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Everything posted by Midnox

  1. It's a lovely RPG with an old school feeling in setting and gameplay. Plus it's accessible since you can change the encounter rate and difficulty at any time without penalties (apart from the obvious boss on low level XD). But it has a very...... questionable idea from chapter 5. It's spoiler heavy, but trust me that it's questionable. You may consider watching the ending on youtube once you reach there. Another minor complain is that two of the main characters are rather bland, with Agnes being holier than you who only sees her good, and Tiz being a Gary Stu. But it's a minor complain as I've mentioned previously, because the other two: Edea and Ringabel have enough personality to more than make up for it. The music it's pretty fantastic as well
  2. Well, I've expected better luck with this banner, but spent over 100 orbs with nothing. Had to spend 35$ twice to try my luck once again. Overall, I've got Bridal Cordelia, Ayra, another Genny, another Ike, but at least I've got my most sought of the banner: Brave Lyn (I've chosen Brave Ike as the freevie). I think I'm going to call it quits now that I got what I've wanted, but I would have wanted another Fjorm, and Hector T_T
  3. Midnox


    Hi guys, I got some Fire Emblem fever and thought it's time to join a FE community
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