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Sir Ike

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About Sir Ike

  • Birthday 06/16/1989

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Fire Emblem! RPGs! Brawl! Mario Kart! and a good chat every now and then! :D
  • Location
    Visiting Pherae (don't ask me how)

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

Sir Ike's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Feliz birthday, fellow Ike fan!

  3. Happy Birthday!!

  4. Dunno. Guess I'm just lazy :P. But I just made my first one! -_-'. I'll try to start posting from now on. But it's not a promise lol

  5. Why you never post, Ikey?

  6. I don't have my Wii with me.

  7. too many to remember.

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