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Book of Ereshkigal

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Posts posted by Book of Ereshkigal

  1. Please tell me the FE4 title isn't based on the 3DS games' in this project.

    The title logo resembles closely the style of the Japanese GBA games, plus Thracia 776 has an english fe logo (sort of)

    Why not make it based on GBA or Thracia?

    Oh, just looked at it myself.

    Yeah, it's kinda ew lol I never liked Awakening's title font

  2. No.

    There's been two Great Lords. One was Chrom's and the other is Lucina's.

    The one you get in Fates is Great Lord (F).

    Great Lord (M) exists in Fates as well, but is skillless. [Chrom's in it in "Encounter with Awakening"]

    Grandmaster doesn't enjoy the same luxuries, and it really is saying "F!Robin doesn't exist".

    I don't think Chrom is promoted before he even meets Robin, though Vincent already said this hee hee

  3. Those are very long sentences.

    I'm having a hard time understanding.... but you're saying that the Avatar in the ending was one from yet another timeline? Interesting, I guess. Shenanigans like that can happen, I imagine, once you introduce inter dimensional portals, after all.

  4. My bet is Asyura, if only because Aqua's name has been localized to Azura and it would be really confusing if there was another unrelated character with a name with slightly different letters and almost no difference in pronunciation.

    It's a lot more confusing than something like Kent vs. Pent and Legault vs. Renault.

    Even if it's not who he's voicing, Asyura's name is not going to make it through the localization process.

    Asura is Hoshidan, right? I hope they'd go for a more Japanese name for him then, instead of ...Ll...Llyewlyn.

    EDIT: Nevermind, he is Hoshidan, but I was thinking of someone else...

  5. I think that bit will definitely be cut judging from FE13's track record

    Cordelia the mentally sound consenting adult had the characterization of a walking boob joke in fe13JP, and almost all of that was cut, with the only reference of it left in the fanservice dlc where fanservice firmly belongs.

    I'm thinking the DLC didn't have a localization checklist, Nah says 'True Dragonstone' instead of Dragonstone +, Inigo calls the Entombed Mummies, and Henry's convo with Inigo in the future past references HenryxOlivia's JP supports. I'm thinking it's actually a mistake they left that in lol

  6. I was under the impression that Hydra created the curse when he was one being, though it's possible that it could be a product of his evil half. I really hate the curse though, it's even more damaging than the Blood Pacts ever were. I would be so much happier if it simply didn't exist.

    I'll give it credit though, this is still better than Awakening or FE4 lol.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of ze plot curse either.

  7. Finally, Inigo, Severa, and Owain just cause more problems. Ok, the DLC does explain how they got to Nohr as promised. Except that it doesn't explain why Hydra needs these three morons in particular or why he doesn't get all the Awakening children period instead of just these three. Furthermore, he acts like they're actually important to the story which really bugs me because they're not since in the game proper, the game ignores them after they're recruited like every Fire Emblem. Do they give any indication that they know Hydra exists in the story? Because you'd think in the third path that they'd vouch for Kamui and Aqua when they're saying that there's a third enemy. And the curse affects Hydra? Didn't he make the curse? If not, where did it come from?

    And finally how does Aqua know about the Invisible Kingdom and the curse like she does in the story? She couldn't have been told about by someone because they wouldn't have told her (they would've disappeared). That's the real burning question that I want an answer for.

    I don't find it that odd that a curse affects the person who made it, though maybe I just have a different opinion on curses. (Alternativley, Hydra made it that way so his good self would have a harder time telling someone? lol)

    Yeah, not really sure about Azura there, though.

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