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Book of Ereshkigal

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Posts posted by Book of Ereshkigal

  1. 1. Shenmei's husband is the previous Touma king? Who is the previous Touma king? And who is the current Touma king? Why would Shenmei be loyal to the current Touma king when her husband is the previous one...?

    The previous Touma king is never elaborated. The current Touma king is Hydra/Anankos. Shenmei is not loyal to Hydra/Anankos, she is dead and her corpse is being manipulated by Hydra/Anankos.

  2. Do you need a computer to do this? Actually what do you need, I'm not very good with technical stuff

    A computer for... what? Using amazon?

    You can just shove a japanese GBA cart into your US GBA and it'll work.

    Google a tutorial with regards to the SNES, there are some plastic pegs you need to cut out with some pliers or w/e

  3. Now that I think about it, maybe the concubines's fight is one the reasons she possesive of Kamui, maybe after losing so many sibilings she decided to latch on one, and love them no matter what.

    I actually think ZeroxCamilla brings this up. (though the translation feels awkward so I don't know if I understood it fully).

    Byt yeah, this is what I was thinking myself, while she likes Kamui a little... too much... Camilla seems like she's still very affectionate to the other siblings, in Leon/Camilla (assuming the translating is good/I didn't misunderstand) Leon gets kinda sad she doesn't give him attention compared to the others.

    Since she's only obsessed with the Avatar in ~that~ way it still feels forced, but it's not out of nowhere, I wonder if Camilla herself took up a pseudo-mother role for Leon and Elise.

    But, as the op is asking, she's pretty nuts. I don't think psychopath is the right word at all though? More like overly attached/obsessive.

  4. I said I don't have a computer and I don't know how to import consoles

    You import consoles on like, Amazon or something? :p

    Though the GBA is not even region locked.

    IIRC, the US SNES is also not region locked (with regards to JP games), but you need to cut out some plastic tabs that block non US carts.

    You don't need to import either console, though that's only if you're fine with playing in Japanese.

  5. I know next to nothing about art and design, so maybe I'm just completely mistaken but...isn't Nowi one of the few Awakening characters who has large eyes? I was also under the impression that aside from a select few, Kozaki preferred to draw the eyes more realistically.

    Yes, that's why I was comparing Nowi and Nino, as Nowi was the only character I could think of that has larger than usual eyes.

  6. I found it pleasant and the fact they have diferent supports each route ,once again sue me n_n

    You found their supports surprising because they're pleasant? (I'm somewhat surprised there are alt supports myself, I think only PoR has done that otherwise.)Did you think Aqua was mean or something? AquaxKamui was pretty much what I was expecting, not that that is a bad thing or a good thing.

    I'm not asking why you like the pair, you realize this, yes?

  7. I'm not seeing it. His eye proportions are not any different than any other gamenr series. Big eyes have only been present for young characters and 'cute' characters in the series and his art has this too. Look at most of the female kids. Their eyes are huge too.

    Even if they aren't actually smaller (and I do still they think they are on average) they're certianly drawn to be less obtrusive. Nino's eyes come across very differently in her OA than.... Nowi. And Nowi's eyes are bigger in her OA than they are in the game portraits.


    Ahh, I think it has to do with the irises.


    I never really thought about it, but her irises like take up her entire eye lol

  8. kamui x aqua sue me n_n

    ...what did you find surprising about it? (and you didn't mention which route, they have different supports for IK versus Hoshido/Nohr)

    I was mainly pleasantly surprised by Charlotte in general, I think I really do like her.

  9. "Lucina's support conversation with her mother is on the topic of dresses. Only Olivia wears dresses, so it's pretty safe to say this was written with her intended as the mother. "

    ...Olivia doesn't even wear a dress? The only mother I could see out right ~never~ wearing dresses is Sully.

    None of this is solid or convincing, I wasn't expecting concrete truth, but this topic doesn't even have any interesting coincidences, aside from, I guess, Inigo being afraid of bugs.

  10. 2: i can't think of a fire emblem character off the top of my head but there's a chick in valkyria chronicles named brigitte but all her status window stuff says rosie cuz that's what she goes by, that's not unheard of

    Lyndis ---> Lyn

    Anteze ---> Celica (though this one is more of a secret identity...)

  11. So, a guy I talk to, who works with that one wiki, Moydow is having an issue with a variety of chests in FE2, whenever he tries to open some of them, he gets this:


    "Area reclaimed! [item] reverte"

    What is this message? I've never seen this. Is there a fix to this issue? What causes it? I've played through Gaiden 3 times too.

    He is using the FE2 translation by Artemis (artemis251.fobby.net/feg/FEG_EngTrans_Artemis251_v1.01.ZIP). (The same patch listed on Serenes here, so I imagine most people use this one.)

    And before anyone asks, Moydow said he tried to make an account here but never got a confirmation email or a reply from an email to the admins, so I'm posting it for him because I'm pretty interested myself. Especially since this is keeping him from getting Falchion, lmao.

  12. Both Kamuis are faithfu visuall reproductions of their in-game promotions (Dark and White Blood are palette swaps between genders).

    Take that as you will.


    I just reclassed my third route FEmui to a white blood, and it's definitely not a recolor, the armor is completely different and she has a loincloth instead of bare panty area in the wind.

  13. It's not a question of level of revealing. If an unarmored character doesn't want to wear much, whatever; they're still being consistent. The problem is when characters actually bother wearing armor but leave holes around their ass or crotch just to show off their underwear.

    This, and I forget she exists half the time.

  14. Nohr has near to no justification for it's actions. They have poor crop conditions so I guess that's a good enough reason to invade Hoshido, but as far as I know they make no attempt to expand upon whether or not Nohr tried to work out trade agreements with Hoshido for food. They kidnapped Kamui and killed Sumeragi, and even though Hoshido kidnapped Aqua, it was an attempt to get Kamui back and therefore justified. While Mikoto apparently had sex with an evil Dragon God but it's unknown whether that was even consensual or if Hydra pulled a Zeus on Mikoto's ass. Then there's the whole thing with Garon being a slime monster and all that.

    Nohr's been a headless empire since Garon died, Anankos is the one that made Nohr attack Hoshido. IDK if it's ever specified if Slime Garon was the one who killed Sumeragi or not, but most of Nohr's actions weren't really ordered by someone with Nohr's interests in mind. It's still a shallow reason, but Anankos (the slime monster was under Anankos' command, remember) had Nohr operating on its own self-destruction and the destruction of Hoshido as their endgame.

    I'm not trying to excuse the plot or anything, just saying what my understanding of the events was.

  15. I think the reason people think Elphin looks weird is he never has his eyes open, and he does in this mug.

    EDIT:Oh, his eyes are open a little in his OA.

  16. The reason that the Awakening characters don't have feet is because they thought that a 3DS cart had less memory capacity than it actually does. They could have easily added feet in a post-release patch, but they didn't bother, just as they won't be issuing a patch to fix this game.

    Adding feet, when the models were designed without them on purpose, is a pretty frivolous use of dev resources in a post release patch...

  17. I see...

    It seems choosing the right palettes is still a weakness of mine... Welp, that just means more improvement to come!

    I'm not awesome with colors either, sometimes I hit a home run, sometimes I'm pulling my hair out.

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