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Everything posted by Swordmaster

  1. Thanks, it was just dumb luck again, on my part. ^^;
  2. In my opinion, Soren has always been the best Sage for me. Most of his stats max out before 20 for me.
  3. Right then... I'm still up for a match later tonight if Princess didn't get the pass.
  4. It's boring but I don't mind it. It still tastes good.
  5. I actually like rice on its own.
  6. It's only natural, however our rate is increasing at an exponential rate. This is caused by all our pollution. It was inevitably going to get hotter.
  7. In most minds, he was the worst person to ever walk the Earth. In others, he was a noble person who wanted the best for his country and its people. There are always two sides to the same coin.
  8. By technicality we're on the verge of a heat spike. Truly, we're just coming out of an ice age. This also happened several times in the past.
  9. Yes... I've had that happen and one of my friends imagined me to be some 22 year old guy with a beard and mustache.
  10. Will more wishes do anyone good? Think it over. The more wishes one has, the more power they have. Power corrupts. I prefer to get rid of that power as soon as possible.
  11. Sounds like awesome fun?
  12. It's cute. I give it my thumbs up.
  13. Swordmaster

    One Wish

    I was just wondering what people would do if they had one wish without restrictions (seriously). I mean... there's infinite power... infinite knowledge... world peace... the love of your life... Personally... I would wish for my fondest dreams to become a reality.
  14. Well they're both awesome. Stefan being branded (and Lion-Blooded) Zihark loving a laguz. I support both their lifestyles, but my vote goes to Zihark.
  15. Zihark is downright the best swordmaster in the game. Best stats (for me anyways) and I love his personality and history.
  16. Facts: Global Warming is defined by the rapid increase in temperature due to the catalysts of human creation. There has been an attempt to remedy this disaster through the establishment of the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol is a treaty of sorts which dictates that each country must reduce emissions by a certain percent by 2010 (if I'm not mistaken). After being thoroughly revised, the Protocol will butcher North America's economy (and a few other countries' as well); in addition, it will do little to remedy Global Warming. It is also noted that some Americans (and people of other nations) deny the fact of Global Warming altogether. Personally, I know that everything shall come to an end sooner or later. I choose to accept it.
  17. Nope, maybe next time. Or maybe just for fun. (Speaking of which, when is the tourney going to end and when is the next going to start?)
  18. Am I a spammer or just a really outgoing poster? I mean... this is still my first day...
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