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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Terrible idea Espi. Unless u want every team to be Mak Brom Ike Oscar Royal lol
  2. Brom Silver Lance Mak, get rid of him once and for all! If I calc'd right thats more than 32 damage. Where's your resolve now mak? :)
  3. I think Mak Brom might be contenders for stuff that isnt fine in cut supports. IDK about Rexflame. Remember that the units that use it are very frail. Its not like Calill reaches unhittability or anything. 97% Avo with neph and like +10 more with Shinon isnt that much. Paladins are lame and should suffer anyway :P
  4. Calill be a bro-ette and Bolting Brom before you fall, crit him too please.
  5. How can he target Calill with my Provoke? Pay attention lmao
  6. 10/1 Chrom 25 HP 11 Str 10 Skl 10 Spd 5 Lck 10 Def 4 Res 10/1 Spd Avatar 23 HP 9 Str 8 Mag 7 Skl 10 Spd 4 Lck 8 Def 6 Res Avatar Pair up bonuses: +2 Str Mag Skl Spd A Support: +4 Str Mag Skl Spd total Chrom after Avatar: 25 HP 15 Str 14 Skl 15 Spd 5 Lck 10 Def 4 Res Validar: 39 5 21 15 13 12 15 12 Grima's Truth = 12 MT = 34 Atk Chrom's mag Resistance: 29 Total, with HP Tonic and Res Tonic = 36 Total. Enough to sustain one blow. Str Tonic Chrom with Silver Sword = 16 dmg per hit. With elixirs/concoctions, you can definetely do it.
  7. I think I've always announced it, even against people like Giffca D:. I just think with how good PariNihil are, it should be announced.
  8. Yeah, I edited it. I guess I should've guessed the Parity myself because he targetted Giffca while I had Provoke. Not seeing it there mindgamed me.
  9. Parity? I thought it was announced no matter what? Well, glad I didnt miss. Also, it cant be 20 damage. It's 19x2. Actually yeah its 20x2. I always forget Brave Lance is stronger than the others for some odd reason.
  10. Well, 70+70+12 = 152-81 = 71 = 83.75 True Hit. So i'm gonna take the gamble and Brave Lance Tormod with Nephinel.
  11. Wolf Falco should both return. They play ridiculously different from each other and have different movesets. Having their own final smashes would be cool though.
  12. That Paralogue would be pretty much impossible.
  13. FE12 is possible in theory In H1/H2. FE13 could be possible in HM with proper Rallying and Tonics. Your best combat units would be like, Libra Cherche Say'ri and Anna for a long time until Tiki though and none of them are good defensively...in a game of zerg rushes. And actually getting the Rallies would be mad complicated.
  14. Vs matches is how I unlock every character. If you want to make it faster, just play 1 stock Brawl/smash 4 vs a friend and voila.
  15. Oscar and Rolf are really good. Boyd is a mixed bag. I think most Ike Rolf Tauro teams lost to Nasir teams though, didnt they?
  16. If on wiiU, yes, it would sell like crap. But maybe on 3DS it wouldnt, what with Awakening making people more aware of FE in general. And if thats the case, Im pretty sure it wouldnt get bad reviews either or any bad publicity, as Tellius is very high quality.
  17. If Nintendo were to remake these, I'd want: Making them a single game would be nice I guess. Though imagine Second Tier Level 20 Greil Mercs haha. And then stuff like capped Marcia, wow. Giving more chapters to the DB. Extended script. Actual support convos. 1-2 range nerfed to DS/Awakening levels. Caps adjusted in Radiant Dawn. Mages to not be completely awful in Radiant Dawn. Maniac Mode for FE9. RD's Maniac Mode to not have the range and Weapon triangle bull. The LEA to not be forgotten til the game is over. Mastery nerf. 3x effectiveness in POR. Bows made useful in POR. I would buy it in an instant.
  18. Seriously, one of the DBs you train can be Third Tier by the start of 3-6 even going fast in NM and at least 3 of them can be used well at the same time in HM (though im actually not sure if 1 in third tier is possible at the start of 3-6 definetely possible after though). So, what's up with this BS i see around here? Note: I've had an Edward that was more leveled than my GM team in a draft haha. The horrors that ensued in 3-E when facing him >_>
  19. Everything that could potentially go wrong for Refa went wrong haha
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