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Sammy Raeh

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Everything posted by Sammy Raeh

  1. I sincerely hope to see more from you, these are some of the most amazing playthroughs I've ever seen. Your FE6 one took longer to pick up, but the moment you started adding your own unique story spin on things, it became probably one of the most enjoyable experiences. I'm a huge fan of those who add their own unique take on the games, give's it a real feel. FE7 was by far the better one, especially some of those ending scene's, really gives a feel of how much you improved. If you ever get around to any of the other games, potentially FE8 next I assume? Well I'll be there. TLDR: Please make more, these are beyond incredible, your unique style really grips onto the reader and keeps them reading. Thank you for the amazing time.
  2. God's above I've just caught up, and it's been one hell of a wild ride. From the comedy strong season 1 to the almost destructively depressing season 2 (That last quote with Fuchsia brought a smile to my face either way) and now the climatic season 3. I'll be honest and say I cannot wait to see more. I've not had this much fun reading a let's play... well, it's barely a let's play, it's more fanfiction... in the same way Sword Art Online Abridged is fanfiction of Sword Art Online. You've improved basically every single aspect of the story in every conceivable way. Kudos my friend and keep up the amazing work. P.S. Take as much time as you need, story writing is a very mentally draining task and can burn you out very easily.
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