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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Weirdly, after using it a lot, I've grown fond of Shade/Provoke. Currently all they do is attract Nihil and Parity users though which is a shame. But thats a problem with Nihil/Parity more than anything. I say ban on both the dragons. Theyre annoying and just slow down progress of the match as well as make for some pretty broken combos. Speaking of, you do realize there will be split opinions between the ones that want something gone from ENAsir and the ones that think theyre fine? I mean, theres only one theyre fine and the others are multiple, so its almost like its rigged. I voted get rid of everything else. Including Reinforce stealing corrosion etc. because theyre needlessly complicated and a chore for the host.
  2. I have the emu, just didnt find the .iso when I checked. At least I wouldnt be delaying it on purpose unlike you ;)
  3. I have a hunch that tells me Venno will win this one.
  4. What? That wasnt what I said at all :/. What I meant was what dondon explained. It's gay and takes away from the custom aspect if the one wielding Nihil doesnt care about any skills his opponent might have. They dont even have to scout.
  5. Caeda joins in Chapter 1 in FE11 and recruits like 5 characters. Her death changes the ending even. She's also present in since Prologue 4 in the Prologue of FE12 and then rejoins fairly early (Chapter 4 technically 5) in the maingame. So I'd say she has a lot of screentime :P
  6. Shouldn't the Resolve be declared before each Peg attack? thats why I didnt think it would be that.
  7. You'll have to make it through Venno and a few others first! and Id have to make it against shin/horace!
  8. Shin is not gonna be Shinning this one! I mean winning!
  9. Take a look at the teaser for SMTxFE, which shows all the lords, except for 3 that stand out: Lilina Elincia and Caeda. Does IS consider them lords? What about you, do you consider them lords? I personally considered Elincia and Caeda lords for the longest time but I never considered Lilina one...
  10. It's ridiculous how much better I am at this game now when compared with my first Lunatic playthrough in 2012. this is my Marth in Chapter 13x in my previous Lunatic playthrough. This is 5 levels lower than this faster run. I've gotten so much better at exp distribution, I guess. Anyway, Chapter 14 vid is coming tomorrow ^_^
  11. 15. Nephenee - her class and stats/growths make her a fun and unique unit. The colors they used on her design is pretty cool too. 14. Eirika - I liked her journey and growth as a character. 13. Lucina - I like her design, clothing and attitude. Also fun to use. 12. Cherche - Genuinely likeable and funny, which is rare in Awakening. 11. Milady - such a great unit. It always amused me how broken she is. 10. Cordelia - Kinda a misunderstood character. Shame. I quite like her design and her color of hair. Dedicated at whatever she does, which is great. 9. Edward- His wrath Resolve shenanigans are fuuuun and an intense way to play 3-6. Generally a fun unit to use for me. 8. Soren- This guy was my favorite character period, once. In my first playthrough of my first FE: FE9. He's such a unique character. I like his design. Calculated tactician, blunt and to the point. 7. Jill- Most well-developed Tellius character. She's also great to use and has a wyvern and red hair. Always a plus. 6. Micaiah- My second most-favorite lord of FE. I felt she was pretty unique and had to make some tough choices in the game. I like her character a lot. 5. Marth- My Smash Bros. main and favorite lord in FE. I quite like his character and his story. Got me into FE indirectly. 4. Caeda- Probably one of the most likable FE characters period. Has a lot of traits that make me like her and has a lot of conversations that show her character. 3. Ryan- An archer like me and shy like me. One of the only archers that can be succesfully used from start to finish in LTC, which is cool because I quite like the class and am always sad in the other FEs because I can never use archers. A very fun unit to use for me. 2. Marcia- My favorite character for quite a while. Her lines are pretty much golden. She's funny, likable and a great unit. 1. Palla- My favorite character in FE. I quite like her design. I like her character. I like how she is stronger than your average pegasus and of course, I have a lot of fun using her.
  12. But you're assuming the Calill didnt have Vantage. If I had suicided Boyd into Calill, there was a chance it wouldve been an even worse mistake in either Vantage or Resolve (which wouldve caused another death too just because I chose wrong). You had Refa's team knowledge, but I didnt. Just, remember that for a sec.
  13. So, basically, the meta should revolve around countering Nihil teams? Heh. You do realize there is a thing called "overcentralization"? Sure, a team made against Nihil will have a good shot, but why should teams have to be built around countering an specific something?
  14. Not really. Any attack of mine wouldve put Calill in Resolve range (no way to know if she had it or not really) and the Vague KAtti crit was my best shot at outright winning the game. (vague katti works for everyone else, why shouldnt it for me, right? but welp). Anyway, if Refa had chosen to cripple my Tauro with his Nihil, I lost anyway, so I had to do whatever I could to prevent her from doing that. But there was really no way but risky moves.
  15. But you suck, so how can I trust what youre saying? :) Joking. But really, time will tell if its truly OP or not. I'm leaning towards it being OP based on evidence. You're just theorycrafting.
  16. They can run units that need no/little investment like Makalov and Ike though and pour all their boosters on the 2 Nihilists that need them, Calill and Nasir. Like Horace said, it's really a battle of stats+skills (Nihil team) vs stats only (any other team) EDIT: Which reminds me, why is Ike still allowed? It seems problems are all he causes. Ban Ragnell, Ban Oscar, hes still one of the best. Why not just flat out ban him and get it over with?
  17. You're underestimating Nihil severely. Calill might be a bit weak, but she's still a really big threat because of Nihil. She hits most of the meta for more than half their HP, can run Vantage or Resolve along with Nihil, which is a pretty tough combo! Using an all-Nihil team makes it stats vs stats and not much thought involved if im being honest. You don't have to scout anything because lol everyone negates everything. You don't worry about any of the opponent's skills because lol you negate everything (thus making custom skills completely irrelevant) and you can still run your own skills. EDIT Add: In other words, what Im trying to say is that full-Nihil is lame, unfun and I'd be surprised if Refa (or anyone else running the team) doesnt win. EDIT 2: We should consider doing something about Nihil after the tournament.
  18. Meh, theres like a million Spirit Dusts available so I'm not too worried. She is going to be a Sage for a long time now though, including Chapter 14.
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