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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Just wanted to say, only sign me up if u change penalties to the newest ones. Geo should be free in 2-3 and 3-9. Lehran and bk should be free too.
  2. I want a fe8 sequel for the wiiu. It would be cool. (Not that its my favorite fe or anything i just think it would be cool mainly because i want another fe where u choose ur route). The route split should last more than 6 chapters this time though and eirika should be an overpowered lord this time. Also, i liked the promotion choices.
  3. @kirsche- it was less proccing a crit and more like reset because i kept getting oscar and boyd until i finally could do the chapter without penalty because ike finally procced a crit. It doesnt matter now anyways as im restarting from scratch soon when im done with red fox's RD ban haar draft.
  4. I finished posting my playlog. It took an hour x_x.
  5. I couldnt recover the post :(. Im at 3-E. I guess ill write bits then another bit so i dont have to retype a lot if its lost. Edit: Part 1 --- Part 2 --- Part 3 --- Part 4 team distribution: --- Expenditures:
  6. I just wrote part 1 and it got erased due to an error. Ugh i hate this phone. I really dont want to post all that again! Cant i recover it somehow?
  7. I wouldnt restart for resolve if it wasnt hm. Berserk ashnard is ridiculous without it.
  8. @rk- the game counts 2-p as 9. I finished part 1 in one sitting just now. 68 turns, post log tomorrow cause in 3 hours ill be gone for the rest of the day. My turncount is no match for rk xd. i got 5 in 1-p, 6 in 1-1, 6 in 1-2, 7 in 1-3, 7 in 1-4, 6 in 1-5, 4 in 1-6-1, 2 in 1-6-2, 6 in 1-7, 5+4 tormod (9) in 1-8, 4 in 1-9 and 6 in 1-E. Totaling 68 in part 1. Volug micaiah and sothe alone couldnt handle 1-8. I wish they could. Btw my micaiah is ridiculously blessed. 19 speed + resolve+ sothe support = dead throne room in 1-E. Volug reached s strike. Sothe is also speed blessed. I want to get neph but i cant play for the rest of the day. Note to self: trade marcia's javelin and steel lance to nealuchi >_>.
  9. I just found out i have to restart all the way from prologue due to missing resolve in chap 27...great. But at least itll give me an opportunity to erase the shinon gatrie penalties and get a better turncount.
  10. I guess ill just play for the fun of it like always. Im gonna try but i highly doubt ill ever beat ur turncount lol.
  11. 62 turns in part 1 and has haar. Do i even have to bother finishing? I already know who won...
  12. 4-E-1 preparations: rolf gets a bunch of steel LANCES and keeps his silencer. The purpose of this is to use double bow as soon as he gets it by sending his only other equipable weapon to the convoy. Micaiah gets a bunch of arms scroll. Nolan grabs urvan. Skrimir gets a wing. Stefan grabs 2 tempest blades. Soren gets C staves with arms scroll. Marcia bexpd to 20. --- Part 4-endgame-1 4 turns/35 Killed hetzel and the sleep bishop with help from rafiel. Nolan had to smite ike. Rolf kills the double bow guy and sends silencer to convoy. He has provoke btw. General rape time? Yes. Marcia kills blizard mage and blocks rolf from the mages. Stefan lyre and tormod go east while soren and micaiah go west. Rolf double bows lekain. --- Unit Lv xp Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res support Strike Ike 18 48 65 37 12 40 37 22 32 15 A soren Ss Swords A Axes Micaiah 3 76 43 12 33 25 29* 39 17 34 A sothe Ss Light S Staves Marcia 20 00 50 32 17 35 36 35 28 34 C skrimir Ss Lances B Swords Rolf 16 66 60 36 10 40 34 29 32 23 A lyre Ss Bows Soren 19 29 50 23 40 34 32 29 24 36 A ike Ss Wind S Fire B?Thunder C Staff Tibarn 32 72 68 19 02 24 20 30 17 10 Ss Skrimir 31 12 72 24 03 15 16 25 20 09 C marcia S Lyre 28 22 54 12 10 17 20 24 9 10 A rolf S Stefan 11 23 54 27 7 40 38 20 23 16 Ss Nolan 15 68 65 38 9 36 35 30 29 20 Ss axes Tormod 16 23 50 24 37 30 32 18 25 31 Ss fire ?Thunder ?Wind E Staff well, that took a lot of time tomorrow i write 4-e-2. >_>
  13. I stopped reading when i saw edward in the same category as scrubs like leonardo...really?
  14. Ok i just thought it was like some other defend chapters like chap 13 that can be completed early by routing. So, umm time to post my log. *Starts editing* --- Chapter 16 7/104 Sothe got the full guard. Everyone rushed to the throne room. Titan hammered the boss and ike seized. Unit Lv xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Ike 17 66 39 13 4 15 17 11 11 6 B soren C titania Titania 10 45 41 17 6 18 19 15 14 10 C ike Marcia 4 74 40 16 4 18 22 11 16 13 B rolf C kieran Soren 18 09 26 1 17 17 15 9 4 17 B ike Rolf 18 52 29 11 3 16 15 12 11 5 B marcia Kieran 2 12 38 17 3 15 20 10 15 5 C marcia Astrid 12 08 26 12 4 13 14 7 8 6 --- bexp+50 on ike soren rolf and astrid. Max mt crit hit thunder forge for soren. Ike x titania c. Full guard on marcia. --- Chapter 17 (17-1: 4) (17-2: 4) (17-3: 10) (17-4: 3) = 21/125 17-1 was straightforward marcia flew north while the others handled the other enemies. -- 17-2 marcia makes her way to the arrive tile while the others stay back and milk cexp. --- 17-3 Marcia goes south and obliterates everything. Shes a orko machine and with wings :D. I routed on 4 but its 10 turns forced :(. I had astrid and ike (weighed down but didnt matter much) take on reinforcements. --- 17-4 marcia flies to oliver and orkos him with her forge. <3 the others milked cexp. --- Unit Lv Xp Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Ike 1 00 44 17 6 18 20 12 15 8 B soren C titania Titania 11 10 42 17 6 19 19 16 15 11 C ike Marcia 8 89 43 18 5 20 25 12 17 15 B rolf C kieran Rolf 1 20 33 15 5 19 18 13 13 8 B marcia Soren 20 53 27 1 18 18 16 10 4 19 B ike Kieran 4 80 39 18 3 17 21 11 16 6 C marcia Astrid 19 72 29 15 5 17 18 10 10 7 C sothe --- 18 Base: Marciaxrolf A. +50 bexp to soren (promoted) and 50 bexp for astrid. --- Chapter 18 9/134 Marcia flies around headed for the ravens. Shinon is killed by kieran. Astrid and titania handle reinforcement. Astrid promoted and started using hand axes. Unit Lv Xp Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Ike 1 69 44 17 6 18 20 12 15 8 Marcia 12 24 45 20 6 23 27 14 18 16 Rolf 2 00 34 15 5 20 19 13 13 8 Titania 11 45 42 17 6 19 19 16 15 11 Soren 1 63 31 3 19 20 18 10 6 21 Kieran 6 09 41 19 4 18 22 11 16 6 Sothe 9 01 doesnt matter lol Astrid 2 34 36 18 7 20 21 11 13 10 --- 19 base: spirit dust on soren. +50 bexp on ike soren astrid and marcia. --- Chapter 19 3/137 Everyone heads for boss then marcia orkos. Unit Lv xp Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Ike 2 63 45 18 6 19 20 12 15 8 Titania 11 45 same Marcia 13 31 46 20 6 23 28 14 18 16 Rolf 2 65 34 15 5 20 19 13 13 8 Kieran 6 54 41 19 4 18 22 11 16 6 Soren 2 52 32 3 22 21 18 10 6 22 Astrid 5 14 37 19 8 21 22 12 14 11 --- 20 base: +50 bexp to ike soren rolf astrid and kieran. Ike x titania B. Hand axe forge for astrid. Arms scroll on soren and give him meteor. --- Chapter 20 5/142 Marcia goes to shiraham Soren (who got shoved) meteors him and marcia finishes him. She arrives next turn. Unit Lv xp Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 3 69 46 18 6 19 21 13 16 9 Titania 12 10 43 18 6 20 20 16 15 11 Soren 4 20 33 3 23 22 19 11 6 23 Marcia 14 58 46 21 7 24 28 15 18 16 Rolf 3 85 34 16 5 20 19 14 14 8 Astrid 6 92 38 19 8 22 22 13 14 11 Kieran 8 55 42 20 4 19 24 12 17 7 --- 21 base: gave kieran the book. +50 bexp to ike soren rolf kieran astrid. --- Chapter 21 9/151 Marcia chugs a pure water and rescue drops soren and they team up on tauro and the generals. Marcia kills the sleep staff user. Ike with boots keeps advancing. Sothe got the drop with help from the pallies and rolf. Ena is orkod by a thunder crit with ike support. Unit Lv xp Hp Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Ike 5 05 47 20 7 20 22 13 16 10 Titania 13 13 44 18 7 20 20 16 15 12 Soren 6 61 34 3 24 23 20 11 6 24 Marcia 15 93 47 21 7 24 28 15 18 17 Rolf 5 37 35 17 6 21 20 15 14 9 Kieran 10 82 43 21 4 22 25 12 18 8 Astrid 9 16 39 21 8 24 24 14 15 12 --- 22 base: +50 bexp to ike soren rolf astrid kieran and titan. Energy drop on rolf. Finished marcias lv. Hand axe forge for kieran.
  15. U were awesome elincia. I like how u made mist and lethe work. And i loved reading ur logs. U wont beat my turncount though because i finished with 259 turns but you did well. You pulled below 300 turns with a team that would give me or anyone trouble. :) Edit: i just realized i never posted endgame x_x. Ill post it later today. It was 4 for 4e1 1 fos 4e2 1 for 4e3 1 for 4e4 and 3 for 4e5.
  16. Please answer my question, 17-3 forced 10 turns no matter what i do? I routed the map in 4 turns but nothing happened. Im already at chapter 19 but i left a save just in case.
  17. @Soul- zihark is just decent imo. Hes sooo frail x_x
  18. Btw im gonna be busy with a path of radiance draft im at chapter 18. Once im done ill start with this. Also: Volug: he was the only good db unit left. He'll be a great help. Nephenee: an amazing unit. Helps in 2-2 and later joins the mercs so she becomes my main part 3 unit. Calill: the best mage in the game imo. Shes a great help in 3-9 and will be my main attacker in the desert. Janaff: figured id try him. He should be a big help even if his availability kinda sux. Rolf: helps a lot in part 3 with his player phase 1rko'ing. He'll be awesome in part 4 too as always. Nasir: Most of my team cant double auras normally but can with him. Nuff said? Tauroneo: wanted some help in db just in case things go wrong with volug's lack of 2 range. Pelleas: will help with reinforcements in 4-2. Staffbot after that. Kyza: not sure why i picked him tbqh.
  19. Why is rfof so far into the game when i havent even started? What is this madness?
  20. I routed 17-3 in 4 turns but it didnt end. Is it a forced 10 turn? Btw bexp limits on marcia only serve to give her a slow start but once she gets going, shes as ridiculous as always.
  21. Im not laughing at ur turncount. Its just 3-4 has always been 1 of the easiest maps for me so i find it hard to imagine someone taking so long on it. :p Not making fun of u or anything.
  22. Idk why balcerzak thinks my part 3 is weak. Neph with a crit forge+promotion will make part 3 a walk in the park plus i got rolf as neph backup then janaff comes along. Volug has been proven an excellent and reliable db pick time and again.
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