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Book of Ereshkigal

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Posts posted by Book of Ereshkigal

  1. Eh, I don't really like either. Jakob's an ass, and Felicia's voice acting is grating. I'd be okay with Felicia if her voice acting was a bit better. Guess I'll vote Jakob because I find him the least annoying of the two?

  2. About IPS patches, you don't always have to 'hard' patch those, I know at least VBA has an autopatcher, just have the IPS patch and the ROM in the same folder with the same filename. VBA will then run the rom and the patch.

  3. Accidentally posted on that other thread. Will copy-paste what I said there.

    Some of this stuff is only said in Revelations

    Corrin already knew how to wield a sword, so I doubt they were defenseless, and if I'm remembering correctly, Ryoma and Kaze were there as well. Also, considering how they were supposed to be peace talks, maybe he wanted Corrin to befriend Garon's own children for diplomatic reasons? Sumeragi was also said to have a similar personality to Corrin in some supports, so being naïve and making stupid decisions is nothing out of the ordinary. Hell, Sumeragi didn't even bring the Raijinto and the Yatonokami with him for that meeting. But this is just my headcanon. The game doesn't exactly confirm anything.

    Sumeragi didn't bring the Raijinto? But he has it in his hand during the cutscene where he gets arrowed to death? Or is there another lightning-y sword that I'm forgetting...

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