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Posts posted by Hawkwing

  1. If you ate it already, he leaves the army. Otherwise, he steals it back and booby traps it for the next time you attempt to take it.

    Every dream I have that features the taguel also involves trampolines somewhere, somehow, for some reason. Yes, that reoccurring dream is still reoccurring and I don't know why.

  2. The weapon triangle tends to pop to mind even in games that don't use it. Lances at least do tend to have an advantage over swords in most games as well as in real life, so that helps out in some cases, but that's really the only example I can think of, personally speaking. I've had a multitude of Fire Emblem related dreams, but considering how many dreams I've had about videogames, that's nothing really special.

  3. You have to treat every map as if the objective is "rout the enemy", even the ones that have dozens of turns of reinforcements, you are forced to visit every village in order to slaughter all the residents, you have to kill every single member of your army, and finally somehow have both your lord and the final boss simultaneously kill themselves in order for the ending to play without it being registered as a game over. Have fun!


    I wish that a critical attack animation for gauntlets is for the unit to suplex their opponent.

  4. Banned, because the last time I logged in was Wednesday and I didn't end up saying anything because I decided sleep was more important than what I was going to say (since I could always finish it later).

  5. I don't know whether or not these would actually sell poorly or just the opposite, but I am curious on others reactions since they were actual dreams I had:

    1. A turn based tactical game that had some time reversing mechanic and a few adventure game elements outside of combat, but the real twist was the aesthetic was that the characters were toys. Mostly action figures, but there was some Legos and others thrown in. They moved in an interesting mixture of stop motion and a comic book style, and is was surprisingly gritty too, with chunks being blown off when hit in a manner that was neither clean not pretty (headshots only took off part of the head, for instance).

    This is one of those ideas where the aesthetic and animations definitely sounds cool (especially given the graphics of today), but I see trouble with who the heck would you market it towards.

    2. A doodle jump pinball gacha game with the some rhythm game elements as well as combat and boss fights. The artstyle reminded me of Arknights for some reason (despite the fact I've really only glanced at the game because the tower defense looked interesting but I didn't have space on my phone to spare) and the setting seemed to be inside this giant sci-fi tower that decided everything should be black except for lights on the side of the room. It was also a trampoline park that had anti-gravity trampolines and other floating objects that gave a boost in height, and I have no idea what that hell the story was aside from the characters wanting to reach the top and defeat the bosses along the way.

    I have no idea what I did that day to inspire this, but the combination seems strange enough I can actually see it working.

    3. A Metal Gear game where Snake has to use social stealth in order to avoid suspicion while driving a semi secretly carrying a nuke across the country to safely and discretely dispose of it.

    Far from the weirdest Metal Gear dream I've had, but most certainly the one where the gameplay was extremely different from the series standard.


    Again, I don't actually know how well these would actually sell, but these dreams came to mind for some reason when I saw this topic. I am kinda curious if anyone has any thoughts on them.

  6. Granted, but they only updated it to play on the Nintendo 64 in all its 3D glory, and the worldwide translation is in Braille.

    I wish that it Three Houses didn't take around 60 hours to get to the timeskip portion of the game.

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