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Everything posted by PKL

  1. So, I was trying to 4 turn Chapter 14 and I came upon this issue. There's 3 enemies near the throne that block the hallway in the last turn, so I have to kill them with 3 units. Doing so blocks the hallway completely, so Linde cant rescue Marth to the appropiate place to seize. So, the logical thing to do then, is to trigger these enemies earlier, right? Well, the thing is, Marth needs to get rid of 1 enemy in Turn 2 instead of obtain the Starsphere or Feena dies to that enemy. There's no one else available that turn to get rid of that enemy. There's also the issue of triggering the bottom reinforcements too early, which gets Etzel killed...the only way to do this would probably be to get rid of Etzel in favor of another combat unit. Though this presents another issue...no one can use the thief staff to obtain Again, since Malicia is too busy fortifying. Perhaps the best TC possible is indeed 5 turns. Ideas are welcome.
  2. Why is Green success and Red is failure? Dat's racist!
  3. I RN 3 numbers whenever theres a crit. If theres no crit and its 100%, I don't RN at all. EDIT Should just RN for crit only I guess. But its TOO HARD to go back and put only RN me 1 instead of just keeping 3. EDIT 2: Yeah, im inconsistent because I remember rolling 1 RN with a 100% Hit at one point.
  4. [spoiler=teams] Shin's Team vs Dio's Team Turn 18 vs Dio's Nephenee (Silver Lance) attacks Shin's Gatrie (Silver Lance)! Nephenee's Wrath activates! 15 dmg 100% Hit 51% Crit (95 21 60) Gatrie receives 15 damage! (20/59) Gatrie's Resolve activates! Gatrie's Wrath activates! 40 dmg 100% Hit 48% Crit (56 22 91) Nephenee receives 40 damage! (0/52) Nephenee falls! Shin is the winner!
  5. [spoiler=teams] Shin's Team vs Dio's Team Turn 17 vs Shin's Gatrie (Silver Lance) attacks Dio's Brom (Silver Lance)! 16 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit Brom receives 16 damage! (0/55) Brom falls! Shin Shinon 00/53 Gatrie 35/59 Makalov 00/58 Astrid 00/50 Naesala 04/62 [20/20] Dio Ike 00/52 Boyd 00/60 Brom 00/55 Nepenthe 17/51 Calill 00/54 Dio's turn!
  6. Seriously >_> I was thinking I was gonna runesword renewal and try to get a clutch win. So much for that...
  7. Why didn't Refa just Bolting Tauro earlier? It wouldve sealed his victory long ago.
  8. Well, anything I do fucks me up for Endgame. The only thing I can do is pray that 2 Brave Lances at 59% Hit land. So I'll do that, on Calill. GG Refa since Ill miss.
  9. :/ Ike Silver Sword Giffca I guess :/
  10. Fuck it, let's see this to the end. Oscar please pull through. Vague Katti Calill.
  11. I never stood a chance vs full-nihil. Might as well quit. EDIT: Let me think my move or If I quit.
  12. Yeah, one per unit is a must. And Darksphere banned for sure. I would say to give MU a chance. It doesn't seem like he'd be broken.
  13. Yeah, just confirming/checking if Nasir is transformed or not. Boyd, go SMASH Nasir with your Silver Axe!
  14. I think Miledy with a Javelin would have like sub 50 on nomads. Hardly reliable and probably not worth it.
  15. You've played the DS games, haven't you? Then your post is false! Also, pretty sure Tellius (especially FE9 with Titania and FE10 in general) has a lot of 90-100% hitrates.
  16. I think the whole point of the Gaidens was to help people that need the help by giving them free exp, items and a new recruit. Of course, I don't agree with how SD handled gaidens, but just pointing out what i think might have been the reason for the requirement.
  17. Anyone wanna try an FE12 battle with me? What to do with the spheres I wonder? They do get destroyed when they form Marth's shield...but part of me wants to try them out!
  18. Another bad thing RD did is buff enemies through their defenses and resistance rather than their offensive prowess and HP (like the DS games did). This made sages completely awful and low-strength units like Fiona (never stood a chance anyway) suffered even more due to that.
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