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Posts posted by RuleOfRose

  1. Selena not beeing in the future Sacred Stones banner despite the fact she is the first in the CYL pool in this game(exactly like Severa which suprised me too) to not beeing in Heroes make me wonder if there will be any male in the next Farfetched Heroes.

    Because the first two featuring two males and two females was just a coincidence and represents purely and simply the results in CYL 1 and 2.

    And for the next, if they continue to give 6 characters in New Heroes,(no counting Seasonal and Thracir) we could have: Anna, Jill, Severa, Lilith,  Rinkah in the 3/4 stars pool and Selena in GHB. (and it Explained why they skipped both Severa and Selena before)


  2. I would say Echoes or Thracia before the Fallen Heroes 2 Banner.

    I think a new Thracia Banner is possible soon but not the next one just after Mareeta.

    We had, Alm, Lukas, Genny, Berkut and Delthea in one mounth, i dont think Echoes will be the next.

    Besides alt and Seasonal, I think Sacred Stones is the game with the longest period without a really new Character. Archanea had Gharnef, Echoes had Duma... The last one is Lyon. So it could be a serious possibility(and i admit I'd enjoy it)

    But we had a lot of Seasonal units in one year too(Frelian/Myrrh/Renais Twins/Marisa...)

    I'd put Sacred Stones in first, then Awakening because it's Awakening and we hadn't really anything new but Panne even on a Seasonal Banner.

  3. Sacred Stones - Imperial Three

    -Selena: Blue Tome Cavalier

    -Duessel: Axe Cavalier

    -Glen: Sword Flying

    GHB: Caellach: Axe Infantry

    TT: Riev - Blue Tome Infantry

    Sacred Stones - Traitors Of Grado

    -Natasha: Staff Infantry

    -Knoll: Red Tome Infantry

    -Cormag: Lance Flying

    GHB: Vigarde: Lance Armor

    Radiant Dawn: Daein Liberation

    -Jill: Axe Flying

    -Pelleas: Red Tome Infantry

    -Tauroneo: Lance Armored

    -Zihark: Sword Infantry

    TT: Nolan

    Radiant Dawn - Crimean's Loyalty

    - Geoffrey: Lance Cavalier

    - Lucia: Sword Infantry

    - Bastian: Green Tome Infantry

    TT:Marcia: Lance Flying

    Theme - Lovers Bond(Not Special Heroes)

    -Louise: Colorless Bow

    -Pent: Blue Tome Infantry

    -Calill: Red Tome Infantry

    -Largo: Axe Infantry

    GHB: Brennya:Green Tome Infantry

    TT:Gatrie: Lance Armored

  4. Selena - The True Real One(such a surprise)

    Then for each game, I want the most:

    FE8: Selena, Natasha the queen of Jehanna, Glen, Duessel

    FE9/10: Calill, Jill, Elincia RD(with an improved Amiti please... she's so much badass in her FE10 version... I know she is the perfect candidate for a Staff Flier but... make more sense for the Younger Elincia not this one) Leanne, Nailah, Heather

    FE13: Emmeryn, Flavia/Basilio

    FE14: Nyx, Flora

    FE15: Silque

    Honorable mentions: Tethys, Gerik, Syrene, Cormag, Lethe, Miriel, Reina, Mozu


  5. 7 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

     I'd also add Glen, since I have a bias towards him (my favourite SS character's brother, heck yes), although he could be summonable or a TT reward, since we don't actually ever fight him even though he's on the bad side. If we could get him and Selena, I'd totally S rank them together <3

    Just My Dream <3

    And with Duessel to beat the Valter's GHB with the Imperial Three <3


  6. As i can see, for people who played Tellius saga, it is often considered one of the best in storywise and characters(along FE4).

    And Ike was First during the First CYL.

    Dont forget that tellius characters was split during first CYL. If you combine both version of Nephenie and Mia, both of her are before Nowi. (And Nephenie are in the top 10)

    I think that Soren would gain the Top 20 and Titania too(not sure about this) and they are generaly well classed.


  7. Selena - The Fluorspar




    Base Stats

    HP: 16/17/18
    Atk: 7/8/9
    Spd: 7/8/9
    Def: 4/5/6
    Res: 5/6/7

    Lvl 40 Stats

    HP: 33/36/40
    Atk: 26/30/33
    Spd: 31/34/37
    Def: 17/20/23
    Res: 24/28/31

    New Skills

    Weapon: Sacred Bolting: Mt: 14, grants Spd/Res +2 if foe has sword, lance, or axe, foe cannot counterattack.
    C: Spd Tactic: At start of turn, grants Spd+6 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if number of that ally's movement type on current team ≤ 2.

    Quotes(My english beeing not perfect, there's possible much mistakes)

    Special activation:
    "I am the one doing the killing !"
    "You won't deserve mercy !"
    "I'll show you the Fluorspar force !"
    "My devotion will never fail !"


    "As you want."
    "Yes ?"


    Calill - First Rate Sage




    Rewflame: Grants Spd +3, If unit initiates attack, foes within 2 spaces of target take 5 damage after combat.
    Nihil: If unit has 100% HP, Foe's "B" is cancelled.


    Natasha - Sacred Healer




    Rescue+: Mt:12, Allies within 2 spaces can move to a space adjacent to unit.



  8. 10 hours ago, Cornguy said:

    If its V-day, give us Pent and Louise finally. Hopefully alongside their standard versions.

    I know its also FE7 and all, but how about Canas and his wife, Iris I think? We never saw her, but we were told she was a mage. I actually would love a banner based on off-camera characters. Canas' wife, Neimi's grandfather, Marisa's father, any of the legends/heroes.

    Right, but valentine's. Calil and Largo? Marth finally? Igrene and Astore for a longshot. 

    I just hope they'd do actual couples, rather than "look what cute outfit Camilla/Lucina/Avatar is wearing!" 

    Calill/Largo and Pent/Louise will be great, in their standard version of course i don't want an another Charlotte syndrom (But I don't think these characters are popular enough) :/

    But badly It seems to be an another event banner...

  9. Best: Tellius Saga by far. Large and various cast.

    FE8 and Echoes have some interesting characters. And GBA have a great design and the Remaka go back in a Fe-Type design' since awakening.

    The Worst is Awakening, awful characters, boring for the better, (with despite some exeptions),and the design of them are the worst ever, (what's Cavalier's and Knight's Armors ? WTF )


    Lot of people criticize Fates but IMO they tried to fix their mistakes, it's not perfect, but it's always better than FE13.

    (And it's subjective anyway)


    8 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

    I don't see Colm coming without Neimi. Gilliam, Ross or one of the cavs seems more likely.

    Cormag will most certainly make it in. The question is just when.

    Me too, Ross more likely cause of his popularity (I dont understand why i forgot him each time)

    I wont see Colm without Neimi too but there are lot of characters come without an other that are supposed to be with...

  11. 23 minutes ago, Hawk King said:

    Ephraim would have made more sense on the banner than Eirika because he can support with both Myrrh and L'Arachel. It is certainly looking like there will eventually be an all guys banner. Garm!Deussel, and Excalibur!Saleh with some horse variant of Ephraim. Bows maybe?!  Ranger!Gerik with a Leon stat spread would be awesome too.

    Yeah, i imagined something like this too.

    But more Ephraim with Garm ('cause Eirika has one of Grado's Treasure so why not Eph' ? I know Duessel make more sense, but Knoll made more sense for Gleipnir too...)Cormag, Gerik and one other in a TT Reward like Colm, with Selena on GHB (the only female like Lyon is the only male here).


  12. 4 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    Considering Glepnir, Swift Sparrow and Desperation are in this Eirika’s base kit, it looks like she made to double. Your Mae might need some insane Res, because I don’t see her doubling.

    A Wary Fighter Blue Armor with Distant Counter might be the best bet against her.

    An other reason to use My Mathilda Berkut Lance Distant Counter QR 3.

    Myrrh and L'Arachel were an evidence

    Eirika is a terrible dispointment. I love his art and this character but imo she just stole the role and the spot from two NEW SS Characters(Selena if they really need a Mage Knight...and Knoll if they really need a wielder of Gleipnir... or other popular character in FE8 like Cormag)


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