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Everything posted by DestructionDragon360

  1. Wow, that was harsh. I suppose FE6 really does earn its reputation as one of the hardest games in the series. Apologies for your loss of a talented Sage, Hugh was really putting in work on your team.
  2. Aw man... And after such a great FE6 run too. I think I'm gonna cry, man. Your runs are so beautiful. Every time I think you've plucked my last heart string, you find another one to hurt me with. Thank you.
  3. It's really too bad for Margaret and Cecilia that they don't realize Ruben's not responsible for these two's appearance. Also, don't make the mistake of thinking FE8 is too easy. I just finished Chapter 6, aka Worst Fog of War ever, and the map was determined to chew me up and spit me out. Even when I had a perfect strategy mapped out, I had to play it over and over because I'd keep getting killed by a series of low% hits. And no one was safe from it. I lost: Eirika, Franz, Vanessa, Natasha, Colm, and Neimi on that map, once each, at least. And the map only deploys 10 units!
  4. Well, at least the misadventures of the Archanean Army are fun to watch, even if the fighting is... not so much. Loving the spritework though, you've got a good eye for color. Also, lol Margaret, you played yourself.
  5. Well, Ruben's certainly not a traitor, so whoever he's calling over is going to be an ally. I wonder who?
  6. I highly doubt you and I have the same tastes, Ruben. Frankly, I'd marry Katarina. She's so loyal! And then we'd adopt Nino and Amelia and Mozu and all the helpless little girls who need a home.
  7. Tate if you die I'll kill you. And your family. And your family's family. Oh wait. They're all already dead. Or benched. Which is probably worse.
  8. Glad to see Humphrey the Humongous Asshole doesn't have total dominion over Lugh! Though, I'm not sure what Ruben and Ellen did to stop their combined dark magic attack. Also: NOOOOOOOO! WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYS!
  9. Holy Horror Stories, Jeiganman! Raigh's being haunted! Or going insane. Send him off to Arkham, boys, we got ourselves another villain for the gallery.
  10. !!! Gonzales got Res! This is cause for celebration! pops confetti everywhere now if only he'd get some more skill
  11. Whoa... Everyone should read this LP. I always love a good and fun casual playthrough using whoever, but watching this one develop into an actually compelling character story about units prevailing despite awful starts is just. Whoa. Congratulations on doing something so incredible. Those edits in the finale(especially the Prism Cannon) were amazing.
  12. It really is a shame that you've gotten such good levelups out of this route when Treck, the Best Cav, is dead, and thus this timeline is forfeit.
  13. Treck......... Sleep well, brave soldier. You've earned your final nap. Please for the love of god let Route A go better I don't want to live in this, the Worst Possible Timeline.
  14. And thus, Ogier's luck runs out. Seems the only thing he had a skill for was dying. And y'know, I honestly expected much worse from this when I first started reading the update. I figured Lilina and, I dunno, a squishy like Sue or Elen would have also bit it. Of course, that might just be waiting for us on the horizon in the next attempt at this awful chapter. I'm sorry man, I know you like Bartre, but I don't think I can forgive this chapter's hellish design enough to choose B over A, despite this path giving us an actually relevant bard instead of Tangentially Significant dancer, and the Dad Master Axe.
  15. Wow, it's pretty great to see everyone doing so well, excepting Sue being Sue and Ogier being skilled at luck and lucky at nothing else :P . A shame about Wendy though. I've seen her turn out well, and I thought if anyone could make that happen, it'd be Mr. Demigod Matthis Maker, but I suppose nothing can save a unit in need of babying from her own atrocious bases.
  16. You should edit those two shots of Dorothy critting to make it look like she's infinitely twirling her arrow.
  17. I'm surprised to hear the general opinion of Lilina is low. Unlike Wendy, Lilina is a ranged unit, so her defenses are much less vital to her usability, and unlike Sophia, the chapter she joins in (but in this case, more so the chapter following it) is very easy for her to grind in. Plus, her best stat is easily the best stat for a mage to have! What she lacks in speed she easily makes up for in her capacity to nuke the enemy. Even her relatively low skill is compensated by Anime tomes' high hit, something Sophia will never have.
  18. 2spookyAxeboys Wrys's mastery of disguise continues! Remarkable! I kind of hope Lilina turns out. She's one of my favorite mages in the franchise, right up there with Nino and Lute. Plus, since this is FE6, she's only okay, so it's not like she's too overpowered for you to like or anything! ...right?
  19. Now I see what's going on, Etruria is after Humphrey, and thought that Ruben was him since they're both Tacticians! Kinda feel like calling bullshit on Marcus though. He's been a little too Gung-ho and Lance first to have suddenly grown a brain and recognized our local fatass as the shitlord he is.
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