realized the Legionary isn't very mobile. In fact it was a walking tank in a sense, she'd be left behind while the more mobile bots crossed the river. Shame. "Hm...roger that." She sighed to herself a little, she was pumped for action too. Alas.

    Aliza moves 24,5 to board the Riese

  10. Man was she bad at memorizing the lay out. Took her a while to get to the cafeteria but she had some time to relax for a bit with some toast. She approached the toaster itself to load it up but lo and behold...there was one poor piece of roasted bread inside, left alone by some cruel mistress. A dark turn of fate. Well Aliza was never one to waste food so she liberated the piece of toast of it's loneliness and took it out. As a bonus she also spread jam on it. Delish!

    She took a step out into view with the toast and a glass of OJ in her hand, a small breakfast but she wasn't very hungry at the moment. No that's what her favorite BBQ chips are saved for in the mission later. She took a glance around the room. No Abby or Olivia in sight. Shame. She wanted to shoot more fun stories at them too. Well at least the room wasn't empty. She took a stroll down trying to find a seat while taking a nice chug of the orange juice.

  11. Normally Aliza was an early riser herself, but she had some trouble sleeping a bit. Perhaps it was due to the fact her first battle ended with a lost life and a depressed former team mate. Well that did hang a little on her, enough to make her lose an hour of sleep tops. Still it took a bit for the Italian pilot to wake up even past her usual alarm. She grumbled as she sat up in bed wearing her baggy sweat pants and long sleeved shirt. Seemed a bit big on her as well. Either way she got up and went to the bathroom to prepare to well...capre diem.

    Minutes later she was out of her room, dressed casually and walked along to get some breakfast. A quick shower and brush of the teeth was enough to get her back to her usual peppy self with some minor redness in her eyes from the shortened sleep. While she walked down the hall she took this chance to make some notes in her book. 'Had a nice meal last night with Abby and Elaine. Abby seems nice, Elaine...I can't seem to get a read on her. Abby is defo an 8 though, straaaight to the bird watch list.' She giggled at her own silly thoughts then continued onward as she put the notebook in her bag. But nearly dropped it when she heard a voice come from somewhere. With a startled gasp she realized the source...her watch!

    Ah yes, she nearly forgot she was an official crew member as well. This was given to her when she graduated. It had everything a crew member could need on it including the ability to tell time. At least she assumed she hadn't fiddled with it yet. Nevertheless this was a call she couldn't ignore, so she made her way to get something to eat as fast as possible. "Go time already, that didn't take long..."

  12. Aliza sensed some sudden tension between the two through Abigail's words. She wondered if there was some bad blood between them, or maybe an awkward situation happened at some point at least. Either way it wasn't her place to pry she just took note of that. Then came the elbowing and quip from Abby. The Italian knew she screwed up with that outburst but thankfully they didn't seem to take much of it. In fact Abby played along, which made Aliza laugh a bit back. Man a score out of a hundred would be something, but she decided to keep it simple. "Ahaha..." She took a nod at them both, really enjoying the lifted mood. "I'm gonna enjoy my time here alright. Anyway lead on."

  13. Aliza giggled as she was lead along, totally enjoying what had happened. She had always loved cheering people up, especially cuties. Such a glorious feeling when that happens. However before they could continue along came the red head dropping an interesting yet slightly awkward greeting. The new girl was also cute, another one. However her cuteness, while ripe with potential, seemed untapped. Unrefined. Don't get her wrong, she thought this new one was adorable but she had competition. It didn't help that she also carried a very strange aura of tension, at least that's what it seemed like from her serious expression. Still the potential was indeed there, and it was enough for Aliza to drop a score of...



    There she goes speaking aloud. But this time she didn't have her love struck face so maybe it wasn't as obvious. "...oh I mean hiya! I'm Aliza Silvavolke the new pilot. Nice to meet you." She kept a smile on. "You wanna join us? That sounds neato, the more the merrier I say. But..." She looked at Abby. "Do you mind?"

  14. "Ah forget about it." She giggled, not minding Abby's bluntness. She actually took the hand with no hesitation and returned the smile with one of her own. "Thanks a lot. Same here." She let go for a moment once the moment passed. Looking at her now she was actually rather adorable with the smile on, it almost eclipsed her tiredness. Preliminary score aside she would feel bad for flirting with a downtrodden girl, maybe it was flirting that got her there in the first place. So she put that on the shelf to rate another day and kept it casual.

    "Well I still have a lot to learn myself but I'll do my best. You can count on it...though if you don't mind me being a bit forward you look like you could use something to eat. Maybe you could show a rookie to the cafeteria?" Well mostly casual, this almost sounded like a date. Still she couldn't help it. Old habits die hard.

  15. Aliza waited outside for a minute or two, thinking on her life choices and how they took her here. She even mulled over looking through her notebook to reorganize a few things until the door opened wide and brought her attention back out of her thoughts. She took a good look at the girl on the other side and...she didn't quite see this coming. She expected a hardened soldier like figure from the way she handled things on the battlefield but the girl before her was rather down and out, almost as if she were put through the wringer. Don't get me wrong Aliza thought she was cute but the red eyes really gave a lot away.

    But for once she didn't let the surprise show and she kept her best smile on. "Actually I was looking for an Abigail, and by the sound of your voice I think I found her. I don't know if you recognize my voice but I'm Aliza Silvavolke, I was the Legionary pilot out in the field and you helped my squad out. I just wanted to come by to give thanks and tell you I'm gonna be apart of the crew from here on out." She made a cute salute. "So it's nice to meet my unexpected guardian angel out in the field!" With a light giggle she attempted to at least entertain Abby enough to lift up slightly and to start a conversation.

  16. Aliza didn't have much to go on other than a red mech and a cute voice, but despite that she got some info on the pilot. Abigail Casson, nicknamed Abby. Cute name, but it wasn't enough for a preliminary score. But that aside she was pointed out to a console and was shown how it worked. Seems to display a map of the ship including every room onboard. Neato! This will certainly come in handy. Well she found out Abby's floor was below her so with that in mind she walked off to said room.

    Some minutes after she found herself in front of the door (after double checking her work on another console) ready and willing to do what she came to do: Give the pilot her thanks. She wasn't sure what to expect however, she seemed very serious on the battlefield. With a deep breath she rose her hand to the door and lightly knocked with her knuckles. There may have been a button to buzz her but she didn't really think to locate one truth be told. With that she lowered her hand down and waited for the girl to answer.

  17. "You got it, Olivia. You got me anytime." She waved. "Bye for now then!" With that she walked out of the infirmary. 'EEEEEEEEEE! She's so cute, and nice to talk to! A real keeper!' With that in mind she took out her handy dandy notebook and pen. With a light click and a page turn she started jotting a few things down. 'Olivia...revised from 7.5 to an 8.5. Put directly to the bird watch list...' Aliza turned a page to a very special looking page...

    Watch list

    Captain Jess


    There was another name but it was scribbled out, perhaps that didn't work out? Either way she closed her book with a cat like grin. "I feel better now...much better." She put the book away and walked down the hall, completely and entirely content. However as she walked along she remembered she had one more piece of business to tend to: Thanking the pilot who talked her into fighting. If it wasn't for her Hicks might have died too, so... "I guess I'll ask around..." She went off to find said pilot.

  18. "Oh, boring? That's a shame." She looked aside a little. "I just heard some cool stuff about the colonies and I'm really into stargazing. So I thought it'd be spectacular. Then again you've been there for a while and I've never been up in space, so I guess it would make sense." She laughed a little, finding the situation a bit funny. Still didn't deter her from her dream of reaching space...but hey, if she stuck on this ship maybe it'll happen sooner than she thinks. At least that's what she wanted to hope for. "Oh you want a tour sometime? Well I'd be happy to give you one whenever!" She smiled. "Heck maybe we can take it on a joy ride when no one's looking....nah just kidding~" She grinned again. 'Although I'll have to remember to not bring chips next time, was a real pain in the ass to clean...'

  19. She beamed a bit. Oooh boy, star talk. Just what she loves. Aliza couldn't get enough of it, but to Olivia it was probably very standard. She took a look over at the girl she pointed out, Valerie. She was a looker too, this ship sure was full of em. She was long haired, a bit muscly but not too much. It was just right. Solid 8/10. However she didn't stray on that very long, had to keep focus on the person before her. Would be rude to flirt with someone while flirting with someone...yeah. "I guess that's a good plan. Gotta do your part. All hands on deck, that's why they asked me to stay." She smiled. Olivia sure was fun to talk to. "So then...how's life on the colony? It's gotta be pretty interesting."

  20. "Eight..." She repeated. Looking pretty surprised. Oh yeah. The girl wore her heart on her sleeve and had extreme difficulty hiding any of it. Olivia knew that already just from first impressions no doubt. However what Olivia didn't know was that Aliza never gets rated herself. She's rated cute girls and some guys before but no one really took the time to return the gesture. This was her first time and boy howdy was she over the moon right now. Well, on the outside she did her best to play it cool but on the inside... HOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAP.' After another minute she cleared her voice to answer. "Good to know I'll be staying a while too." She took a slight wink. 'Cool as a cucumber~'

    Yeah sure.

    Then she brought up Hicks' personal plight, or rather glossed over it. Probably for the best however because Aliza didn't quite want the mood to lift off either considering she still had some lingering thoughts on the subject. Besides she wanted to get to know this girl dammit! "Hm? Oh yeah I'm a pilot." She grinned and made a small salute. "Fresh out of the academy actually. Little surprised the captain asked me to stay all things considered...but I gave her my word and I won't let her down." She put a hand on her hip. "So you been here long yourself, Olivia?"

  21. Aliza just stood there wondering what to do at this point. Hicks was leaving the ship as soon as he could, but she was staying. This infirmary was getting kind of crowded too, so perhaps she should just bail. Well before she could she was suddenly approached...by a cutie. "!" Her alarms went off in her head as she turned. Oh my, she was quite a looker. Such adorable curls, freckles, glasses. She has a look on her face that screams "dork", but it's such a nice look to pull off right. And she pulled it off right. With a wide smile on Aliza's face she spoke aloud: "7.5...!" Then gagged a bit. That was out loud. "Oh uh ignore that! Just doing some quick math for fun in my head eheh..."

    She cleared her voice and composed herself. "Name's Aliza Silvavolke, miss. Nice to meet you." She turned to Hicks' curtained area a bit before turning back. "I was just visiting a friend of mine, just trying to wrap up some loose ends before I stay on the ship for a while. This place got real crowded real fast though, not gonna lie."

  22. Well that meeting was certainly interesting. There's so many people on this ship it was a little overwhelming. Aliza didn't mind too much, although it was hard to find a spot to really fit in. Still she'd have to find it considering she'll be on this ship for a while. it was also easy to get lost, but that would come to her in time. Until that time will come she had to stick to asking around and she began by asking where the infirmary was. She had to update poor Hicks on the situations assuming he was awake. He had to be by now.

    With some directions from a nice operator Aliza had entered the infirmary. There was a lot of people here indeed, but she didn't quite take them in yet. She just went straight to Hicks' bedside to take a seat and bring the man up to speed.

    "...hm, I gotcha..." He took a sigh. "Well it's your life. Do what you want with it rookie...I'm leaving this ship as soon as I see the chance."

    "Right right..." Aliza nodded. She had never lost someone like that, and she knew Hicks and Sledge were close. It had to really hurt to lose someone. Aliza had comforted people before but not over this. She wouldn't even know how to start. "...hm...well I wish you luck too and...if you need anything lemme know."

    "Yeah thanks..." Mumbled the guard, not really taking her words in all that well. Yeah he was hit hard alright. So he just rolled on his side. "Sorry. Gonna catch some sleep for a while. Could you..."

    "Oh yeah." She stood up and nodded her head before leaving his bedside. She had taken a few steps away from his bed and after that was done she held her head with a slight groan. "C'mon, Aliza...is it really that hard to bring someone out of a funk like that...?" The Italian had no idea what to say or do to help the man. When she was sure she was far enough to not disturb his slumber she stomped the ground in frustration and grumbled. "Dammit..."

  23. Well there was quite a bit to take in for Aliza. She quietly listened to the info about the Luna a fair ways to the back of the room. Taking notes in her personal note book as well as bites from the bag of chips she grabbed from the cockpit of her Legionary. She also had her music player on her side but it wasn't on at all, she didn't even have the ear buds in. She took a meek wave to the crowd when she was briefly introduced by the captain. Normally she'd introduce herself formally to follow up but right now taking in information seemed to be more important. So she continued to jot things down in her notebook.

    Then the conversation got a little more serious, maybe somewhat personal she was getting? Something about being in the middle of plans and whatnot. She didn't jot those down of course, didn't want to clutter what was more important. Like preliminary scores for the adorable girls in the room. Yeah, totally. She kept the war room briefing on another page but she couldn't help but swap back to work on those scores. Just like the academy days.

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