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Everything posted by Alabaster

  1. Alright., I'll use him. XD And I'm happy to know that you are a fan of Pelleas. ù_ù Maybe sometimes we could have a chat in front of a fire and we could talk about how awesome he is xD *_* I think we could be great friends then. You... you just don't know what you did, right? ç_ç Tell me you don't! ;_; Now, this is just awesome *_* What you said is just nearly perfect, it should sound like "Benvenuta alla Foresta ("di Serenes", if you want to add that part xD)". I know that Italian is a difficult language to learn, and there aren't many people trying to learn it, but you just made my day, thank you so much! xD ...Oh, I nearly forgot about Waha Grandpa! *brings tea* ^o^
  2. Alright, I'll do that! ^-^ *O* I never knew I had a neighbor called Waha Kife! I had never thought about it o.o Maybe I should go with the knife, then! Thanks <3 I'm glad to know that you worry about my safety, Waha Kife. ù_ù (And I haven't asked anything ! é_é) Awwww! You're getting old, Sir Waha Granpa Kife! Is there anything I can do for you? ^-^ Maybe do you feel like a cup of tea, or something like that? Sweet! a test *-* Have I passed it? I haven't skipped a thing, I swear it! é_é You're scaring me, Waha Grandpa >_< Alzheimer maybe? Anyway, thanks for the long post, Waha Kife! ^-^ I'll be sure to enjoy it here in order not to be Waha Punished xD
  3. Right. And that's because it was an epic fail ç_ç
  4. Thanks, Light Lord! I will, for sure! uh, hello there kitty! °w° *pets Black Cat*
  5. Ahem... Sorry for not believing in the great god Marcus ._. ! I'm such a heretic! ;_;""
  6. Lol @ Marcus. I voted for Florina, even if I wanted to vote for Sain, since, as he says, "the lance is more heroic". xD
  7. Lyn is great! She's very fast and always turns out pretty good °_° Eirika's and Lyn's cap are nearly the same, and they both reach them pretty well, so it has anything to do with growths. The fact is that while Eirika gains a horse, Lyn gains the possibility to use bows! ** So she can attack from far away and not get hit by most of the enemies! *_* I was quite disappointed about the twins not gaining any other weapon é_é
  8. I just agree with AyraxJamka and FinnxAideen *_* I always do these pairings! I'm also a fan of LevinxTiltyu, (because I just want my Tinny to be awesome xD) and BrigidxHolyn ( Patty... *_*)
  9. Hello, Spykor ^o^! I just prefer AyraxJamka because Skasaha will have all great stats (and luck) and they won't lack skill, thanks to Ayra's blood xD (as you know, Jamka has a quite poor skill growth °_°"" As for Aideen, I usually pair her with Fin. Even if he'll lose the Brave Lance in 2nd gen, you'll get that back in no time. The great thing is that he will have a conversation with Rana in which she gathers +5 mag. (and she gets the prayer skill as well, that is quite useful)
  10. For the look.... I'd say Titania, because I tie my hair up in a long braid. It's just that my hair is of a blonde/brownish colour, not red xD My facial features are not like the ones of Titania, anyway. My cheeks make me look childish, so my face is more like Ilyana's °°" And my temper is a mix of Darcia's/Sierra's. Sometimes I act like Soren too ._.
  11. I think that would be nearly impossible, unfortunately! I plan on bringing everyone at least once in the Final Chapters xD But that's taking a lot of time! O_O I think I'll just pass on units like Danved... xD
  12. Silly me. I began posting and I even forgot to introduce myself xD Hello, I'm Niharu, also know as "Nihalla" or "Nih". I'm italian so excuse me for my english xD I'm a big fan of Fire Emblem, and I especially love FE 4 (The Love system is just awesome ù_ù ...AyraxJamka <3) Right now I'm playing Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (again xD) in Hard Mode. I just plan on using every single unit and I won't stop playing until I'll achieve this xD My favorite characters are probably Oscar, Pelleas, Tinny and Levin (FE 4) and Rebecca (FE 7) ^o^ Right now I'm also beginning to like Aran a lot, because he saved me a lot of times thanks to his awesome defense xD Well, I don't know what to say now... òwò" If you have questions, please just tell me ^-^"
  13. No, unfortunately Zihark is gone if you kill him in that chapter ^^" He just dies, while the others retreat ._.
  14. I trained Fiona once and she turned out great. Her problem is that she's available only in a few chapters of the first part (only 2 or 3, i Think) and you should focus on training her in just these chapters (she also arrives at a very low level!); I think that it's pretty annoying, since she also has mov -2 in these chapters >_< She has very nice growths and if you focus on training her she would be really nice. she was one of my top 5 units at the end! (Yep, I brought her in the Final chapters!) I also use Edward EVERYTIME along with Mia (with data transfer); Right now I'm training Aran and he's turning out GREAT *_*, so you should definitely use him if you want someone that could tank for the others and only get 13 damage from Tiger Laguz units in 3-6 (if promoted, of course ^^) For the others, you have to train Micaiah and Sothe anyway, so... =_= Oh, train Ilyana as well! I usually train Ilyana, Calill, Soren and Pelleas (awesome *_*) and bring them all in the final chapters: they're really useful! User Haar if you want a unit that can do massive damage or Jill if you want a unit that can double. I usually train both and then bring only Jill (but right now I'm planning on bringing Haar... Because my Jill go screwed in defense °__°" well, even my Haar got quite screwed with Speed ._. I'm not so lucky ;www;) xD Oh, you can use Oscar too. Get him to A support with Ike and watch them dodge everything they throw at them *_*
  15. Epic Win: Aran made perfect level ups and kept gaining speed. he became one of my favourite units so far; he's just so helpful in hard mode <3 Every enemy missing Oscar and Ike thanks to A Support *__* Epic Fail: Nephenee managed to get crit-n-killed by a halberdier in 2-3. it only had 2% of crit. I got Zihark to talk to Mordecai in 3-6, he became an enemy and I thought "lol, maybe I can kill him to gain victims and clear this chapter!". I killed him and he died, then I realised he wouldn't come back. I had to reset the chapter (in Hard Mode and when everyone made some awesome level ups) Very epic fail: Everytime my units make nice level ups in hard mode someone kills one of them or something bad happens and I have to reset. °_°"
  16. Oscar ^^ but that's just because he was my favourite character in PoR and with data transfer and A support with Ike he is just awesome >w< He's helping me a lot in hard mode in RD, too!
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