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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Posts posted by Silver-Haired Maiden

  1. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, maybe, but who else was there to take the Daein throne? Pelleas is dead and not actually royalty. Soren is the real prince, but he's glued to Ike. So... Yeah. Elincia at least still has her uncle. But Daein doesn't seem to have anyone else.

    Tauroneo could be an option, he always seemed to be the more mature and leader-like of them anyway. I'm not a fan of Soren so I haven't really considered what he would do but I don't see him being a leader type. I dislike that Pelleas has to die in a first playthrough so I would personally get rid of that and just keep him King with Almedha and others advising him. 

  2. 1 minute ago, omegaxis1 said:

    I think Ike actually had an idea on that when there was one conversation where Jill talks to a civilian in PoR, and she declares her hatred for Crimea I believe and will vow revenge on them, which will pass to her future generations.

    That was in PoR, which I haven't played, and still doesn't address the whole "Daein people were robbed and generally treated like complete crap".

    Anyway this isn't what this is about and I'd be happy to discuss this in another thread at some point if you'd like! :)

    Just now, Anacybele said:

    I hate Ike's ending too, it feels forced and out of character just to follow a common hero trope (leaving forever). Ike was all about his family and those he considered family. He wouldn't ever just abandon them. Plus, there was no explanation for why he left. It's just oh, bam, he's gone.

    Exactly! Ike's ending just feels so out of place for me and I'd love to see that changed. I can be a bit of a crack shipper myself so I will admit that I like the idea of Ike and Micaiah (because I'm not of fan of Micaiah and Sothe) and Micaiah becoming the Queen of Daein feels a bit odd to me too. I get why they did it but I think Micaiah would be happier helping her people in other ways, like how you think of Elincia.

  3. 1 minute ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Only problem is that there was no choice BUT to have Begnion handle things. Crimea was still a war torn nation and their ally nation was putting their effort to help Crimea out. Begnion was the only nation left to do anything for Daein. It couldn't be helped that at that time, the Senate decided to trap Sanaki and try to take things into their own hands. The fault remains at the Senate's hands.

    I said Crimea couldn't handle Daein and so them handing Daein over is understandable but it's still a direct result of their actions. The Senate is entirely to blame but Ike and Elincia never even seem to realize that Daein is being handled so horribly and that is what needs to be understood by them. Ashnard was horrible and needed to be stopped. They had to stop him. They had to hand Daein over to someone else and the Senate was horrible.

    But Ike and Elincia needed to see what that did to the regular, not-at-fault people of Daein.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yep, exactly! I even wrote Ike being kinda like that in my fan A support for the two. He feels like he's making himself look like an idiot. lol

    And you're welcome! Another thing I should mention that makes me ship the two, is that I think Elincia would be happiest that way. She hated being queen and never wanted to be queen. With Ike she could let Renning be king and live a simpler life. She was used to sewing, cleaning, cooking, and all the stuff she did in the royal villa, and it sounds like she was happier there than she was being a queen. If she resigned the throne to her uncle, she could marry Ike and do just that, live that simpler life. I know she loves her people and country a lot, but I'd think it'd be interesting if she decided that despite her love for them, she feels she can better serve them off the throne. It wouldn't be just for her happiness, but also for her country and people, since she's also making sure they get what she thinks is best for them.

    If she stayed on the throne and Ike became her prince consort, well, she'd at least have him by her side in addition to Lucia and them to support her through all the hardships of being a queen. He might not like the lifestyle, but I imagine Ike to find people he cares about to be more important than his likes and dislikes.

    I can see that. I haven't played PoR (my net stinks so emulators and playthroughs are a no for me) so I never really got that feeling from Elincia but if that's how she was in PoR then I can definitely see that. I think about the same for Micaiah. She was used to living her whole life in solitude and was then just suddenly thrust to the forefront of a country and war. Besides I didn't like Ike's ending anyway, why would he just leave Mist and everyone else behind?

    3 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Let's also not forget that Daein was clearly the enemy and was trying to start a continent wide war to revive Yune, despite being warned it would result in the destruction of everyone. Ike would not apologize for stopping the Mad King, because someone had to stop him. Furthermore, the ones that made Daein suffer afterwards was the Senate, so why should he apologize for those bastards?

    I already said he shouldn't necessarily apologize and he definitely shouldn't apologize for what Begnion did. But the innocent population had nothing to do with Ashnard and even if they were racists that doesn't mean they should be subjected to the horrors the Senate inflicted on them. Ashnard should have been stopped but it seems like Ike and Elincia don't understand the consequences of handing Daein over to Begnion to begin with and that should be addressed. Of course Crimea couldn't sustain Daein so that's understandable but what happened is just never addressed by the others. It's something I think both Ike and Elincia should have to face. Not be made to feel extreme guilt over by any means, but something they should be made to face and who better to do that than Micaiah?

  5. Okay so I unfortunately haven't had the opportunity to play many of the FE games :( My net isn't great so emulators aren't really an option for me.

    1: Radiant Dawn. This was my first FE game and I love it so much. It has its issues for sure but in many ways that just makes me appreciate and love the game more. I wish I was a better writer or I would go through and rewrite it myself, but alas... 

    2: Awakening: It's better than Fates

    3: Fates: I at least finished it

    4: Echoes: I stopped playing which makes me really sad. I was really, really hoping I would love it as much as RD.

  6. Just now, Anacybele said:

    I can see this. But it's the opposite for me. I feel like Ike growing out of that obliviousness and all would be neat and even potentially amusing character development for him. :P

    This. I think that would have been something interesting to go over in RD since PoR didn't seem to have opportunities for that? Also, confused and flustered Ike could be seriously funny if handled right and would help that whole character development issue he has in RD.

    As for all of the Ike x Elincia stuff I can see where their shippers are coming from now for sure. Thanks for explaining it to me everyone!

  7. 1 minute ago, Icelerate said:

    Ike should apologize to Micaiah for what happened to Daein after PoR. Sure he didn't intend or know this would happen but it is still his fault indirectly. Though Micaiah would have to apologize to Ike for part 3 as well since it was technically an unprovoked war of aggression on Micaiah's part. 

    I don't know if they should apologize... I mean things like this are facts of war, no matter how horrible it might be and Tellius has always struck me as a more realistic view on war despite its fantastical elements. Those should definitely be acknowledged though. Neither of them have ever come across as people that like war but it's still something that should be a lesson to them both. Ike seeing that his actions did cause hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent people to suffer no matter his intentions and for Micaiah to see that in her desperation she really hurt people that she didn't intend to hurt. Of course it seems like Micaiah has more... issues over her actions than Ike, she's not cut out for war I don't think. But in the end both of them were involved in wars and that needs to be acknowledged too.

  8. So what would everyone want to see out of these supports? Like what conversations would you want to take place?

    For example, I'd like for Sanaki and Micaiah to discuss their pasts (and Micaiah trying to kill her cause that's still a thing) and slowly developing a bond. I mean they are sisters...

    Ike and Elincia would be interesting because I didn't have the opportunity to play PoR and would like to see some interaction between them that leads to so many people shipping them. It doesn't have to be anything romantic for me personally, but I can see them doing that.

    Micaiah and Elincia would be interesting to me because they're similar and yet very different. Elincia's been a ruler for far longer and while Pelleas is technically king (if you don't kill him off), lets be honest Micaiah is the real ruler of Daein. It would be interesting for those two to become friends and eventual allies after the whole war.

    Ike and Micaiah is where it really gets interesting for me because the few conversations they do have that aren't "Stop!" "I can't!" are really interesting. I think it would take some more in-game stuff to make supports between these two work but I would really like to see them get over being enemies at first (and Micaiah's whole resentment of him which she does get over but that needs to be explained other than one "Oh Sothe was right, you're not that bad" thing). These two are the main characters of the game (Yune doesn't count) and it's odd that they have virtually no interactions. Also it would be nice for Micaiah to have someone that isn't Sothe that she wouldn't have to fear her past and history bothering too much.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    The problem with supporting Ike, Elincia and Micaiah is that they're the leaders of their respective armies, and thus are literally never deployable together until the endgame, where I'd be surprised to see any kind of supporting.

    Well I did say to assume that any support is possible for the sake of this. Besides I dislike that anyway, the main characters of the game should actually interact some.

    4 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

    Micaiah: Sothe, Pelleas, Nolan, Elincia, Sanaki, Ike, Soren, Stefan, Kurthnaga, Volug, Nailah, Rafael, Laura and Tauroneo

    Elincia:  Geoffrey, Lucia, Bastian, Ike, Micaiah, Pelleas, Caineghis, Tibarn and Sanaki

    Edward: Leonardo, Nolan, Tormod, Zihark and Mia

    Nolan: Micaiah, Edward, Leonardo, Sothe, Aran and Tauroneo

    Leonardo: Nolan, Edward, Aran

    Sanaki: Sigrun, Tanith, Micaiah, Pelleas, Elincia, Tormod

    Vika: Tormod, Muarim, Nealuchi, Leanne and Naesala 

    Laura: Aran, Micaiah, Rhys, Mist

    Pelleas: Micaiah, Tauroneo, Soren, Elincia, Sanaki

    May edit in some more supports later on. 



    I like all of these. I would really like to see Micaiah have some supports with Nailah, she's one of my favorite characters in RD and I wish she was around more.

  10. So it seemed like one of the most popular changes people would make to Radiant Dawn is the addition of supports. That got me wondering, what supports would everyone like to see? Lets just assume that any support is possible for the sake of this shall we?

    Also what would you want the support to look like if you've thought of that? These don't have to be romantic by the way, they can be purely platonic!

    Personally I'd like to see the main characters get supports, especially Ike and Micaiah since they're the two main lords. I'd also like to see Ike and Elincia, Elincia and Micaiah, and Micaiah and Sanaki.

  11. Lets see here...

    Favorite Heroes: Micaiah, Ike, Lucina, and Elincia but my favorite is Micaiah

    Favorite Villains: Ashnard, Black Knight, Dheginsea... all the others just seem to sorta fade into the background in terms of being "good" villains

    Least Favorite Hero: Soren, seriously I hate him. Male Corrin. Azama. Takumi

    Least Favorite Villain: Hans. Garon. Validar. Lekain. I would put Valtome here but he's too entertaining


  12. 1 minute ago, Elincia said:

    Sounds pretty good. It would give Elincia a lot more involvement in part 3. Those 2 deserved the main character spotlight more than Ike, imo. Ike should have played a more minor role, cause he really doesnt add much to the game as its main character since he's already fully developed by the end of PoR.

    Elincia definitely needs more involvement but I enjoy having Ike in RD. I just wish he didn't completely steal the game by Part 3. Of course I'd also like to see more interaction between him and Micaiah as the two main characters of the game, I don't think I'll ever understand why IS didn't do that. The few conversations they did have were really interesting.

  13. Just now, Elincia said:

    That honestly sounds perfect. I really wanted to see some interaction between those 2. IIRC, they dont interact even once, which is really disappointing.

    I thought it would be a good idea and give Elincia experience with Micaiah come part 3 where Daein is dragged into the war. Besides I think those two could have really interesting conversations considering how much they both care for their people and countries. Nailah is great to have on Micaiah's side but she's relatively unknown and everyone involved respects Elincia so it would be nice for her to be a mediator and know something was wrong on Daein's side.

  14. Just now, Elincia said:

    I agree that it was very well written, and  Elincia's character development was amazingly well done despite how short it was. I just personally feel, with her begining my favorite character and all, that she deserved more screen time then what she got.

    Oh I definitely agree with you there, I would have loved to have seen more of Elincia. The only issue I see there is that she would cut into Micaiah's already cut into development time. I did consider rewriting part 2 to be a minor conflict between Crimea and Daein that Elincia and Micaiah have to work together to resolve so maybe that would help?

  15. 23 minutes ago, Elincia said:

    Adding actual supports would be nice, though it would be rather difficult with all the army switching, it's likely they'd be rather limited, but even that would be better than the generic one's we got. Maybe give all the pairs that got special endings together actual supports.

    Also give certain characters more play time. Lucia gets like 3 chapters of availability, Elincia and Geoff get like 4, and Tomords' gang get maybe 5, its pitiful.

    Make part 2 longer, as much as I love that part, its way too damn short. You could easily take at least 2 chapters from part 3 and make part 2 longer.

    Lastly, give Micaiah the main spotlight, not Ike. Ike already had an entire game dedicated to him, he didnt need to take the center stage again. 

    I agree with all of this except maybe the part two thing. It was a really well written chapter but it seemed largely unnecessary in the grand scheme of the game. I love Elincia, she's a great character and Lucia and Haar are two of my favorite units, but I feel that part 2 could use a major retcon to make it important to the game before it was made longer.


    That being said it seems like everyone wants more supports so I might make another topic about just that later on, I'd love to hear what everyone would like to see!

  16. 19 minutes ago, Kahvi said:

    Actually, I don't remember if it's said in PoR or RD but it's mentioned that Ashnard was at first very interested in Soren, due to him being branded and possibly having special powers because of that. After finding out that there was nothing special about Soren, he just lost interested. Still, I don't think it was ever explained how Soren got separated from his parents. Maybe it has something to do with him being branded.

    But anyway, Soren is pretty much my favourite character from the Tellius games. I like him exactly because of his general rudeness and because his personality actually makes sense because of his backstory.

    I don't think that was in RD but it very well could have been and I missed it. The last time I paid attention to Soren's story was years ago. I mostly skip his parts now but that does make sense. It still doesn't explain how he got separated or why Almedha gave him to someone else to be raised in the first place considering her slight obession with her son.

    I don't have an issue with rude characters. I like Shinon but I just don't like Soren. It's definitely more than his rudeness. It's how hypocritical he is, how he has everything special thrown at him after joining with Ike but he still finds excuses to be jaded, everything. Not to mention that I don't like characters whose entire thing is "I hate everyone that isn't *insert character*". Anyway the reason I dislike him is pretty much the reason other people seem to like him so much so I guess it's just a difference in preference :)

  17. 2 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    The nice thing about Soren for me is that he is often rude and unpleasant but he's rarely entirely wrong. Soren has his reasons to say the things he does and they tend to be valid ones.

    The people of that port town really are terrible people, siding with Daein really was a logical option business wise, Begnion really wasn't all that reliable and Elincia really did grew up too sheltered for her own good. That's the thing these sort of characters often get wrong, they are just the most unpleasant jerks around but fail to actually make valid points to support the things they say. Soren almost always has a point hidden somewhere in the rude things he says and even when he doesn't, like in his meeting with Lethe and Mordecai it can be explained through his awful personal experiences.

    I don't really agree with this one. Elincia's tale spends plenty of time hyping up Bastian as an amazing strategist and it says Lucia isn't a slouch either. Soren easily outclasses any Laguz strategist because Laguz doesn't seem to have them and even look down on strategies which is why Soren is there to begin with. Soren also proves unable to overcome this sentiment. Even if he charmed Skimir it still ends up with them all not sticking to Soren's plans and getting trashed by Zelgius. You could argue Michy's little fire stunt also got the better of him. 

    Outsmarting Begnion commanders isn't exactly a feat either since they incompetence is a running theme. 

    Just because he's "not wrong" doesn't make him likable, a good person, or anything else. You can be right and still be a complete unlikable jerk. His awful personal experiences as you called them are seriously just sympathy grabs and an attempt to explain why he's such a complete jerk. He's never called out on it in RD, I haven't played PoR so I can't speak on anything he did or didn't do there, I'm going purely on RD here. I have no issue with Shinon even, who is a massive jerk, but at least he's called out on it! Titania mentions that Soren was being rude but... not to Soren and it's immediately brushed off as "Soren being Soren" and hey, at least he's better than he was!

    Again, I haven't played PoR so I'm going purely off of RD here. I get him being better than the Laguz strategists but he outsmarts Zelgius? And the entirety of the Begnion Central Army? They may not be the best but there has to be a few that are competent. My biggest issue is when they literally get rid of Micaiah's foresight, citing "exhaustion" when we all know it's just a way for Soren to keep his winning streak up. Because there's no way Soren can loose to a "silly girl" as he puts it. Also Micaiah's fire stunt didn't actually get the better of him because it didn't work and the only damage done was that they needed to wait for the pegasi to get the oil off their wings.


  18. I really liked that reddit that you posted, thank you :) I do agree that Micaiah and Soren are rather similar but I think they have some key differences that really make me prefer Micaiah. Now I don't have any experience with PoR influencing my opinion on Soren one way or the other so I'm going purely off of RD here. That means that, for me, they get the same amount of development. Also on the whole Takumi thing, that's a good point. I'm not a fan of Takumi either though, I use him only because he's so OP with that bow.

    It seems like many of the reasons people like him so much are the exact reasons I dislike him so much. His backstory feels like a contrived sympathy grab, he's a horrible person to everyone but Ike and no one calls him out on being such a horrible person (in RD). They talk about how he's "better" than he was but if that's better than I'd hate to see how he was before. Not to mention I dislike how he's basically a plot device. Soren is the main reason Ike never looses and as soon as Soren enters the picture literally every other strategist is considered "bad" or they come up with some half explained reason as to why Soren is able to out plan these people. Also if he's actually the long lost son of Ashnard and Almedha then why exactly was he cast out by some random lady that was supposed to raise him? You'd think Ashnard would want to keep him close considering the lengths he went through to have a child with a dragon parent. It's one thing to be cold. It's entirely another to be a complete jerk and he's far from the only one to be treated that way. I get resentment... but he takes it way too far.

    His scene with Aimee was hilarious though, I have to give him that.

  19. So, about Soren. I know lots of people love Soren as a character and to many he's even considered the best character in Radiant Dawn. What I wanna know is... WHY? I personally really dislike Soren, he's my least favorite character in Radiant Dawn and has been since my first playthrough, so I want to know why everyone seems to love him so much. If you don't love him then feel free to share that too!

    Also please be respectful of other people's opinions. I don't want a fight, just a calm discussion and reasons why. Thank you! :)

  20. Personally, though I know it would make for a MASSIVE game, I wish they would remake PoR and RD and put them together in one release. I doubt it will happen but it would be a lot of fun and I really wouldn't mind paying more for it. Especially since I'll never be able to play PoR any other way... and it might help with continuity and all between games too (say with Naesala's whole blood pact issue).

  21. Wow, I wasn't expecting to get so many responses so quickly! This is great!

    I actually made a list of things I liked and didn't about some of the main characters but it's a little long so I might do something else with that in another thing :)

    In terms of the actual game (bearing in mind that I haven't had the opportunity to play PoR):

    Actually develop the DB. None of them got too much development and as much as I love Micaiah they really could have gone way deeper into her backstory. Revealing her motivations and past would go a large way into getting people to appreciate her more than they do. Also Part 1 needs to be longer. I like the thing about fixing the authority stars too! But it seems like the DB really just gets shafted in this game and that's not right.

    Support conversations would be much appreciated and, considering the volume of characters, needed to develop them! I personally would add quite a few.

    Part 2 was largely not needed but as a way to help fix that we could change up the plot of Part 2. I know people want to see Elincia and what she's doing (and I love Lucia and Haar) so I'd still want to see the Crimeans, but perhaps it would be better if it was focused on a skirmish between Crimea and Daein instead of the beginnings of a Crimean civil war. It wouldn't have to be anything too intense. Perhaps the Crimean people near the border dislike that Daein is self-governing again and start fights with the Daein people near the border? That would lead to Elincia and Micaiah (because Pelleas is not a good ruler) having to interact to try and stop the fighting. Besides, Micaiah and Elincia never get to interact and this would help with the huge level gap between the DB and the GM.

    Personally I would split Part 3 in two. The new Part 3 would still focus on Ike and the Laguz Alliance but it would be purely Ike chapters with some laguz chapters in there as well to help develop Skrimir and Ranulf. Everyone loves Ike, I'm no exception, and this way Ike would have less chance of stealing the spotlight from Micaiah and the DB like he does. Also Tormod and party could come into play here to help their levels out. Also include some development for Mist! Everyone seems to forget about her.

    The new Part 4 would focus on the fight between the Apostle's Army and Daein. This would allow more time for the conflict between the two sides, perhaps allow the Crimeans to try and help peace talks (since Elincia would know Micaiah in this and would want the two sides to find some resolution). This would allow time to develop and fix the Blood Pact fiasco, allow Ike and Micaiah to have more battlefield conversations, and keep the DB valid for endgame (seriously, the poor DB). This part could balance between the two sides with Ike winning some and Micaiah winning some. Soren is one of my major issues with the whole Daein vs LA parts but I won't get into that here. At the end of this the whole Ashera thing happens.

    Now this would technically be the new Part 5, but in this Micaiah would not be Yune's human puppet. It seems like everyone has an issue with that, for good reason. I'd like to see the party travel together for a while before splitting up. The two Lords of the game need some time to get to know each other and everyone needs conversations with each other after everything that's happened. This would also be a chance for them to hash out greivances and for Ike and the others to understand Micaiah's motivations behind the choices she made. After a while they could split up and all before coming back to the Tower. This longer part would also allow some more time for the ending's story to develop since it always felt rather rushed to me. I know lots of people have issues with the whole "Micaiah is actually the real Apostle" reveal and I agree. That needs to be done way better. Ike and Micaiah should also do more sharing of the spotlight in this part. Let them both deal the final blow to Ashera.

    There's more of course but I'm running out of time to type so I'll add on more later!

  22. So this is something I've been hoping for a very long time now. Radiant Dawn is one of my favorite games but of course I know it has it's issues, like everything else, so if the game was to be remade what are some changes you would make? I'm interested to know what you would change or what you already really like about the game!




    Secretly hopes that the RD reference in Warriors might mean more...


  23. I think the biggest thing is that I love the GM chapters and don't really want to get rid of them but the DB need more time to develop and be explored. It also does Micaiah no favors that she's essentially villainized as soon as she's put in conflict with Ike. It would be interesting if the game was 5 parts instead of 4 so that Ike and his mercenaries could fight with the laguz alliance but then when they come into conflict with Daein (new part 4 basically) it could go back to Micaiah and the DB for more focus (and levels) for them.

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