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Sir Ike

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Status Updates posted by Sir Ike

  1. Dunno. Guess I'm just lazy :P. But I just made my first one! -_-'. I'll try to start posting from now on. But it's not a promise lol

  2. Oh, I see. Hey, do u happen to have Brawl? If so, how about a fight right now?

  3. MaSu told me you thought you scared me away or sth haha, why?

  4. Greeting Princess, hope u're fine!

  5. :o Oh, thnx :P. So, what have I missed in this time of abscence?

  6. What do u guys do here on the forums to have fun? just chat?

  7. Hi there! sorry, school, English courses and some other stuff don't let me log on as much as I'd like to. What's up?

  8. Hi, hope you're fine as well ;)

  9. Haha, not at all! I've been quite busy, that's all. By the way, what do MOAR and LAWL mean? x_x

  10. Hi there, long time no see, sorry 4 that

  11. Hi there! what's up? anytting new today?

  12. Ok then, I'll work on it and I'll send it to u :D but 2morrow, 'cause I'm going to bed now lol. See you

  13. Then I'll get it right away! well then, nice 2 meet ya. I gotta go, I'm falling asleep. See u around here ok? Bye

  14. Damn... I wanted to have a character in that story of yours /:

  15. So, Tales of the Abyss is the only one out there for PS2, right? (America released)

  16. Hey, are u still working on the story u're making?

  17. But I've seen a couple games in stores, like Tales of the Abyss... how's that?

  18. Oh ok, well, good night Princess, see u around!

  19. Haha, don't worry, never meant to "steal" her from u. Just friends!

  20. In the meanwhile, which Tales game do u recommend? I've got PS2, Wii, GBA and DS

  21. Well, from now on, if u notice I misspell sth, you'll know why ;). Say, why don't u tell me more about u? likes, dislikes, etc. I know little about u

  22. Oh, so u know Japanese... that's cool. Once I master my English, my next language to learn'll be Japanese as well :). So... is it better than the first one? (TOS 2)

  23. Well, I've only played TOS, but yeah, if u like RPGs, you can't miss with this one. You must try it

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