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Posts posted by Serea-chan

  1. Bruh, I know, the FE for Nintendo Switch was the thing I was most hyped over in the entire FE Direct. 

    FE Switch isn't going to be like a 3DS Fire Emblem it's probably going to be a lot bigger, given it's jump from handhelds to a home console. I think they're trying to time it so we know of it but we don't know everything about it, because let's be real, almost nothing about Fates was a surprise before America got it. If POI was right about FE16 releasing in Autumn due to localization, right now might be a little too early to release anything. I think we might even get the official FE Switch trailer in English for the first time whenever they announce it. 

    I think hounding Nintendo and believing every "leak" from every source will only disappoint fans in the long run. I don't know if anyone cares for anything I say but, I'd trust Nintendo and Nintendo alone for information, let's just try and ride spring out until we hear something trustworthy. 

  2. There are still 3 months until E3. Let's not start shooting ourselves in the feet just yet. If May rolls around and we've heard nothing about it then worry about it being shown in E3. Nintendo is a business and I'm certain they know what they're doing when it comes to announcements. Even if tomorrow there was a "surprise Direct!" and they give FE an announcement and release date, what happens if that release date is right next to something huge like Pokemon, for instance? You'll have an almost identical scenario with what happened with FE Warriors. Remember, good things come to those who wait. 

  3. Yes because Da Nova would know about Nintendo events, not ya know, Nintendo themselves. 

    Har har. Shit post about not getting a Nintendo Direct, so original, it's almost like calling Yuri on Ice, Yaoi on Ice, original. 

  4. Can I ask why so many people are so convinced we'll see anything about the Switch's anniversary? It's nigh impossible to predict directs. I'm seeing a lot of people building their hopes on a direct that may or may not happen.

    Not proud to admit this but I tend to stalk POI's twitter and he said the game got delayed into Fall 2018 to get it ready for a simultaneous world wide release. If I had to give an educated guess as to when the next direct would be it'd be mid-March to mid-May time window. 

    Shouldn't we get hyped over directs that we know are going to happen? Not probable direct dates?

  5. 4 minutes ago, IEatLasers said:

    I’m talking about prince of iris yeah! On reset era he said Feb, so did Emily girl 

    POI did say afterwards...

    To answer the question, my initial understanding of what the showing is supposed to be was a Nintendo Direct, but at this time I don't have anything conclusive enough to determine how exactly that will play out. It may or may not, I don't know right now. If you happen to come across any older claims from me indicating otherwise, I would suggest not relying on them so much. But yes, multiple sources have told me that Nintendo will deliver additional news about Nintendo Labo next month. I continue to stand by this.

    The last three points in no way influenced how I was left to believe there's supposed to be a Nintendo Direct in February though, because they only occurred to me after the fact. I think there's decent reason to have hope for another one soon, but at the moment I don't have enough to say for sure either way.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Hawkatana said:

    Since when has there been a Lucina archetype? The only other character I can think of with the mysterious woman well informed of the plot description is Azura and that was just down to Fates's bad writing.

    While not a lady, Conrad does sort of give off Lucina-esque vibes. In a mask, seems to know important things about one of the lord etc.

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